Hey folks and welcome to Drinking Alone with Friends, a podcast where three friends drink

alone together. My name's Chris.

I'm having a moment here. Oh, okay. Send help. Good podcast, everybody.

The only podcast where one of us has a stroke, the beginning of every episode.

Today was really bad. Today was a day. What was it? Just life? Wearing you down?

Apparently. What up? It's Todd. There you go. Okay. Good. There we go. We got it out.

There we go. We nailed it. Just go ahead and drop that in at the beginning.

Yeah. Cut out the stroke part. All right, guys. We're gonna do something fun.

I need you guys to give me a name. I need a name. Michelangelo. I couldn't remember my own name.

You want me to give you a name? What about a number? Three, six, nine. Another number.

Is it my turn now? I don't know. Just anybody who says a number. I'll say 120. Another number.

Point zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, two. Animal. Goose. Another animal. Another goose.

A city. Indianapolis. But Montana was right there for you. And state. Plasma. Samoa.

Give me two adjectives back to back. Sleepy and sneezy. Oh, another adjective. Banana-y.

Place. Chris's basement. Family member. I know technically, there you go. Baker.

I was gonna say grandma's pastor. Nope, Baker. Another adjective. Pastoring.

Whatever. Number. Negative three. Noun. Shoe. Verb. Run. Another noun. Dildo. Language.

Esperanto. Is that a language? Yeah, sure. I was gonna say adjective again. I'm gonna let

over to this because I got the wrong. Okay. Well, we did sleepy and sneezy. Dopey.

Adjective and then a noun. Happy. Battery. Okay. Another noun. What the fuck?

Listen, this is intense. Dwarf. Food, drink, food. A boneless beef spare rib.

Milkshake. A chocolate chocolate chip. Chipwich.

And an adjective. I was in my turn. What's an adjective? That's like the one we've been doing.

Descriptor word. Descriptor word. Tired. All right. Believe it or not, people,

the co-host did not know what we were doing before we started this podcast.

All right. Hang on. I have to close all of my Wikipedia tabs on parts of sentences.

How grammar works. Hey, at least you got it right.

WikiHow for how to make a sense. True. Okay. Here we go. Tis the tradition.

So we just wrote our podcast letter to Santa. Here we go. Dear Santa,

my name is Michelangelo and I am 369 years old. I have 120 brothers and 3.14 sisters.

A goose and a goose.

Someone say why he didn't say geese, but sure. Nope. You said goose. I live in Indianapolis,

Plasma. When I woke up this morning, it was sleepy and sneezy outside.

It must be banana-y here when you live in Chris's basement.

My baker said I've been a very pastoring boy this year,

so I'll ask you for negative three gifts for this Christmas.

I would like a shoe that can run. It actually worked out not bad.

And a dildo that speaks Esperanto.

You know, pretty cool party trick to bring out.

Yeah. If you think I've been extra dopey this year, I would also like a happy battery too.

When you come down the door, Santa, when you come down the door at our house on Christmas Eve,

we will have boneless spare ribs and milkshake waiting for you. If you like them,

we will leave out some chocolate chipwitch for the reindeer too. Have a tired flight.

Sincerely, Michelangelo. So, Merry Christmas, everybody.

Merry Christmas. Oh, I hope we get the gifts we want.

It's surprising how much those worked out.

Some of them did. I mean, the dildo that speaks Esperanto, I don't know. I don't know if that's...

I like to imagine that someone is listening to this podcast who's never heard a mad lip before.

They're like, why are they just naming words? And oh my god, poor Santa going down on the door

on Christmas. It's kind of crazy. It's a busy night.

He also gets boneless beef spare ribs and a chocolate milkshake when he gets down.

To wash it all down. That's true. That's true.

It's good refueling food right there. Whenever I have boneless spare ribs,

I'm like, you know what? It'll go great with this chocolate chipwitch.

No, that gets fed to the reindeer, guys. We might murder all the reindeer because I

don't know if animals are allowed to eat chocolate. So...

Flying ones can. I think that's a rule of thumb is that animals that fly can have chocolate.

Yeah. Yes. So, parrots? Okay. Chickens? Not okay. Right.

In case you were wondering. I've seen a chicken float before.

They can flutter. No, chocolate's fine, but anything like darker, like 60% cacao, don't risk it.

Death to chickens. So you could feed a turkey chocolate, though, according to this rule.

I think turkeys and chocolates, turkeys and chickens can both fly, I think, about the same amount.

No, we learned. We learned this, that chickens are like, or turkeys are like,

they fly like 25 miles an hour just when nobody's watching.

They're the reindeer of the animal of the bird kingdom.

We looked this up on this here podcast and I was shocked that turkeys were so fast.

You guys seemed unenthusiated of how fast the turkey was.

I think they can run that fast. No, they can fly that fast.

They are part velociraptor, if I learned anything from Jurassic Park.

Yeah, I think that's correct. Now I have to consult our transcripts. I'm fine to turkey.

Control F, turkey. I'm sure we talk about turkey a lot in various episodes.

13 hits, mostly in episode 234. Oh, wait, no, that's just this one episode. God.

We talk about turkey too much. That was, I think, our Thanksgiving episode.

Even though turkeys have a bulky body, it can actually fly at a speed of up to 55 miles an hour.

I remember this happening. For how long, though? It says not very long.

And that also happens to be flying straight down off of a cliff.

They can fly for about 100 yards at about a top speed of 55 miles an hour.

And they can fly up to 20 to 30 feet, but as high as 50.

Wait, you set up to 100 yards, right? 100 yards, they can also go up 50 feet.

Oh, okay. I feel like that's just a really big jump.

Like when you're going 55 miles an hour, that's just a big jump, you know?

Just telling you, we talked about this. We talked about this this year on this podcast.

This one, like three episodes, two episodes ago, I learned this and I was shocked and you guys

were like, oh yeah, turkeys are fast. You don't remember this? No, I don't remember this.

No, I don't. I remember us talking about getting sponsored by Butterball. I remember that.

That I do remember. Are you sure this was this podcast, not your other turkey-centered podcast?

Yes. Yeah. Do you have a secret avian podcast you don't know about?

Oh my God. Listeners, listeners. Gobble League alone with friends.

I implore you. Do not leave me to gobble alone.

Somebody has to remember that we had this conversation because I was shocked that turkeys

can move that fast. Maybe it was a dream. Yeah, could it be?

