Hey folks, and welcome to Drinking Alone with Friends, a podcast where three friends drink

alone together.

My name's Chris.

What up?

It's Doug.

And I'm Obert.

And how about them time zones?

How about those time zones?

So frustrating.

They are wild.

Listeners, I don't know if you've ever looked at a time zone map, but we got into a little


Just don't.

Yeah, we got a little tangent before we started recording.

And in case you weren't aware, and I don't know how many of our listeners are aware of

this, maybe it's just me, there are countries out there that are more than an hour off of

our time zone.

Like, not like two hours or three hours, but like two and a half hours or two hours and

three quarters.

Like two hours and 45 minutes they're off, and it's weird.

And then there's even some countries where there's one time zone that's an hour ahead

of the time zone that's technically to the right of them.

So therefore, it'd be like if Connecticut had, you know, had Texas on one side and then

Texas on the other side, where it's just, everything's an hour behind.

How's that possible?

How's that fair?

You should look at the time zone map because there's some fun Easter eggs on there for


If you think you've seen it all, you're like, okay, Eastern, Central, Mountain, yeah, yeah,


No, look carefully.

Look around the world.

There's some fun little gems for you.

I still don't know what they're doing in Antarctica though.

Like the researchers there, are they just like, whatever time we want it to be?

Maybe it's like the wild draw four of timezones.

It makes no sense.

I mean, they might as well just do whatever the hell they want.

I mean, it just, that's what the rest of the world seemingly does.

It's so stupid.

Like, why is China all of one time zone?

Why is that even fair?

That's not fair to the Chinese people.

It's not fair to the Indian people next door.

It's just not fair.

I mean, think about it.

It would be pretty, if you just knew like, oh, everything happens at 5 p.m. no matter

where you are.

Like that's good.

That's not bad.

It would make it easier when we're trying to decide what time to record the podcast.

Very true.

Just all at one time zone.


But how come like the Eastern side of Russia, like Siberia, is two hours, is plus 12.

But yet the Bering Sea, if you go just a little bit down to the Altoonian Islands,

which I've never heard of before in my life, they're minus 10.

You don't know those Altoonians?

And then how, but part of that, part of the Altoonian line goes right through the International


So some of them are technically on the, on a day before us, but some of them are the

other side of the day.

And then right next door, Alaska is minus nine.

How, how does, riddle me that, people.

They're separated by like 40 miles.


There's some fun stuff in the Aleutian Islands, but if you go, I was just trying to just low

key say it correctly, but if you go to Samoa and American Samoa, I believe if you go from

one to the other, it's the same time, but it's a different day.

So it'd be like Tuesday, the 12th on one at 2 45 PM.

And then if you get on a plane and then go to the other one, it's 24 hours apart.

So it's like 2 45, but you know, on Wednesday, the 13th, is that the Aleutian Islands?

Is that where Samoa is?

Because that's what I was, that's what I was talking about.


This is also on the date line, but it's more like tropical than Alaskan interesting.

What this means is that time zones are stupid.

I was trying to just leave it at the Easter eggs, but unfortunately you just revealed

them all through our listeners.

Oh, there's there's more, there's there's tons more.

That's it.

You know, everything you need to know about time zones now.

Speaking of things that aren't time zones, I started a new project with the podcast that

I told you guys about a little bit, but I have taken it upon myself to start to basically

transcribe all of our old episodes of the podcast.

The intention being hopefully to get Chad GPT to be a historian of the podcast, which

it's going pretty well.

I'm slowly making my way through the catalog.

It takes like an hour to do each transcription, which is kind of annoying, but it is, I will

say, more hilarious than I expected when I just like walk by my computer and I see in

like a command prompt window, just one of our stupid, stupid jokes.

Just written there, it's it's somehow funnier when there's no context around it.

It's weird that we have the technology to do that.

It is.

I'm going to play this just so the computer has to transcribe this.

You have new mail waiting just to see what happens when you record this.

OK, yeah.

It does think that your name is either Ted or Todd.

It really struggles with Todd.

It doesn't really understand what Todd is.

I mean, it's been that's been a struggle for as long as I've known Todd and have had a

cell phone, though, because every time I try to type out, it's Todd.

Every time I've outsmarted technology, I don't know what to tell you.

It's I'm better than technology.

Todd, you know, greater than technology.

You're the chosen one when we're in a Terminators type movie sequence.

I have to go find because I am.

You know, thousands can't get they can't target it.

I'm Neo and John Connor all wrapped into one

looking for Todd.

I haven't seen him. I don't know who you're talking about.

Who the fuck is Todd? Who's Todd?

Oh, man.

Well, at least at least over now, we safe from the from the revolution.

So we'll be good.

We why are we safe?

Because we're friends with Todd.

OK, we got like the pass. Yeah.

OK. No, no, no.

They would they would think that you knew Todd

because you're on the podcast with a Todd.

So they'd come after you.

That's funny.

Well, what's going to be even funnier is so what I've done is I've done a find

and replace with every single Ted and Todd on the on the transcripts.

But if you're reading this episode, it's going to make no sense.

There were other words

that weren't Todd, but now they've all just become Todd.

Ted Todd Todd.

You read this, G.B.T.

Yeah, no, I got it.

Ted Todd Todd. Ted Todd Todd. Ted Todd Todd. Ted Todd Todd.

Your computer's just going to explode.

It's going to be like, no, I don't know what to do here.

Well, it won't understand.

But all this transcribing sure has made me very thirsty.

And map questing, Tim. Yeah.

All this geography.

Is MapQuest still a website?

Oh, yeah. Yeah, of course.

You can still go on there and be like, I want to go to Obert's house, and it will give me

turn-by-turn directions that I have to print out a ream of paper to get there with.

I think they've gotten more with the times.

I think they will give you, I don't know if they have an app.

Ooh, map, hold on, I might need a handle.

Hold on, let me see.

The new, the latest in GPS technology here.

MapQuest does have a GPS navigation app.

Huh, wow.

So anyway, who's drink it there first?

I mean, I guess I could go first while we wait for Chris to find his new handle.

So this week, I brought a beer from my trip to Austin last December.

So I figured that, you know, on the one-year anniversary of me owning this beer,

I might as well bring it to the podcast and drink it.


Yeah, I was dusting off some cobwebs in my beer cave as well.

I'm like, I got some that need to come on the podcast soon.

Yeah, so this is called either Jaguar Shark or Jaguar Shark,

or however you want to pronounce the word, Jaguar Shark.