Maybe this was a dream to you in a dream. You have the transcript.

I do. It basically says, the turkey gets wet when it hears our voice. That's a true thing

that we said on the podcast. This is from episode 207. Things we said about turkeys gets wet.

You're looking at the wrong episode. Well, I know, but that one was a funnier one.

We also said it's probably got a gravy turkey stout in there somewhere. You want to go more

recent? You want to go to 233? We talked about cyber turkeys. Those are the turkeys that you

buy on the Monday after Thanksgiving. Maybe those ones fly fast? How about turkey sales though?

They're crazy on Monday. You were worried that we wouldn't have a use for the transcripts.

It's already proving to be useful. I think I need to find a better way to quickly go through them

though. We did talk about the turkey talk line in the outro. I don't know. I'm not seeing it, Chris

or Todd, but... Type in speed. On 233? Just in general. He's Google searching speed.

21 hits. Okay. I think one of your handles was how fast your internet goes. It's not

looking good for me, guys. I swear we had this conversation. Episode one, we had a speedway

stout from A.L. Smith Brewing out of San Diego. 179 we talked about. They basically online speed

dating blasted into space. I want to learn more about that. I think love is blind as a handle.

That's the context of that one. I'm sorry, Todd, but remember you didn't remember your name at the

start of this episode. It's also true. It's true. It's true. Oh, man. I'm sorry. I feel like I haven't

been present in this podcast. I've been two in the transcripts. I got to get back. I owe it to

my co-hosts and our listeners. I'm here again. I do think it's funny measuring with one of those

guns that you use to see how fast somebody throws a pitch, but instead it's a turkey

splatting on the ground and being like, checks out to me. 55. How fast can you go 100 yards

in going 55 miles an hour? What's that like? I don't know, a second? Like a couple seconds?

Yeah. A couple seconds. So is that like a- I feel like I'm just making this up now. He has no idea.

Yeah. No, neither do I. He is the engineer amongst us. He could easily figure this out. Yes,

anding the math. Yeah. So like, okay, so is it really flying or is it just one big, one big fast

jump? Okay. That was the case. People would say that the turkeys have the longest jump out of any

animal because I don't, can't name you an animal that can jump 100 yards. I bet you-

I'm sure there's some- Blue whale or an orca could probably jump that far. I'm sure there's some

flapping. Yeah. Some flapping. Now, we have to go to YouTube. We're going to have to watch a

see turkey jumping or something. Welcome to our new podcast, Turkeying Alone with Todd,

where Todd tells us turkey facts. We're done with the beer. We had a good run. Here's over.

We're over it. We don't drink that anymore. We just talk turkey. We just, yeah. You might be

wondering, you know, what are we going to talk about on this episode that comes out the week

before Christmas? No, it's like a couple days before Christmas. We started strong with a letter

to Santa and then diverted right into turkeys. We just can't get those little goblers off our mind.

Would you expect anything less from this podcast, listeners?

No, I really don't. No, they don't. They don't even expect a podcast

most weeks, I'm sure. Okay. Chris, I hear you have a turkey for us to jump this week.

Yup. I got a turkey to jump. I actually have like a very large turkey and a turkey that I am thankful

for. 22 ounces. 22 ounces. I'm thankful for this turkey because it's actually one from

a co-host of the pod. It's not every day you get delicious beers. This one happens to be,

I think, the most infamous of beers that we've had on this podcast. I was going through and I was

like, you know what? It's our Christmas slash turkey episode. What can I have to celebrate

the holiday season? I put in my 2022 rusty nail. Here it is. Look at that.

Yup. Like sexy red wax. I know. I hope it doesn't taste bad.

There's not enough turkeys on that bottle. No, I know. I know.

One thing is for certain, Chris will gobble it up. I will gobble, gobble.

Try not to drink it as fast as turkeys fly, though. You can't. You can't or else you'll drown.

That's how fast. So this is the 2022 variant. So I actually been holding onto this for a little

while and I'm very excited. I know I think Obert's had this on the pod already. Maybe or maybe not?

I don't know. Maybe not. I can't remember. But anyways, it's like, for those of you that don't

know, at least the version I had, which I think was the 2021 variant, was very, very delicious.

So I'm hoping that it stays the same year over year. Now I just got to figure out if I can get the

wax off of it. Episode 202. Oh, okay. Somebody said I have the 2022 version of the rusty nail.

But I think that might have been you saying you were saving it. So I don't know.

That sounds like something I would say, especially since I have it now. So what was that? That was

like over a year ago. Oh, no. I think I did drink it because then I say, complete with very, very,

very long wax, because obviously we all know the longer the wax, the better the beer.

All right. Definitely have opened it at least. Hold on. There we go.

No. Sorry. This is an unboxing of you opening. This is you revealing when you got it in the mail

from me on episode 202. Here we go. I wanted to hear that. Here we go. 50 episodes later.

Is it true that there's a long, long wax on it? Oh, yeah. Oh, this wax. This wax is long,

long, long, dribbling all the way down almost to the end of the label. So, but here we go.

It's cracked open. Let's go ahead and pour out. See how she held up over the last year.

So just a reminder or a question. We don't get one of these this year because Oberton

get them, right? Unfortunately not. I only was able to find one and it's here in my cabinet.

And the only way that we're going to drink it is for all in the same place together.

So there you go. Yeah. So this or if somebody dies, we can have it at their funeral.

That's also an acceptable solution. There we go. It is time.

It's beer 30 and I'm thirsty. I've been working like a dog all week long. So maybe

something cold won't hurt me because it's beer 30 and it's time to party.

Yes, baby. So for those of you that are following along at home, this is an imperial oatmeal

stout brewed with licorice cinnamon bark added in aged in bourbon barrels. So a lot going on.

And I just want to say generally not a generally not a licorice fan personally,

but if it's anything like the one I had last year before a couple of years ago,

I'm not worried. So it's also 13.6% alcohol. So this is definitely a life choice that I'm making.

So I poured it out. I poured it out. Now it's gone. Who's next? No.

I went ahead and poured it. No head. I don't know if that's a typical thing for these kind

of beers. No head. It's gone. Dark as night. I'm going to go ahead and I'm just, you know,

for sake of continuity. Oh yeah, nothing. Not a peep of light going through that thing. So

we're made in the shade like lemonade. I did take it out when we started recording. So it's,

you know, come a little bit more room temperature. So that's good. So here we go. Let's see. Is it

going to live up to the Mr. Oscar award winning 2021 version, I believe, which was beer of the

year. So smells pretty delicious. So let's go ahead. Let's solo cup. I fill you up. Let's have

a party. Let's have a party. We are having a party, Toby. It wasn't even drunk, Toby Keith.

What happened? I know, right? He's sobered up. He's sobered up. I have to click the other one.

Hang on. We have to see. Slow. Slow. Slow. What happened to him? No. I don't know why that one,

I don't know why that one works. I need to, I need to. He got off the turkey and on the turkey.

So this is phenomenal. I don't like, I like, I don't know how they do this. This beer is amazing.

It's so good. It has, now it does have some of that, like you can definitely tell there's

licorice in it, especially reading the bottle. You're like, okay, there's definitely some licorice

in it, but you get this like nice, like oatmeal, stouty, like heavy, thick goodness upfront. And

then it does get like, it bridges into a licorice kind of flavor, but instead of leaving you with

like an anise aftertaste, it then hits you with the cinnamon. And it's just like a perfect ending

to an amazing sip. So it adds a little bit of that. The licorice doesn't add like as much

licorice flavor so much as it adds just like a little bit of sharpness in the middle. And then

it comes back with the, with the cinnamon at the end. And it's just like so good. The bourbon

barrel-ness, it is definitely, it's, it's, it's prevalent. It's got bourbon barrel notes to it,

but it's not like some of these other ones where all you taste is like this heavy, heavy bourbon.

I don't know. This beer is just, it's so good. It's, it's so, it's just so good. It's so good. I

don't understand how they make this beer every year. And I don't remember enough of the 2021 variant

to say that it's like what it, what it is in, in, in comparison. But I mean, this is just,

I don't know, it's just phenomenal. I don't know how they, I don't know how they make a beer this

good. And, and for 13.6%, you can't taste the alcohol, which is also super scary. So it's just,

it goes down easy as a nice sweet, sweet ending with the, with the cinnamon, nice full body.

It's amazing. It's really, very, very good. So it looks like we're going to have to kill somebody,

have a funeral. And so no dibs on that one. We can kill over it. We can just take all his beer.

Yeah, I think this sounds like a plot to a movie, but I don't want to start.

I do have a question for, I guess, more so Obert than Chris.

It's my favorite kind of question, honestly. When you, when you have other Fremont stouts,

because I've only ever had like the, the, the offshoots of the rusty nail, are all their

stouts like of similar good quality? They all, they'll kind of rhyme, right? But I think the

rusty nail is their best one. Yeah, they definitely have a similar formula that they use. But, but

I think it's fair to say that the rusty nail is unparalleled in its, like they have the bee bomb,

and then they also have like the different, like they have a coconut version of the bee bomb and

like a coffee version. I think I'm assuming that the rusty nail started out as like a variant of

the bee bomb. It did not. So I just, so the reason I asked this question is I was trying to get an

idea of what, of how to clone brew the rusty nail. Okay. Well, go on. Well, I'm going to let Chris

finish and then I'm, then I'm going to go into this, but nice little teaser for about three minutes

from now. Okay. Well, I have to say, I don't know if we mentioned this before, but the rusty nail

is a cocktail. This is, this is like how to make the beer. Sure. But, but the, the beer is

based off the flavor profile of the, the drink that you can order in a bar called a rusty,

the rusty, a rusty nail. Oh, really? Yeah. I think it might be that like a liquor or cinnamon,

whiskey type drink, but Chris, you go on your review and I'll look up the cocktail and then

we'll all have something to contribute here. Okay. Yeah. And actually, funny you guys mentioned,

I was deciding between this one and a B bomb variant that I had back there. So,

went with the rusty nail because it's tried and true. And I was like, you know what,

delicious. I don't like this new untapped. No, it's ugly. Yeah, it's ugly. Yeah. Don't like it.

Yeah. It's like pukey green, retro pukey green. Yeah. Yeah. But I think this is phenomenal,

even being over a year old, I guess, I mean, at this point. So I am going to give it a very,

very high 4.75 because it's extremely, extremely good. I don't know. I don't know. Maybe I should

give it a five. I have no idea, but I already said four, seven, five. So that's what I'm sticking

with. Because it's, I can't think of, I can't, no notes, you know, like it's no notes. It's,

it's, it's perfect. I don't think I would change it. So it's, it's a tug four, seven, five is what

you're saying. I guess so. I guess so. I guess so. It's like, I think I gave the other rusty

nail a five. I think you did. Yeah. I don't know. Anyways, I said four, seven, five. That's what

I'm sticking with. Maybe it's unceremoniously a five. A begrudging five. Everybody's favorite kind

of five. Exactly. 4.75 from the Russian judge. Just to confirm, this is not the rusty nail 2022

on Nitro, right? No, it is on Bottle. Just, just wanted to ask. Well, I mean, it depends on which

one I'm closer to. I don't want any controversies. So what do you think 20,

2,157 other people on untapped thought about this? Other nailers. That's what we call ourselves.

I think it's going to be insanely high. I mean, they always are, but it's like how high? How high

is too high, right? Between a 5.1, 5.2. Right. I think I guessed sailboats last week and I kind

of like sailboats again. I think I want to do it. Let's do it. Sailboats 444.

Well, you're very close. You're not correct. Damn it. To 443.

So close. It's been a while since I've been that close. Let's be real. Because it was 447 last

week, right? I know. I think it was, I think it was further off, but maybe not. I remember

making the joke of it being like four and then the last digit was wrong.

Consult the transcript. Well, because I didn't get the point. So like,

you got closer though, right? I think I got close. Or Todd did. Yeah, something happened.

I don't know. I got bamboozled. But anyways, 0.01, baby. There we go.

Just a heads up for you, Obert, for next year for Chris and I. It's released in June.

Okay. Good to know. It does come across my social media feed when they announce it and sell it at

the brewery, but then it's always like, well, when is it going to get to Montana? And that's kind of

an unknown. Well, this is why there's a downfall of you not having social media at the moment. You

completely missed like your local liquor store saying, hey, we have this in stock. Come get it.

Right. Well, yeah, they, they, they kind of keep it hush hush. But anyway, the cocktail

rusty nail, it's very simple. It's two ingredients. It's Scotch and Drambouille,

which is a liquor made from Scotch. So it's that served with a orange slice or orange peel, maybe.