And it's brewed in conjunction between Pint House Brewing,

which is a brewery in Austin, which is, you know, like they're like,

the one place I found that made a really good New England IPA,

but in conjunction with Alvarado Street Brewery.

It's a bourbon barrel-aged imperial stout brewed in collaboration

between Pint House and Alvarado Street is what it says.

It also says it's 4.23 gills and 10.5% ABV.

I don't know what a gill is.

Me neither.

Can you tell me?

I'm assuming it has to do with it being a Jaguar Shark.

Oh, okay.

That's how many gills it has.

I got it.

The can, it's pretty interesting.

It's an all black can.

It says Jaguar Shark down the middle.

Deep search.

I don't know what that means.

And then, you know, just a bunch of nautical things like some shells

and a skull and bones and what?


Is that an anchor?

That is an anchor.

You really know your boat stuff.

Nautical things, man.

Nautical things.

Real sea captain.

And this is from 2022.

It doesn't have, oh, maybe, oh, it does have a date.

It was canned on November 19th, 2022, and it says Dream Trail.

You are pretty close on that one year anniversary.

The bottom of the can says drink within a year.

Oh, poop.

Yeah, while you're pouring this, Todd,

you've managed to get all of the pumpkin beers out of your house.

They're all officially gone.


OK, good.

Well done.

How about you guys?

You made Tom Turkey proud.

Yeah, none left here, although I think I didn't.

I think I only had the one from Jenna that I had to wait a whole year for.

Now, you mentioned Pint House Brewing.

I like that place.

It was a good spot when I directed you to go there.

I believe so.

It may have been on the list, but yeah, it was a good spot.

I enjoyed it.

I enjoyed it quite a bit.

I have there.

I bought a shirt.

I wear it semi-regularly.

Good spot.

Yeah, they've got a cool logo.

I mean, it is a skull and bones drinking a beer,

but it was a really cool spot.

I thought, I don't know which location you went to, Chris,

but I went to the bigger one that had a large tap room.

Yeah, that's where I went.



Beer was, I thought the New England IPAs were good.

It is what Pint House Brewing is known for.

It's like the Austin version of Treehouse.

It's their big IPA brewing brewery.

The beer poured with a little bit of head

that dissipated pretty quickly.

It is dark as night as expected.

You're not seeing anything through here.

It does have a little bit of floaties in it.

They look more like sinkies based on where your light is.

Yeah, I guess they are.

They've sunk like a ship in the night.

Is that what ships do at night time?

When they crash into a boat, they do.

When they crash into a rock, they do.

When a ship crashes into a boat in the night.

Daytime, they hang around.

But once that sun goes down, all ships sink in the night.

They go to the bottom of the ocean.

That was good.

That's exactly what ships do at night.

You cannot convince me otherwise.

That's why they have to travel through the time zones

collectively together to beat the sun.

On the nose, it smells like a bourbon stout.

I don't get any other adjuncts.

I don't know if there are adjuncts in this.

It does not tell me.

I'm assuming based on the floaties or the sinkies

that there is some type of adjunct in here.

So maybe I'll be able to taste it when I try it

and I'll let you guys know.

All right.

Well, cheers.


I can't wait for chat GBT to transcribe that one.

Oh, yeah.

Yeah, that'll be fun.

Ted, Todd, Todd, Titty.

It is a straight bourbon stout.

I got a ton of bourbon.

Not a lot of bourbon burn, which is nice,

but it is very bourbon, oaky flavored heavy.

Thickish, kind of.

But you don't taste it.

It's 10.5% ABV.

This tastes like something much less,

like maybe an eight or a seven.

It is very easy drinking for a 10.5% ABV beer.

And maybe that's just because I'm used to drinking heavier stouts,

but this is a good one.

I'm just laughing at myself because you've had so many

teen percent alcohol stouts on the podcast, especially lately.

This is like drinking water.

It's like pure water.

No, really good, really smooth.

There's a little bit of chocolatey undertones,

but it's not like they added in chocolate, at least to me.

Yeah, really good, though.

I'm excited that there is a brewery in Austin

that does beer as good as the Northeast

because out of some of the breweries that I went to in Austin,

they weren't very good.

So I'm happy to know that there's at least one solid brewery.

That and Jester King, I guess, is the other big one out there.

There are two solid breweries in Austin that I'm aware of.

This one and Jester King and maybe Alvarado Street Brewery.

I don't know where they are.

It does not say.

This whole box was not a very good advertisement for what the beer was,

but because it was a can that came in a box,

I had to buy it and I had to bring it back to drink it on the podcast.

I also have another Jaguar Shark that's made in conjunction with another brewery.

So I'm sure maybe in like another year,

I'll bring that one on the podcast and I can drink that one too.

Very nice.

Save that.

Save it for year two.

There you go.

I'm going to give this one to me.

It's a good 425.

That's solid.

It's a solid beer.

I think this is a good bourbon barrel-aged stout

and probably the best bourbon barrel-aged stout I've had in a can.

I can't think of many beers that have many bourbon barrel-aged beers

that come out of a can anymore.

The Oscar Blues one, the one that you exploded in my fridge that one time,

Chris, is the only other one I can think of.

Is that Tenfitti?

Is that the name of it?

Yeah, yeah, Tenfitti.

Other than that, there's not a lot of bourbon barrel-aged beers that go into cans.

Have either of you seen the Life Aquatic?

The what?

The Life Aquatic with Bill Murray.

It's apparently what the name of this beer is from.


Judging by my reaction, I don't believe so.

It's weird.

There's a bunch of different Jaguar trucks.

Hold on.

All right.

A lot of people like to name beer after this movie.

So that actually took a while for me to find

because apparently this is a very, very popular name for a beer.

But I got it.

I got it.

106 chickens on this bad boy.

That's not a lot of chickens.

It is not.

You got to account for the people who are too lazy

to find the right Jaguar Shark beer to check in.

That's true.


So that means I'm going to get the Committed Club actually searching it out,

which means I'm going to get some people who know beer.

Pine House also has a lot of hop hype to it.

Not that this is a hoppy beer, but they have a lot of hype around their beers.

I would believe so, given their quality of their beer.

So I'm going to guess it's pretty high.

Probably somewhere around me.

I am the man of the people.

I'm going to go with a good old 420.


Number one.

Number two.

Very close.

Very close.

It's a 4.22.

So point O2 off.

You know, I debated 2.2 and 2.1 and I kept on lowering it in my mind saying,

no, no, no, it's not going to be that high.