That does not sound as good as the beer. I've never had one. So I don't know. I'm not a Scotch

kind of guy, really. But I think the only time I've had Scotch was one time in a bar,

we were listening to George Thoreau Goods, one bourbon, one Scotch, and one beer.

And was this an, was this an Asheville when Oberth said he's never drinking again?

No, no, no, no, no. This was in.

Jewett City.

Plainfield, Connecticut. Yeah.

And, and someone ordered the, the, the said drinks thinking it was a good idea.

I think they call that a Thoreau Good, right?

Is that what they call it? Is that, is that actually?

I believe that some bars do actually call it that, which is.

I think if I ordered that and the bartender didn't know what it was, I'd be disappointed.

You get up and just eat the bar. You're like, I'm done here. I'm not,

I'm not coming back to this bar.


Like I would expect that place that we were drinking dollar well drinks in Asheville

to serve it as a Thoreau Good.

Yeah. Uh-huh.

They were five dollar well drinks, by the way.

They were, how dare you?

They were not one dollar.

Inflation, five dollars used to be the one dollar. I can't even buy a cheese burger at

my Donalds for a dollar anymore. So it's true. It's true.

Um, so to, so to brew the, uh, rusty nail, by the way, it used to be called before dark star.

And it says, here's the recipe for what would later be scaled up to become dark star,

and which would then become rusty nail from Fremont brewing in Seattle, Washington.

So this is like, I guess the baby, the, the, the baby for us to know.

Cause I, this is, this says it should come in at 6.1% ABV and Chris yours is what?


So it's probably without like,

They do have dark star available still. I could pick some of that up.

Have you had it?

I have. It's not as, it's not worth, I think with the 20,

23 dollars for a bomber that they're charging.

Okay. Oh wow.

Um, so basically just to give away what this is, it's, it's two remault oats,

crystal malt, roasted barley, chocolate, malt, and kerafa too.

But what gives it its unique flavor is that it uses horizon hops,

a third of a stick of brewers, licorice at 15 minutes in the boil,

cascade hops at 10 minutes.

And then it's aged with two cinnamon sticks in a for five,

get this for a five gallon batch, um, at the beginning of fermentation,

and they use Irish ale yeast.

Well, this is the clone, the clone recipe.

This is the, this says this was provided by Fremont though.


Fremont published this recipe back in August 29th, 2018.

Um, after the boil, you chill the wort slightly below fermentation temperature

about 60 degrees, oxygenate the wort very well, pitch the yeast

ferment between 65 and 75 for 30 days, adding cinnamon at the start

and tasting every 12, 24 and 36 hours until you reach the desired level

of taste, remembering that the flavors will meld over time.

So there's a little bit of involvement in here, but I am highly interested

in brewing this.

I think this is something I can do.

I think you could.

I think that would be a good, good next challenge for you.

I wish I would, I can't get dark star or before dark star out here.

So I have no way of comparing it.

So I could, I could get you one.

This might be a good idea.

Like this might be something like we're going to have to wait until


Once all the holidays are over for me to do this, but this is,

this might be my next brew.

I like it brewers, licorices.

I have to figure that out, but, but I know what cinnamon sticks are.

It's just regular licorice that they just mark up, you know, it's,

it's one third of a bar of brewers.

I don't know what that is.

You just take a package of twizzlers and just dump two thirds of it in.

I don't know.

Well, over, you've got probably until about the end of February

to find a dark star and somehow get it to me.

All right.

Well, I'll keep, I'll keep my eyes peeled, but, uh, you know,

now that Chris is so close, I don't think I even want to drink a beer this week.

So we'll see what I, we'll see what I can find in my fridge.

So as I alluded to, I have not a beer this week.

I have another canned cocktail entrant into my local liquor store.

And I mentioned this, I think the last time I had a canned cocktail,

I don't know if you guys have noticed this, but the section of my liquor store

that was dedicated to crafted cocktails that are pre-packaged and ready to go,

went from one shelf and a mini fridge to an entire display stand to now it's like a mini

entire row.

So these things are taking off in popularity.

I have a new brand I haven't seen before.

It's called Two Chicks.

Very, I would say feminine looking can.

Two chicks, one can.

Two chicks, one can.

There's a lot of flowers and stuff on here.

This is called a sparkling vodka fizz.

So I think it's kind of like the high noons.

That's what they are, right?

Ted that has the, that are just like vodka and flavored stuff.



But those are mostly like sugar-free, right?

This I think is more, those are more like, like seltzers.

I don't know if sugar-free is the right thing.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.

They're like vodka and soda water with like natural flavoring.

This is more I think of like a cocktail.

So this is a vodka elderflower and pear cocktail.

They don't really name it, which is kind of disappointing.

I think that they could have come up with something better

than vodka elderflower and pear cocktail.

But of the flavors that were, they had,

it looked like one of the ones I was most interested in trying.

So I figured I would bring it here to experiment with you guys

and see how, see how it is.

So without further ado, it does come in one of these

white claw-shaped cans, the tall, skinny ones.

Is it TWO?


Okay, pouring it, it pours like a seltzer.

Guys, I have very good news if you're Tyrannosaurus rex.

You are eating over instantaneously.

You are beasted.

Never review to beverage on this show

that you are less safe from a T-rex on.

I mean, it looks like you're drinking water.

Like I'm actually...

Looks like I'm about to review water to you.

Like, can you hold up the can so I can ensure

that it's not like sparkling water?

Right. No, it says 5% ABV on the bottom.

It's not really focusing, but you'll have to believe me.

It does, it does say that.

So I do kind of believe you.


But it's less fizzy.

It died away, it died down very quickly after pouring.

On the smell tastes, the nose tastes, very subtle.

I expected to be kind of hit with more stronger aromas,

but I guess elderflower, pear, they're not like,

if this was like the flavor town version, right,

with like Hawaiian punch, I would expect a little bit more.

So I think subtle is good.

Subtle leaves me excited and not cautious to drink this.

But I don't know what you got for a drop for me this week, Todd.

I know I kind of invaded a challenge.

Yeah, I'm looking.

Hang on. Okay.

Bottoms up.

You're a fucking idiot.

Was that Christopher Walken?

It was, it was Christopher Walken.

And then it was, uh, then it was knock off Timmy Trumpets.

I can also do this one's called Snoop Dogg.

So let's just see what this one says.

I have, I have a feeling it's the beginning of gin and juice.

I was completely wrong.

We pretend it's the beginning of this, but yeah,

I didn't think three drops was enough.

Just run through them all.

Okay. What were they drinking again?

I forgot.

This is good.

Um, dangerously drinkable is what I would say.

This tastes like I'm drinking soda.

Um, on the, yeah, on the seltzer scale, this is a full blown 100.

What kind of soda?

I don't know.

Maybe it'll come to me.

Again, elderflower pear, they're not like normal soda flavors,

but I can't taste any alcohol in here.

If you were like a college sorority student, I think that you would have,

you would be very popular if you brought these back to the sorority house.

That's, I think, looking at this can and tasting it.

That's exactly who I think this is.

In the fraternity, you would also be very popular if you brought back two chicks.

That's true.

It's a good point.

Any Greek life, this is going to work out for you.


It's again, quite yummy.

I don't, I'm having a hard time relating it to other cocktails.

I think, um, there's a, what is the state, the elderflower liquor,

saint, uh, something.

Saint Germain.

Saint Germain.

Thank you, Chris, with the assist.

You're welcome.

It's a Saint Germain cocktail that this is reminiscent of,

but that's with champagne instead of soda, water, and vodka.

But this is pretty close.

I think it's pronounced German, Saint Germain.


I like it.

It's, I'm assuming this is not unantapped.

I did not see it.

So, same.

And it's not an Ober 5 out of 5, unfortunately,

because it was not lovingly crafted by me in my kitchen.

So, um, this is going to get at 375 as pretty good.

Would, would consider buying again.

It was kind of expensive.

I like, I do like making cocktails, but, um, I don't know.

Sometimes you want a cocktail and you're like tailgating or something.

And it's easier to just have a can of two chicks.

So, this is a good, good situation for that.

Again, I keep going back to college with these,

all of these times where you would want to drink this.

Maybe that's why it's getting at 375 for me,

because, uh, I don't find myself in that many situations anymore

where I would want to drink this, but still tasty.

Um, I would, uh, I saw they had like five other flavors at the packy.

So, I would, I would try one of the other flavors for sure.

So, I would like to say like, I've, I've gone to, um,

I've gone to a package store since the last time you brought up this thing.

And this, this, I think this craze is slowly catching on here,

but we don't have like a whole, at least that I didn't see.

We don't have a whole section.


I know that at Total Wine though, they did move all of the, um,

all the beer to one side of the, the building now.

And then there is a, like a, what are the, it's like a half an aisle

that's all half of one half of an aisle.

So you have a whole aisle, two sides, one side, all like,

like all like the craft cocktails or, or seltzers.

And I think there's, I think the seltzers are much bigger in the northeast

than the craft craft cocktails are.

But in general, seltzer is bigger in the northeast than everywhere else.

So, yeah, I think the common,

I think, I think, uh, it's just a slowly working its way eastward is my guess.

Now, Ober, do you have, do you have a, a, in, in Montana,

do you have a liquor store and then like a, um, beer and wine sold elsewhere?



So same as here.

So this is only, if I was in North Carolina,

this would only be in ABC stores probably.



Because I was going to say, I, I don't go to ABC stores often,

but I went a couple of weeks ago and I did notice

the person I was with was like, Hey, these are pretty good.

And, but there was a lot of like mixed stuff.

So I think it is moving eastward.

I don't know if it's, I don't know if it's quite as prevalent as up there.

But yeah, I think, I think I definitely have seen more people getting lazy back in my day.

Do you want a cocktail?

You gotta mix it yourself.

I just wonder if it's ever going to catch on.

I uphill both ways.

I just, I just have doubts that it's going to catch on.

I think that, uh, I think the hard seltzers have taken over that spot for us northerners.

We'll see.

I'm like, it's love to find out.

We'll get back to you next year.

2024, you're the canned cocktails.

Something just bit me.


Well, uh, next we have spider tug, spider tug to review, uh, a beverage.

The Chris freeze.

No, he's just, he's just doing his best to not be spotted by the T-Rex.

I'm conserving all energy for drinking this beer and staying awake.

That's all I'm doing.

Chris is that protein life, like a reptile at this point.

Like I got back and he just wasn't moving and I was very concerned.

It's very fair.

I'm not going to spend the calories moving out of the shady spot.

I actually may be more concerned with how little you were moving and you weren't frozen.

I'm just sleeping at the bike.

No, because your eyes were open.

That was even creepy.

Um, so this week I'm drinking a beer to celebrate Christmas because, you know,

nobody else wanted to celebrate Christmas in a, in a proper festive theme this week.

This is baby elves by fat orange cat.

Um, as you can see, the can is full of a bunch of cats.

Some of them orange, some of them pink.

Very cute kitties.

They're all wearing Santa hats.

So they're all the elves.

What this is, is this is a 9% ABV, uh, Hazy New England style double IPA.

As is the Christmas tradition.

Yes, for sure.

I could have gone mad elf, but I went.

Yeah, we've done mad elf though.


But I mean kind of ripping aside, I don't quite see how this is a Christmas beer.

You know what I mean?

Like you can't just put Christmas hats on a double IPA and call it a Christmas beer.

They call the baby elves.

Yeah, that's what I'm saying.

You can name it whatever you want, but if it doesn't taste like Christmas,

then what are we doing here?

Listen, maybe it doesn't taste like your Christmas over.

If they brewed it with like spruce tips, okay, now you're getting somewhere.

It does have a Christmas IPA.

It does not say that it's brewed with anything fancy.

I mean, maybe, maybe untapped will shed some light if it's brewed with any special way,

but the can does not let on that it is.

There's a quarter of a baby elf per can.

So there's a quarter cat per can.


Well, no, they got the real elves.

Oh, okay.



It's okay to eat elves.


Cats, no, elves, those are fine.


Unless you go to a different country, then cats okay as well.

Well, yeah, those ones, they don't like eating elves.

It's kind of funny.

So it's either you, either you're a cat eating society or you're an elf eating society.

Those are the only two you have to choose one.

You can't have both.

So looking at it, I mean, this is your stereotypical New England style IPA.

It is a hazy boy, you know, deep shades of orange.

You know, you're not seeing shit through this with a, with a light T-Rex is,

T-Rex is turning around.

T-Rex is already full from eating oberd during this process anyway.

So you're probably a little bit.

Couldn't find Chris.