Like I didn't want to overshoot a 4.15 and be like way out of it.

Yeah, no.

But yeah, you were, hey, listen, you can't be mad about a point O2.

Well, I can be if I would have gotten it correct.


Well, I don't know what happens on the board now when you get it correct.

Nobody's got a perfect one since we've gotten the board.

No, kind of been a curse, I think.

Have we not?

Not since Obert destroyed the other board.

Oh, since we've revamped the board.


Board 2.0.

Yeah, I also, one thing I am excited with this transcription is to hopefully be able

to go back and figure out some, maybe the missing points or at least figure out when

we started the whiteboard.


Listen, I could tell you when the whiteboard started, I ordered it for you.

What episode was it?

Oh, I could tell you the date.


So again, I'll collect the data.

I'll bring it back to the pod.

But we're going to have a revamped scoreboard.

We could just take the total and just subtract that from the number of episodes

and we'd get a pretty rough approximation.

Has it been, has the chat GPT been accurate in everything it's said for the most part

besides my name?

No, there are a few things that I'm like, okay, I could see how that would get confused,

you know, or like some words that it doesn't like, obviously doesn't know what untapped is,

but it just puts the E in, you know, it untapped.

You would think that it would know.

Yeah, I, there's a few things that it's gotten messed up.

So, but for the most part, it's been pretty accurate.

Well, now that I'm done, who's drinking next?

I will go from here.

Let me, let me grab my beer.

Okay, so this week, I do have a beer, but before I get to my beer,

I think I told you guys a little bit about this event I went to where we basically donated

fruit to become part of a community moonshine at the local distillery.

I remember you saying this.

Yeah, so I brought some local crab apples and they mashed them all up,

distilled it, and the kind of what happened was for every pound of fruit you bought,

you got a free ounce of moonshine, basically.

So I got 16 pounds and they gave me a 16 ounce bottle.

So here it is.

It's the Community Shine, batch number one, 2023.

Beautiful bottle.

I got to say this is from Glacier Distilling in Quorum, Montana.

They says here it's fruit brandy distilled from a mash of apples, 65 percent, pears, 20 percent,

cherries, 10 percent, and plums, 5 percent.

Fruit gathered by neighbors, fermented and distilled in Quorum in the old moonshine tradition

and bottled at 100 proof.

No color, sugar, or other flavors added, just a crystal clear bottle of shine.

So I figured I had a gum, bring it to the podcast.

I don't know how much of a full review I'm going to be able to give it without, you know,

like a full, like I'm not going to make a cocktail.

I'm just going to drink it straight up and see what I get.

I got my shot glass.

You guys know who this is?

Is it Clyde?

It is Clyde.

There you go.

Chris is correct.

This is my favorite character in the Pac-Man series is Clyde.

Looks like the same as all the other ghosts.

Inky, blinky, pinky, and Clyde.

That's right.

Chris knows them all.

I just know Pac-Man and his lover, Mrs. Pac-Man.

Have either of you guys played the adventures of Pac-Man?

They never got married, Todd, how dare you?

They had baby Pac-Man too.

Pac-Man was a play of the life.

Baby Pac-Man came out of wedlock.

Was that game for like Super Nintendo or a computer in like the early 90s or something?

I think it was for Super Nintendo.

I vaguely remember that.

Super Nintendo and the Sega Genesis.

I had it on the Sega Genesis.

It was a very weird game in case none of you played it.

It was not Pac-Man.

It was a 3D, it was a 2D world that Pac-Man lived in.

And you had to tell him whether to go left or right

and you could influence the world around him by like clicking on it.

It would be better on a computer.

I'm sure it was a computer game.

And like it would stop like if you clicked on like a beehive,

it would fall and scare Pac-Man and he would run.

And then he would trip over something and die.

It was the most difficult freaking game I've ever played.

It was like a side scroller.

It was not Pac-Man.

Like a button click side scroller.

I should look this up and I should play it and try to beat it now as an adult.

As a child, I was too dumb to back.

Really, was that hard?


I also like the fact that you drank a lot of this brandy already

before bringing it on the podcast.

It looks like that bottle is not full.

It is not.

We had a bit of a Friendsgiving on Sunday

and it was a tenth of a mile down from the distillery.

So I went there, picked it up and poured shots for people.

And we all agreed it was pretty good.

Maybe also if it didn't come across, Clyde is on my shot glass.

I have the whole set in shot glasses.

I wasn't just like holding up a stuffed animal.

By the way, I love this guy.

My favorite.

It's his emotional support stuffed animal that he carries around everywhere.


Just needed to bring it up on the podcast in that exact moment.

So I don't know that much about distilling.

Very much about brandy or moonshine.

But again, this is 100 proof.

So this is exactly 50% alcohol by volume.

So I'm expecting to not get a ton of other flavors.

But on the nose, I do get some of those jammy or fruit aromas.

You know, maybe a little bit of that apple coming into play.

But it is a little astringent.

It's kind of hard to smell past the booze.

But I do get a little pleasant brandy aroma here.

Bottoms up.

Cheers, guys.

Thanks, Clyde.

It's warm going down.

That's for sure.

It's quite good.

You get a lot more of the flavor, I think, on the post shot burn.

Leaves a little bit of that lingering apple on your tongue.

It's really tasty.

It's a subtle flavor.

But I don't know what I would do with this.

Maybe make like a Cosmo.

Isn't that usually with like an Appletini?

Isn't that like you use apple pod?

I don't know.

Triple sec, this brandy and what else is it?

Cranberry juice.

That would be good.

That would be good.

I'm saying that right now.

That would be damn delicious, actually.

Yeah, I'll have to do that.

Maybe I'll have it on a podcast again.

Who knows?

Maybe there'll be a follow up.

But anyway, on to my beer.

I just wanted to bring that on.

I know I mentioned it.

And I'm hoping to do it again every year and just bring some more fruits

because it was a lot of fun.

I mean, I'm kind of jealous.

I kind of want some.

Yeah, well, I'll say I'll definitely.

The bottle will not be gone the next time you're in Montana, I think.

So you'll have to have some then.

By the way, update to the Pac-Man game.

It was called Pac-Man 2, the new adventures.

So I'm assuming Pac-Man 1 is just regular arcade Pac-Man.

Pac-Man 1 is, yeah, it's Waka Waka Waka Waka Pac-Man.

This is not.

It's a side scrolling point and click adventure game.