No, couldn't find Chris.

I'm high.

Couldn't find Chris.

And I'm standing still.

Can't find me, but it is, it is munching on oberd's leg right now.


I like to imagine that it's a baby T-Rex.

With that little Santa hat on.

With a little Santa hat on.

And he's, you know, he's about the size of like a squirrel at the moment.

And he's just gnawing away in your leg.

So it's like copies from the beginning of the lost world.



Jurassic Park too, man.

I don't remember there being a baby T-Rex.

They weren't, they were the copies.

The comp sygnathus.

Is that the thing that eats the guy on the beach?

It's a little girl, but yeah.


Now I know what you're talking about.

On the nose, it smells like a New England IPA.

Very citrusy, a little bit more heavy on like the orange.

So hopefully it tastes good.

I'm not going to lie.

I expected like a six minute rendition of like Silent Night to be the drop.

Just, just it didn't stop.

It would just kept going.

You can sing it for me if you want.

No, that's okay.

We all know how it goes.

We know, we know, we know the song.

Whatever you're envisioning in your mind is sounds better than my attempt to sing it.

I disagree.

So this is very good.

It's like a double version of baby kittens.

I know, I don't know if you guys, Chris, I think you can get baby kittens down in North Carolina,

but over, I don't think you've ever had baby kittens.

I don't think so either.

So it is, it's, it's like a, it's a very standard IPA.

Not no booze flavor to it, you know, very citrus forward with, like I said, with another,

with more essence on the, the orange than any other fruit flavor.

And then it kind of ends in like a kind of like just a normal beer backbone.

Reminds me very much of the stereotypical fat orange cat that we've come to know here in Connecticut.

This is not launch.

This is not severe tire damage.

Like they don't do, they don't do those styles of IPA anymore, which is very sad because there was

launch launch is so good.


There was once upon a time that fat orange cat was like the shit.

Like they were awesome.

Listen, I'm going to say it.

I'm going to say it.

Moving to 12% was terrible for them.

I mean, maybe not, maybe not financially.

Maybe they're making millions of dollars now, but like launch was so good.

The, the guy who owns fat orange cat, you remember him, the older, older guy was Mike.

I think he's like, I think, I think he has, he probably still gets a residual, but

I think fat orange cat is now like the house IPA for, for 12%, like any time they want to do

like a weird IPA or any type of standard IPA, they do it with fat orange cat as the label.

Whereas like, as like Josh, the guy who owns, um, abomination, like he still does a lot of his

like, like lactose forward IPAs, um, and all the like the wandering in the fog series and all

those in the stouts, he's still in charge of those.

But I think the, the guy Mike, I think he is kind of more moved away and allowed 12% to kind of run

with the brand.

His, his brewing partner owns the place in a East Hampton rule of three.

So you sound like you're not blown away by it.

It's, it's good.

I mean, it's, it's, it's good.

It's a solid drinker.

If I saw it on tap somewhere, I would definitely get it.

I like this more than baby kittens.

Um, baby kittens is a single.

This is a double and this just has a little bit more flavor.

I think baby kittens is more to brood to compete with a headway.

So it's just, or seahag.

So it's just kind of there.

Um, this is more, it's a special release.

It has a little bit more pop to it, but it's not incredible.

Um, I thought maybe it would blow me away.

It doesn't.

Um, still a solid drinking beer.

I'm going to give it a four.

Um, not great.

If I brood it, it would probably be the best beer I've ever brewed, but I expect something

different when I'm buying it from, you know, from a brewery, let alone 12%.


No, that's reasonable.

Um, 6471 people have tried this beer before you and rated it unantapped.

Is there different yearly versions or is this the one, the one?

This is the one.

Do you want me to see if there's yearly versions or?

No, I don't know.

I didn't know if there was like, if it's brewed differently.

I have no idea.

I don't think so.

Let's just go with this one.

Um, still a good beer.

Still has probably hop hype to it.

I mean, people love fat orange cat.

People love 12%.

So I'm going to say it's going to be over a four.

Four point one three points going to Chris this week.

Yeah, four point zero six.

There you go.



Second place.

Second place.

I mean, kind of, kind of makes it really difficult when he's 0.0 or 0.01 off.


Um, but yeah, your, your guess was pretty much in line with a lot of people are untapped.

A lot of, a lot of fours on here.

It's like, yeah, this is great.


It's a, if this was at a, you know, if this was brewed in like nowhere,

not to pick on Montana, but nowhere Montana, you'd be like, this is an incredible beer.


But because it's brewed at a 12%.

And because it's holiday themed, but it's really just a double baby kittens.

You're right.

It really should have like, like spruce tips or something like that.

Like the gingerbread fog, right?

That's a great example of how you could do an IPA, but make it holiday themed.


You know?



Or he has like the snow, which is the, uh, or the egg nog version.



I don't know how you could just be like, yeah, it's the same, but now it has Santa hats.



Well, there we go.

35 points for Chris on the board.

Wait, hold on a, wait, did you not update it last week?



We should be tied, but yeah.

You guys are tied.

This is, I think this is all, this is all accurate.


44, 34, 34.

I was going to say just for posterity's sake, so chat, GPT picks this up.


It's all transcribed now.

44, 34, 34, 34, 34, 44, 74.

I'm helping.

I'm helping guys.


This is why we can't have these things.

That's right.

So it's that time Santa's coming down the chimney.

What does he have in his hands?

Oh, a frosty mug full of, full of the frost from the cold winter's air that, uh, he flies around in.

He's bringing it down to put the milkshake in it.

That's right.

He's got to fill it up with the milkshake and the boneless, uh, what was it?

Boneless bear ribs.

Boneless, boneless bear ribs.

How do you have ribs with no ribs?

I don't know.

Ask Santa because it's time for frosty legobiston.

Featuring Jordan.

Jordan, take it away.

Oh, it's a real cat, dude.

Mug of wisdom.


Mug of wisdom.

All right.

Thank you, Jordan.

Chris, congratulations on the big W this week.

Thank you.

It's been a while.

It's a Christmas miracle.

It is.

Now, every time Chris gets a point, angel gets his wings.

I think is what happens.


Pretty much.


Sorry, heaven.

Population decline.

Oh, that's what happens is you take the angels wings away.

No, it's just from them.

The angels are dying faster than I can win points to give new angels wings.

That's what it is.

Oh, I see what you're saying.

I understand now.

We're not, we're not replacing the angel population is what we're doing.




Don't worry.

Enough of the angel hunters will soon starve out and the population will stabilize.

I think.

I think it's how it works.



But the mug is yours.

Fresh from the North Pole.

I don't get to do this very often.

So I'm going to give it to Todd to go first.


Don power wash.

Do it.

So my handle this week is, you know what?

I'm going to use a pair of shoes that I just recently purchased.

So I'm also using a pair of shoes this week.

Oh no, I have no shoes.

And you guys both wait, you guys both ask Santa for shoes that can run.



Wait, it was a little bit of a teaser.

We didn't even realize it.

So, um, so I've been having problems finding a shoe that's been really comfortable for me.

Don't know why just seems like for whatever reason, all the shoes that I own now all seem

to hurt my feet.

Maybe it's part of getting old.

Maybe it's cancer.

Who knows something happened to my feet that makes shoes uncomfortable.

But I do consistently wear, um, my toe shoes, which are like the barefoot,

like toe shoes to the gym.

And I, you know, work out in them.

Those don't ever hurt my feet.

It's like I'm walking around barefoot and my feet don't hurt when I don't have shoes on.

So I recently purchased a pair of a vivo barefoot, uh, hiking or like, like they're called

vivo barefoot, uh, leather and wool hiking trainers with a barefoot sole.

So what they are is they look exactly like a boot.

Like you guys can see they look like a real boot, but they, they have a flat sole that's

very thin, but it has a lot of grip on the bottom.

So it's basically like walking around barefoot with a normal looking shoe.

So people don't go, Hey, those are really interesting looking shoes you're wearing.

People don't even notice because it's just a barefoot shoe.

But the reason I bought these was because, you know, while I can wear my toe shoes during

the summer and it doesn't really bother me if people look at me and ask me questions,

I'm worried about my feet being cold in the winter out in the snow with toe shoes on.

So getting these has actually been really helpful.

They're super comfortable.

They slip on, um, they don't really have a sole.

So it's like you're walking around barefoot, but they do have enough grip and the grip is

made by Michelin tire.

So you have a lot of grip, you know, if, if, if tires take 30,000 miles to wear out,

I'm never going to wear these shoes for 30,000 miles.

So these shoes should last in essence for as long as I want to wear them or I die.

Maybe Chris and Obert decide they want to drink that, that 2023 rest of now,

they come and take me out.

They get all my beer as like an inheritance, I guess, kind of sword.

I guess the two ever murders who gets, gets the beer.

Again, this is the plot for the movie.

We're still figuring it out.



I feel like it's like a dragon's hoard more so we just get, we get the spoils.

I am the dragon.

You guys have to slay me in order to take my treasure,

but these shoes are really comfortable.

I've been wearing them a lot recently.

My feet have not been cold.

I wear them with socks because they're not toe shoes.

So socks fit inside them just fine.

Great shoes, highly versatile.

You have a lot more feeling on your feet.

Like when you're like, like, like I was unloading a truck the other day wearing them.

And, you know, you have a lot more grip and a lot more idea of where your feet are because

you can feel, you can feel the ground underneath your feet.

It's fantastic.

And if you're like me, my feet don't hurt in them.

So check them out, especially if your feet hurt in shoes and they don't hurt when you're walking barefoot.

So I have two questions.

First, do you wear them for prolonged periods of time on like, say concrete or things like that?

Because my, my job, I have a hard time finding good shoes as well.

But my building is, I don't know, 750,000 square foot of concrete.

So like, I don't know if that's.

Um, so I think, so I wore them this past weekend.

I went down to Goosmans in Richmond, Virginia and wore them the whole weekend in the concert

for hours at a time.

Feet were fine walking around all day on sidewalks and stuff.

Feet were fine.

So I would say yes.

However, I will say that if you, it does take some, some time to get used to how you have to walk

because you can't just, because they're flat, they're flat barefoot, barefoot shoes,

there's no cushion underneath your heel.

So you, when you walk, you need to walk kind of like, like flat, I guess.

Okay, I see what you're saying.

And not strike with your heel.

No, okay.

If you strike with your heel, you're going to be in for a bad time.

You'll learn really, really quickly not to do it.

Fair enough.


And then the second question I had was are, because there's,

it seems as though there's less material down there.

So like, is there more breathability through the shoe?

Or is it like meant to like, I don't know.

These, I mean, everything, this is made out of leather and wool to keep your feet warm

because it is a hiking slash winter boot.

So I think on a, on a normal pair of shoes, like I've also bought a pair of like tennis shoes

because I just wanted a normal pair of like shoes.

Once I found out these were comfortable and those are extremely breathable.

They're just like a normal pair of, of shoes on my barefoot shoes,

like the toe shoes, I should say, those are completely open air.


That makes sense.


So yeah, you'll have a lot of, the perfect for work.

If you have bad feet, you can always try them.

I can give you a different brand to try that are a little bit cheaper to see if you like them.

And then you can upgrade from there.


I'm always looking for, like I said, like just hard, hard concrete all the time.

I'm always looking for different things because it's hard to find something that'll,

especially something that'll last more than three, four months.

And then they get worn out or whatever.

So yeah, these might be good for you then.

I mean, it's, it's just like, you just have to

learn to walk in your mind that you're, that you're walking barefoot versus walking

with shoes on.

Like if you walked around your building with no shoes on, you'd be perfectly fine.

Fair enough.



I like that.

That's neat.

I'll send, I'll send you some more.

All right.

Obert, I need more shoe recommendations.

More footwear.

More footwear.

So mine's a shoe for inside.


We're starting off good.

So well, it's, it's for inside your house also.

And these are my LL being slippers.


Let me get the name right here.

I, yeah, that was, Todd has the same exact pair.

Just took them off my foot live while recording.


They are the men's wicked good moccasins.

They're so, so wicked comfortable.


The thing that, so they're, when you first get them, right?

I just, so I figured bust this out now because, you know, it's getting to be winter.

It's colder.

Maybe you have a last minute gift you need to buy or you're like me and you got a gift car to LL being

for the holiday and you're like, what should I spend this on?

Well, these slippers I really like because when you first get them, your foot's going to feel a

little snug in there and they are packed with this really fluffy insulating fur that as you wear it,

the fur packs down around your foot and it's like perfectly molded to the shape of your foot.

So they last a really long time.

Good grip, good warmth.

And they're a little on the pricey side.