It came out in 1994.

So this week for beer, very different tone.

Of beverage.

I have the Boulevard Brewing Company, which I believe is out of Kansas City.

They're Brewabunga Cove Imperial Golden Cold Brew with Hazelnut and Vanilla.

8% ABV.

It looks like a fun water park for ice cubes on slides

going into a big kind of a Coolada wave pool, maybe.

I don't know.

Brewabunga Cove, I guess.

This one, I was looking for something today to bring to the plot

at the Pac-E, and it kind of spoke to me.

It's like, yeah, it's getting colder.

Said hey over.

A little darker.

Over it.

Look at all these fun ice cubes on the can.

But I didn't quite read it that closely because even reading

Imperial Golden Cold Brew, I was like, oh, yeah, it'll be like a nice darker stout.

Take a look, guys.

It is not the color I was expecting.

Oh, you're going to buy a beer.

It's it's Clyde colored by a beer.

It is Clyde colored.

Thank you.

A dinosaur.

Definitely golden.

Strong coffee aroma on the nose.

Maybe that's the hazelnut too, I'm getting.

It smells the smell when you walk into a Dunkin' Donuts.

Do you guys have Dunkin' Donuts where you guys live?

No, I was going to say when you walk into a Dunkin' Donuts,

and it's also like 2002, which I think is the last time

that a Dunkin' Donuts smelled like this.

I was going to say, I don't even know if you guys have Dunkin' Donuts

is where you guys live.

I know for sure Obert doesn't.

We do.

We do.


Yeah, we do.

I'm not saying we go into them very often, but you know,

I love walking into Dunkin' Donuts and smelling fresh baked donuts,

you know, how good their donuts are.

Oh, man.

But yeah, it must be the hazelnut I'm getting.

Pretty smelly beer, but in a good way.

I was going to say, I was like smelly is not often attributed to.

Yeah, smelly in a good way or smelly like feet.

It's sure is pungent, this beer.

The smelly smell.

All right, I'm diving in.

I like beer.

It makes me a jolly good fellow.

I like beer.

It helps me unwind.

And sometimes it makes me feel mellow.

I'm so happy it's back.

It wasn't that wasn't the song I was going to play for you.

I was actually going to give you a different one this week,

but because you said I like beer, I just had to bring it back for you.

You got to.


Yeah, that's my song.

It's my it's my anthem.

I love how everything that you've hated on this podcast has slowly become

like the thing that like you like now.

Like you hated that song forever.

You used to hate the dinosaur thing.

Now you just did it, too.

It's just easier to go along with it and move on than to try and fight it.

But this is a weird beer.

I don't know what this beer is trying to do.

Get you drunk.

I don't know what this beer is.

So OK, I'm going to read the description again.

Imperial Golden cold brew with hazelnut and vanilla.

Nowhere there is like that a style of beer.

Like is Imperial Golden a beer?

I don't I don't think so.

Imperial Golden Ale, maybe?

I mean, I guess it's just like it's just very strange.

I've never had a beer like this and I'm not I'm not really feeling it.

I do like to bring original beers on the podcast.

And this is if nothing else, this is original, right?

Like it definitely sounds extremely unique.


If you're someone who likes the Starbucks little bottles of frappuccinos or whatever.

Not frappuccino.

What am I trying to call those things?

Like latte?

Yeah, frappuccino.

Like the iced.

Yeah, I think they are frappuccinos.


If you like that, this is kind of giving me those vibes.


But also 8% AVV beer.

And I don't like those things.

It just tastes very artificial to me.

And that's I think that's a lot of the hazelnut and vanilla.

I get a lot of like fake vanilla in a not good way.

I don't I don't drink flavored coffee.

I drink like black coffee sometimes with milk.

If you're a sweet coffee person, I mean, I shouldn't I should not have gotten this.

This isn't the kind of coffee I like.

I just saw cold brew and got sucked in.

It's fine.

Would I have it again?

Yes, I'll have it three more times.

Unfortunately, I'm forced to have this beer three more times.

But after that, I will no longer have this.

Maybe they'll be on episode 350, 400 and 450.

Chris, I know the beers that are becoming in our gift boxes.



Yeah, that would be a total Jenna move.

It would be.

It would be for sure.


To mail you this beer.

I am kind of tempted to.

I mean, but no, it's not good.

This is a 275.

OK, that's pretty low.


I wanted to give it a three.


But it's not there.

It's not.

Wow, you really don't like this beer.

That's a low score.

It's not because they brewed it bad.

It's just that they made a bad choice in making this beer

and I made a bad choice in buying this beer.

There's a lot going on.

I don't know if the can says this,

but there's a lot going on in this beer.

The can says nothing.

OK, so it's hopped with magnum hops.

The malt is carapils, pale, just says pale, oats, wheat,

and then adjuncts are hammerhead coffee, hazelnut flavor,

and vanilla flavor.

It says what a rush.

Sometimes a good cold brew coffee is like you plunge into a cool,

refreshing pool, completely waking you up and leaving you feeling renewed.

Using coffee extraction methods similar to your favorite cold brew caffeinated treat,

this beer has some bright notes of coffee aroma and flavor

accentuated by hazelnut with a light and vanilla sweet finish.

Yeah, that tracks with what I'm getting out of this.

It's just that's not a, I wouldn't like that if it was a cold,

if it was a beverage that was coffee and vanilla and like,

that's just not what I drank.

So I don't know why I bought this.

And the 275 is really, it's more of a reflection on me.

It's like the people who rate, I hate IPAs, I'm giving this a two.

That's what I'm doing to this beer right now.

Well, that's unfortunate.

On the other hand, what do you think the 2,417 other people

who have checked in this beer think of this beer,

given that you don't like this beer?

Like a three, five, six.

You're way off.


Oh, wow.

Yeah, they're wrong.

They're wrong.

Well, you know, 0.3 off, lose a point.

It's the rules.

I think you actually have to give 1.2 overs in third place.

It's what I believe the official unwritten rule.

I mean, that's why it's 0.3.

So it's bad.

0.3 for third place.

Yeah, that makes sense.

Oh yeah, well, I guess.

No, this beer sucks.

I'm going to just keep drinking it quietly while Chris reviews beer.

OK, I will do that.

And I have a beer that I think we're going to pick up the tail end of the podcast with.

So good.

This is like the most sandwich method for you.

Just bury the bad one.

Yes, that's precisely right.

And I was telling the guys before this,

I didn't really have a beer in mind for tonight.

I didn't.

I forgot to put one in this morning.

True Chris fashion.

But I do have one more beer that I'm going to bring to you guys.

And it's from my trip up north.

I keep saying it's my last beer from up north.

Yeah, you do.

It's never my last beer from up north.

And so you have more beers.

You made it sound like you have no beers.

You have beers, but you don't put them in your fridge.

Yeah, I'm very confused by this.

So you're telling me you have a stash of beer that's not cold.


And you have a fridge that's basically empty.

I have a fridge that is 40% full that the beer.

Stream beers.

Yeah, they're like everyday beers.

They're nothing special.

And you have to bring the specialist to the podcast, right?

So they're real 275, as you say for the podcast.

No, I mean, they're good.

But can I make a suggestion for you?

What if you cleaned out the bottom half of your fridge

and put your good beers in there and then your stream beers

more at the top, more easily accessible, less dad grown noises

as you reach to get a beer out of them out of it?

Because they'll be at the top.

I don't know, because the beers that are warm aren't necessarily

they're like special stream beers, you know, like not just

run of the mill stream beers, like they're the upper echelon.

There's some of my old beers, my cellar beers and stuff like that.

So here's my idea.

Get a big cardboard box, put your best beers in there,

fill it with sand and then have your kids dig one out for you.

And then whenever they dig out, it's like a little treasure hunt.

And then that's the beer that you have to drink.

I was just going to say you could just invest in a new beer fridge.

I think mine was better.

Oh, man.

But anyways, what would happen if like the kid broke the beer

out of the sand on accident?

How angry would Chris be?

Well, no, that's this is archaeology school.

They got the little brushes.

They've got to be delicate here when you're extracting these fossilized beers.

Yeah, they're not going to be shooting stuff into the ground

and taking pictures of the beers like they do in Jurassic Park.

OK, they can happen.

They hydraulically frack the beer out of the ground.

All right. But I do have another northern beer,

which I think might actually be my last one, but we'll see.

We'll find out next week or two weeks.

But this one is a special one.

I got it from Treehouse.

So I'm on a Treehouse kick right now, guys.

But this is their double shot fourth anniversary beer.

So I'll double shot fourth anniversary,

so I should say not their fourth anniversary.

I was going to be like, there's no way Treehouse is four.

It's four. It just turned four.

Happy birthday.

No counting an anti dog years.

So like the East Greenland time zone.

This is an American stout.

If you don't know, this is one of their like flagship stouts that they have.

And it's a coffee stout.

I enjoy it.

It's very delicious.

But yeah, I was actually really excited because normally I'll

taste these and I'll put them in on tap.

But I had to check.

I did not put this one in on tapped.

All you untapped people out there.

So here we go.

My last maybe beer from New England.

So you're meaning to tell me that you have nowhere in your house,

any other New England beer, like no like bottles, say nothing like that.

Well, OK, no, he's saying from his recent from the recent trip.

The last one because I do have I do have some bottles.

Yes. But anyways, here we go.

And I'm drinking while you know that you're my friend and I'll say

I think I'll have myself a beer.

All right. So here it is.

It is dark as night, as you could imagine.

Got a nice, I don't know, half an inch head on there.

Pretty solid looking beer.

I mean, it just looks like a picturesque, beautiful, perfect beer.

It does. Silky smooth head.

As you can see, no light.

Like you are you are free and clear.

You could be like crawling under that T-Rex's tongue.

Like, you never see it.

Never see it. Yeah.

So let's get into it again.

This is Double Shot fourth anniversary.

They're coffee stout.

If you've had any of their variants, then you are, you know,

you know what's about to go down.

It's a it's a very tasty beer.

So I took this out when Overt started his review and that was the correct choice.

That was the correct choice.

It is warmed up to perfect drinking temperature right now.

8.6% alcohol and it is smooth.

It's so smooth.

It just drinks so easy.

You get some absolutely delicious coffee notes out of this.

It's a little sweet, a little sweeter than I remember it being.

Maybe it's because I let it warm up properly now.

But yeah, it's got a nice like velvety mouth feel kind of.

It's like you're drinking synthetic motor oil.

Like it's not like the old the super thick old stuff.

Like this stuff's a little bit lighter, you know.

So but it's got that it's got that mouth feel to it.

It is it is I'm getting I'm getting a lot of sweetness on the front end.

A lot of sweetness and then transitions into your coffee finishes out nice.


Very, very good.

Very, very good.

If I'm not mistaken, I think they make this with their own coffee now.


I don't know.

They have a coffee roaster.

Oh, yeah.


We utilize our roasteries luxurious fourth anniversary blend concocted for the occasion.

So apparently it's a I don't know, a blend made by their roasters.

Fourth anniversary.

I don't know.

Anyways, it is delicious.

Oh, it is.


So clarification is the fourth anniversary of the coffee roastery, not double shot.

So the double shot.

That makes sense.

It does because I definitely remember having this when I lived in Connecticut

and I have not lived in Connecticut in almost six years.

So they only release it when there's an Olympics.


Yeah, that's it.

That's it.

It's only four years old, but it is it is it is wonderful.

It is very, very good.

Yeah, I mean, I remember getting two bottles of this in the Monson location

and thinking it was the greatest thing ever and all that fun stuff.

What can you say?

Like what we've talked about treehouse for what episode are we on?

Literally 260 episodes.

I'm pretty sure that's what we started this podcast on for a little bit of teaser.

I have a little bit more news about treehouse once you're done with your review.

So we're not going to be done talking treehouse once you're done talking treehouse.

But it's it's wonderful.

I'm going to give it an extremely solid four and a half.

Honestly, I if if it wasn't so sweet for me, it would probably be higher.

But I think it's I think it's very good.

I kind of like I mean, you guys know I like I don't mind the coffee bitterness

and I don't like bitterness in my beer and I get very little of that.

So if you are looking for if you're a coffee lover, this is this is a good one.

And if you're a frou frou coffee level, a sweet coffee lover, unlike Obert.

But this sounds better than Obert's beer.

So it does make me want to try their coffee, honestly.

Yeah. Right. Right.

I don't I've had it.

It's it's coffee.


Yeah. But you can like like is it Starbucks level version level coffee?

Or is it because I mean, there's different there's different coffees.

I'm confused by the statement.

Do you think Starbucks on a scale on on the coffee scale?

It's an it's like one is Folgers and 10 is like, you know, like Colombia,

like fresh off of the the cocoa plantation in Colombia.