I mean, I have like a $20 pair of slippers.

These are like $90 pair of slippers, but they really are like the last pair of slippers you'll

ever need.

So good, good luxury slipper.

Again, for yourself, for somebody else, good gift.

So I will say that I bought the non-furry ones.

They're just, these are just full leather.

If I could go back, I would probably buy one of each because, and I guess that means I could

just go buy a furry pair right now for myself.

But in the summer, the fur I think would be too hot.

But in the winter, the straight leather, not warm enough.

It does get warmer once your foot warms up in there and it gets a little bit,

but it gets a little bit warmer.

But at the same time, when it's all full leather, you know what also happens?

Foot sweat.

Yeah, I don't like that.

So I would recommend going fur, personally.

Especially, again, the thing I liked about it was like,

as you wear it in, within the first week or so, you're going to really feel

it conform to your foot.

And it's, again, like perfectly molded, you know?

I'm with you.

I think this has motivated me to buy another pair of slippers.

It's not too late.

You're going to ask for a one for Christmas.

I am tempted.

Santa's still.

I got him up right now.

I got him up right now.

I'm tempted to bite the bullet on these.

Always, always looking for good footwear.

That's good tips this week.

All right.

So what do you got for us, Chris?

You got good footwear?


You got bad footwear?

No, I don't know if they're bad necessarily, but no, I don't.

I don't have footwear.

As you can, as you can hear, I am desperately calling all footwear callouts.

No, I actually have a new movie that was recently released on Netflix.

I know.

I know you, too.

I don't think so.

I don't know who you are or what you did with my co-host,

but I demand you return it.

It's called Star Wars Episode 4.



No, actually, I was at work and someone who also has kids, roughly my kids is

age, was like, have you seen the new movie on Netflix named Leo?

And I was like, I've not.

She's like, it's a kid's movie, but it's really cute.

You should check it out.

So somehow co-host my kids to stop watching Paw Patrol and Cocoa Mellon and all that stuff

long enough to watch Leo.

And we watch it together.

Now, it's a Happy Madison production.

So Adam Sandler stars in this movie.

And Leo is an iguana that is a class pet in maybe not an iguana.

What's another lizard?


A lion.

No, no, it's a lizard.

Maybe, okay, I'm going to say iguana.

If it's not an iguana, I'm not a lizard.

A chameleon?

No, not a chameleon.

A gecko.

No, maybe it is an iguana.

Anyways, he's a lizard.

He's a class pet lizard.

And the whole story is he finds out that his life expectancy is 75.

And he finds out that he's 74 years old.

Oh, no.

So he thinks he's going to die.

And he goes through the whole story of helping these kids in some of their kid issues and

things like that.

And he ends up talking to them, what she's not supposed to do, blah, blah, blah.

If you have kids, it's extremely cute.

It's got some of that Adam Sandler humor that adults will get more so than the kids will.

And I don't know, it's just a really fun, really good Netflix original

movie that you can watch with your kids.

Or, I mean, honestly, I tell people all the time, I'm like, I would watch it even if I

didn't have kids.

It's a pretty solid movie.

So if you're looking for something, check it out.

It's on Netflix.

It's called Leo.

And I don't know.

I think it's, yeah, it looks like that.

It's just a really, really cute, really, really good animated movie done by Adam Sandler.

So kudos to him.

Oh my god.


Well, whatever.

What's the name of the dying pet?


You know, Leo the Aquana.

Very difficult name for the Aquana.

It's just L E O.



Leo Netflix pops right up.


I'm looking at Wikipedia.

It's not helping me.


The Tua Terra.

Leo the Tua Terra.

T U A T A R A.

They're reptiles from New Zealand.

There you go.

Despite their close resemblance to lizards, they're part of a distinct lineage.


So he's just a nondescript lizard in the movie, but he is a Tua Tara, which I've never heard of before.

Anyways, it's a good movie.

You should check it out.

And it's new.

And it's new.

It came out in 2023.


That is true.

It was released on Netflix on November 21st, 2023.

That's the newest movie I've ever put on this podcast.

Not only is it new, it's less than a month old.

Like, all right, I'm impressed.

I mean, it took a kids movie for you to see it.

But you also saw the Mario movie.

That's also true.

I have seen the Mario movie as well.

Also on Netflix now.

No, is it really?


Got to watch it to-

I'm not gonna bet.

I mean, I've seen it.

I went to the movie theater and saw it.

So with that, we'd like to thank you for listening.

We'd like to thank the breweries who provided today's beers.

I will thank Fatal Winch Cat for Baby Elves.

I would like to thank Fremont Brewing for their rusty nail.

Also, Obert.

Shout out to Obert for sending it over.

Oh, well, you're welcome.

I'm going to thank two chicks for their vodka elderflower and pear sparkling vodka fizz.

We're going to switch this up a little bit this week.

And I'm going to say go over to Discord and join the conversation there.

First, you guys just go over there.


We post pictures of beer.

Talk about Flavortown Celters, which I think somebody is going to send them to me for free,

which is awesome because that's the only way I'm ever going to try them.

But I'm always open for free beer.

So hack Lissalle.

I'm waiting for my free Flavortown Celters to be sent to me.

You can also head over to Patreon.

Support us over there.

Whatever monetary dollar amount you would like to donate.

Please do that.

It really does help the podcast.

Helps pay for our drinks.

Helps pay for hosting the podcast.

Go over there and do that.

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And then finally, if you'd like to email us,

especially if you heard the fact about the frickin' turkey and how fast it flies,

email us or go to the Discord and tell us over there that you heard it because

it's going to drive me nuts.

And with that, I'm toad.

My name's Chris and I'm Obert.

And remember that you're drinking alone.

Do it with friends.

So, do you think that Tuatara would make a good pet?

I don't know.

How long do they live?

75 years, apparently.

I guess you can only adopt the Tuatara if you know,

if you have a plan of someone who's going to take it up.

You've got to get your kids in on this to take it after you're dead.

Yeah, yeah.

It's like a parent.

They live forever.

Tuatara have lifespans of much longer than 35, ages up to 60 or so.

And captive Tuatara's lived to be over 100 years.

Oh my god.


There you go.

I bet you they're going to be really popular now after this movie though.


They're going to be everywhere.

So their average is 60.

That's incredible.

They're the reptile with the second longest lifespan after tortoises.


There we go.

Go get yourself a Tuatara.