Where does Starbucks fall on your list?

I think it's like a solid baseline.

I think it's like what?

Like I don't want to say five.

I think it's better than five.

Like, I don't know, six or seven, like six and a half, maybe.

I don't know.

It's the three and a half bottle caps of coffee.

Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. Exactly.

Yes. Yes. Yes. Right.

I would I would say that their I mean, their coffee is probably a little better

than Starbucks is then I would say it's probably a seven or an eight.

It's not it's not it's not the best coffee you can get around here, but it's it's OK.

OK. Fair enough.

It's the best coffee that I know of that you can get at a brewery.

OK. Does that help?

Yeah. Anyways, you heard it here first.

Eight eight eight point on the coffee scale, four point five on my scale.

So the fourth anniversary double shot has four five hundred and forty three ratings.

Wow. That is much lower than I thought it was going to be.

I know it's going to be monstrous.

Just knowing Treehouse and this beer and the fourth anniversary thingy,

like I just know it's going to be a monster.

But how monstrous? Like, I don't know.

It's so weird. Like when I want to guess like a four or five something,

it's like, no, that's stupid.

But like I could legitimately see it being a four or five something.

I'm going to go. You know what?

I'm going to guess high, but I'm going sailboats four four four.

I like that guess.

You're close. Four four zero.

Ah, damn it. OK. All right.

You were like going for that jackpot.

Yeah. The first real came up before.

Second came up before.

Third really.

You're like, come on, come on.

Zero. All right.

Well, I mean, it's it's deserving.

It's very good.

Yeah, I did see they have a cookies and cream version,

a maple version, a chocolate truffle version, which I know that they have.

I think those are more of like the they do those like couple of like

those are like one tank or a couple of kegs or whatever at the brewery, like on tap.

Yeah, they usually serve on tap, which I heard they got rid of the the ticket system.

Oh, no. Interesting.

I was just there when I was in Connecticut two months ago and they had it then.

So yeah, this was like a recent like thing.

So like, yeah, it was the same.

It was the same when I was there, obviously.

But like, is it just unlimited unlimited pours now?

You just go. I don't I don't know.

Maybe they don't require you to buy tickets beforehand.

Maybe you just pay at the bar now and they still put a little X on your wristband.

All I heard is that the ticket system was gone.

Ted, you got to report back.

I will have to go there.

However, I do have to talk about the other news.

The tree, the other reason the treehouse has been in the news lately.

But it would do to put a book book book book book book book book.

Treehouse is being sued.

One of the.

The beer is too delicious.

They are. I can't have it all the time.

From from a shareholder who accuses the founders of paying themselves excessively

concealing real estate purchases and buying, buying luxury vehicles

while withholding dividends from minority shareholders.

The the minority shareholder is a 2% owner of the company.

And he is accusing Nathan Lanier, who's the brewer and Damien Gordeau,

who's the president of the company, of of of doing those things,

of the excessive real estate purchases, excessive salaries,

and buying luxury vehicles while not paying a dividend to the minority shareholders.

The guy who's filing the lawsuit is Eric Granger.

He said in the lawsuit that he invested in the company in 2012.

And it was converted in 2015 to non voting shares while Lanier and Gordeau

were the only ones to receive voting shares.

Further, Granger said he has tried to request business documents in order to

determine the value of his shares since 2021, but was denied.

He also claims that other minority shareholders have accepted corporate

redemptions of their shares either in 2016 or 2023.

He alleges that Treehouse altered a 2017 document without authorization in 2022

to use as an application for the company's Deerfield location,

and again for the Sandwich location.

In the lawsuits, he said that the alteration in use of the documents is

tear them out to forgery.

So this guy is suing them for a lot of fraud.

Okay, tell them to keep our eyes on.

You know what I realized?

Todd likes to bring the beer gossip to the podcast.

Do you notice this, Chris?

Right? Yeah, he's like, yeah, in on it.

He's like, look at the latest Connecticut Facebook beer group drama.

I got you.

You don't worry about it.

I'll tell you what's going on.

Todd likes the beer industry drama.

Hey, this is a big one, though.

I mean, if, you know, if what this Eric Granger guy is alleging is true,

it could result in massive changes at Treehouse,

including, you know, the potential removal of their head brewer,

which would be incredible.

I mean, it would destroy Treehouse, right?

Without Nathan there to to brew the beer that he brews.

I don't know.

Do you think it's at the point now where it's like he's kind of like the mastermind for a

like a thousand times and he's got like all these minions thousand and first?

I mean, I think he could I think they could brew like the normal things, right?

I mean, they could do the double shots even even down a double shot.

They could do the the big four.

They could do all the variants on that.

But it's when he comes up with a new thing, which he does quite often.

I mean, every time you go there, there's a different beer.

You just wouldn't have that same mind doing it, which is a thing.

I mean, he is the brainchild of Treehouse.

Well, so does it say anywhere in the article anything about like the minority shareholder

asking this guy to be removed from the company or like brewing or anything?

It sounds like he just wants like fair valuation for his assets and money and stuff like that.

Yeah, it sounds like he's saying that the owners are paying themselves

too much and he wants them to pay themselves less and him more, which he is.

Like you said, I don't know if it's you know, it's just I think it's just a matter of

you know, that's for the courts to decide on how much money this guy is going to get.

He is he his lawsuit.

He is asking the defendants to be compelled to provide a thorough accounting,

return misappropriated funds, pay retroactive dividends, and pay $50,000 in damages.

So he's not asking for their removal.

So Todd is into beer gossip and...

No, hang on.

If you commit real estate fraud though, that is a federal offense.

But this is a civil suit.

Right, but you don't think that every lawyer who wants to get involved with state law

is not looking at this lawsuit and finding out if they misappropriated

funds related to real estate purchases.

I think this kind of lawsuit happens like every day, but I don't know.

I don't know.

I'm not I'm not a law talking guy.

Just something to keep an eye on.

It's interesting.

I mean, it's not it's very rare that you see Treehouse pop up in the news being sued

by another owner for not getting their money.

I mean, yeah, you have to we'll put the you have a news article.

I'll drop it in the in the show notes.


So yeah, it's just it's it's great.

I mean, it's it's just a different news story.

It's something different.

You know, Treehouse obviously makes a you know, a metric shit ton of money.

That's a technical term right there.

And for them to not be paying dividends and to be hiding money

and and paying themselves paying the two owners excessive

allegedly amounts of salaries, allegedly is a big deal.

I mean, yeah.

And I don't think it's they're not paying any money to the shareholder.

It's just he's not paying enough.

According to the lawsuit was how I interpreted what you read.

And it's interesting because there there used to be another owner,

Damian, who apparently retired recently.

Or died of mysterious circumstances.

Damian is actually the head brewer with a fake mustache.

He became he used to be there like they're like chief like marketing guy.

He would be at all like the beer festivals and stuff that Treehouse was at.

And he became a little bit of a little bit addicted to the the the old beers

where he was always a little bit over served at these events.

And apparently he became sober and retired from the beer industry.

It's a good good for him.

You know, it's like he probably made so much money doing that.

And he's like, you know, turn turn my life around.

I'm going to walk away from this.

So I can respect that choice for sure.

But yeah, so put the link in the show notes.

And Ted, you're going to keep us updated on this story, right?

We got a future developments.

I I would say there's a 99% chance of settled out of out of court.

And we never really find out what happens.

But we do have an update.

We'll get it to you.

Sorry, the retired guy's name is Dean.

Damien was the other guy named in the lawsuit.

Dean was the one who retired.

And Dean is Damien with a mustache.

Maybe maybe.

So I want to know and this is more of an appeal to our audience members,

but also you guys like getting back to where we started this episode.

Pass the time zone stuff like all these.

I'm going to do all these transcriptions.

I already have about a year's worth of our podcast done.

I want to know what fun stuff we can do with them.

Because I think there's some good podcast meat on that bone, right?

Of like what I can do with all these transcripts.

But nothing is immediately coming to mind.

But just reading through some of this stuff, I just can't help but laugh.

So I'm curious if you guys have ideas of how we can revisit some of our own material,

either audio or transcript form and maybe what to do with it.

Well, off the top of my head,

we just rerecord the episode with whatever the transcript says.

Right. But we all take somebody else's spot.

Right. The other thing that came to mind was is it apparent who said what?

No, it doesn't know whose voice is who's.

Because I would love to hear like an episode 45 snippet and we just have to read through it

and see like who said who do we think said what, you know, like based on context clues,

you know, like a real he said she said kind of deal, a murder mystery.

I mean, you can you can figure it out, though.

I'm sure. So like maybe it's maybe it's one liners.

Maybe it's one liners.

Maybe it's like who said, you know, and all the funny ones are me, you know?

Right. I just posted so like this was a 212.


I posted the discord chat where I say I have to ask,

do you have the Twitch ID waterdadgamer registered?

I don't know who we could be talking about.

Right, right, right.

That could be anybody.

Not to be dead.

Game Daddy's not bad.

Oh, man.

There's just something so funny about just reading it

with no like just stoic punctuation and just black on white words.

Just makes the jokes that much funnier, I think.

Oh, man.

I mean, I would be curious to know like some like statistical stuff,

like what's the most common score that's guessed between the three of us?

Oh, that could be good.

What's the most commonly rated beer that we bring on the podcast would be another one.

Most swear words.

That's a lot more work.

Most swear words episode of most swear words.

Clearly, we could fire our historian.

He's been bad at his job anyways.

Well, so here's the thing, right?

So I need to get a chat GPT-4 subscription to get the historian up and running.

But a chat GPT-4 is a wait list for.

I'm on the wait list.

Meanwhile, I'm transcribing, hoping to get.

How much does it cost to get a subscription to chat GPT-4?

If and then when you're off the waiting list.

It's 20 bucks a month.

It's not cheap.


How much better is it than chat GPT-3.5 that we have?

Well, it will let me make a library.

No, it'll make it'll let me make a drinking alone with friends GPT

where any of our listeners can go and ask the GPT of our podcast.

Any questions about our podcast?

That's kind of fun.

I like that.

What number are you on in the wait list?

Doesn't doesn't tell you that.

I don't know how long it's going to be.

But it's like it's like we all have those those breweries,

but we're on the wait list for the mug.

You know, it's like it's like waiting for Green Bay season tickets or something.


No, my grandkids are going to be on this way.

Now, now, now this is for the listeners listeners.

I know this is a back and forth medium, but would you buy a book?

Would you buy a drinking alone with friends book?

Just that just a straight up transcript of all of them.

Not proofread because I'm not doing that.

No, no, no, no.

God, no, God, no.

No, it comes with all the errors,

all the Todd's and the tuds and the Ted's and the titties.

I can know I can replace find and replace all those.

I already did that.

There we go.

165 of them out of the way.

It just be like episode one and you guess who said what?


Yeah, that's the other thing, too.

It would be nice to be able to tag the dialogue with our names.

But again, that's a lot of work.

I wonder if GPT four will do that for you.

It'll be able to tell the difference between voices.

Now, there's other software, but then to merge them,

you have to know more computer programming than I currently know.

So it's not we're not there yet.

We don't have the technology.

But if anybody if any of our listeners are a computer programmer,

I will say in the show notes,

there will be a link to a transcript of this of this episode.

So nice click on it.

I watch you can't see how many times it says

Ted or Todd or.

Yeah, you can't replace Ted or Todd or tit with with Todd.

Well, this would be the one episode where I don't do it.

It's just going to say Ted everywhere.

I wonder what if all right, let's say Tude Tude.

Like attitude, but just apostrophe Tude.

Tude. What's what's another?

What's another you sound?

You're just trying to confuse.

You're just using the podcast time to try and confuse the track.

I'm trying to figure out what combination of TUD

will equal it to spell out Todd.

Like what pronunciation?

Oh, it's like when you're trying to get the hands free thing to work

and you say it funny so that it gets the right correct.

Yeah, gotcha.

Yeah, so it's like like to talk.

What's another way of pronouncing you?

What how do you say you with it?

Like a umla over to to Tude.

I guess that's what you're saying.

But without the E at the end.

Yeah, that's what I'm trying to say is like what what pronunciation of you

in in between T and D would equal Todd.


Maybe that'll do it.

Maybe you have to sound it out like that.

There we go.

We got it.

Got it in one.

Let's go.

Okay, but I think it's time.

Tude, congratulations.

Honk honk honk honk honk honk.

Thank you.

Frosty mug of of winter wisdom.

That's you.

That's me.

Getting closer to 50.

You are definitely closer to 50 than 40.

And congratulations.

That's um, let's hear what Jordan has to say about this victory.

Test your candle.

Test your candle.

Test your candle.

Test your candle.

Mug of wisdom.


Mug of wisdom.

Finish up.




Popcorn and other animals.

Mug of wisdom.

Okay, important correction.

When I said Todd was closer to 50 than 40, it was because in my webcam,

the mirrored two looked like a five.

He is in fact closer to 40 than 50.

I just want to be clear on that.

I mean, you can't really go backwards in this game.

So I would say I'm on my way to like, I am closer to being, you know, 36 than I am 34.

But I'm not at my half birthday yet.

New Finland time zone math, I think is what you're saying.

But honk honk honk.


Again, this is where we fill a frosty mug with wisdom wisdom, life advice, things we like.

Black Friday, Cyber Monday deals that you missed that we didn't.

Who knows?

But Todd, the mug piping cold from the freezer is yours.

What are you doing with it?

Well, it's a little bit too cold for me to touch.

So I'm going to give it to Chris for now and let him.

I never would have guessed.

But I know he has something this week.

So I do.

Yeah, you teased down the last episode repeatedly.

It was a obscure Pokemon knowledge.

Oh, I forgot about that.

I forgot I didn't use it as a handle.

It's no longer a handle, guys.

I forgot.

He's lost interest in it.

No, I had something else.

I actually had a product that I purchased.

So I'm going to use.

Oh, would it be?

Would you rather do a product that other people could use or obscure Pokemon?

I was only for Chris's ancient lore to understand.

I mean, I'm not going to lie.

You could be a Pokemon player and use this product because it is a new controller that I purchased.

I see the box.

Yeah, the box is behind me.

So I'm so upset.

I thought we were going to get chat GPT to try to transcribe what the hell you're about to explain.

Because you tried to explain it to us two weeks ago.

My eyes glazed over and I was like, I'm going to go play NASCAR.

Maybe next week.

Maybe next week.

We'll be so lucky.

He's like, here's my handle.

OK, so you do a burnout until you make a caution.


All right.

So I purchased the deep NASCAR Thunder.

I watched I watched the worst driver of all time with the Daytona 500 on legend mode.

So it happened.

I did it with Daytona 500 champion folks.

I don't think we ever got to follow up.

Did you and Dan play that all day on Friendsgiving?

We never did.

I told him I had downloaded it and he was pretty excited, but we never got to play it.

All right.

So I purchased this controller on.

Oh, actually, it was it was a little bit before probably towards the beginning of the month.

And the selling point was it is reminiscent of what I believe to this day to be one of

the best controllers ever made.

And that's Gamecube's Wavebird.

I'm pretty sure.

Great controller.

Great controller.

So this is get out here.

So this is called the Nixie Wizard NYXI Wizard.

And it is a switch controller that is set up like a Wavebird.

And I got it and I've been using it a lot.

It has turbo functions.

It's set up like a Wavebird.

It is much larger.

Let me just warn you.

It's larger than I thought it was going to be.

So if you have big hands, then it's no problem if it's my hands just perfectly.

But do keep that in mind if you are looking to purchase.

But it feels really good.

It's very solid.

All the buttons are in the Gamecube layout, including the two joysticks.

It's even got the yellow joystick, which we all know and love.

The C-stick.


That was the worst part about the controller to me.


I don't think I've ever heard this.

It was never used as the secondary nub.

It was always like, press this way if you're playing Zelda.

Press this way to pull out your dooku stick.

You can just hear how often he got wrecked in 007.

You can just hear it in his voice.

Hit the left way to pull out your dooku stick and you hit the wrong thing.

You hit the middle thing and it's like, throw a dooku C and you're like, what the fuck?

I can see some skill issues.

But anyways, it's got some programmable back buttons as well.

It's a very well-built controller.

I was a little concerned because you never know what you're getting with these

third-party controllers.

My one takeaway, as I already said, very huge.


So keep that in mind.

I need a huge drop.


It fits onto your Switch.

You can play it in handheld mode if you so choose.

But I use it primarily in controller mode.

It's got turbo buttons.

It's pretty neat.

If you want to throw back, if you play the Switch a lot, like some of us do,

and you want to throw back, if you really enjoyed the GameCube controller, check it out.

We'll put a link in the show description and in the transcript.


H-T-T-P colon forward slash forward slash W-W-W.

Dot A-M-O-Z-O-N dot com slash.

You kind of glazed over it, but when you said it fits on your Switch,

I didn't realize that this thing comes apart and has it.

Oh, see, I didn't realize that before.

That's pretty cool.


So it acts as it is like a Joy-Con, like your normal Joy-Cons on your Switch,

where they are separate.

They can slide on the Switch.

I'm slightly more intrigued by this now.


But let me show you this thing.

Because I have the Switch OLED right here.

For the listeners.

For the listeners out there.

Somebody who has, Chris, you have bigger hands than me,

but I also have very large hands.

The Joy-Con controllers themselves, Joy-Cons?

They're pretty small.

They're small.

I would like something a little bit more meatier for my paws to hold on to.

But look at this thing when it's fully assembled.

This isn't even my final form.

That's freaking awesome.

Listeners, you can't see it, but if you've ever seen the movie Big

with the keyboard scene, that's exactly what Chris is doing right now.

He's jumping from the X to the Y button.

So yeah, there it is.

That's fully assembled.

I've been enjoying it.

I've been using it more than my Joy-Cons at this point.

So if you're looking for an alternative to Joy-Cons or other remote controls, check it out.

Does it fit in the dock with the controller on it?

It does, barely.

But it does.

You have to be pretty precise with your placement.

If you put a little bit of foam padding underneath the dock

and lifted it up about a quarter of an inch, would it fit better?

No, I mean, it does fit.

It's just, you have to be pretty straightforward.

There's no side tilt on this thing.

You got to go straight down.

I'll put a link in the show notes,

and you guys should all go maybe get one.


Do they?

I ordered a new Joy-Con on Monday.

So thanks for the timely handle.

Oh, man, that stinks because they're definitely,

it's cheaper to buy one of these as a Joy-Con because they're freaking expensive.

Oh, no, not the Nintendo Switch.

Oh, okay, okay, okay.

Got you.

I want to get, and I've seen them out there.

They remade the large, like, original Xbox controller.


Like the big, not the one when they did, the wave, I don't know what it was.

It was like a circle, essentially.

The OG one, the one that came with Xbox.

Except for that they moved the black and the white buttons into trigger form

because they eventually moved them up to bumpers.

So they moved it all, and they had this big colossal controller now.

And I want to get one for PC gaming.

I think that would be cool because those controllers,

that was my favorite controller.

It was just such a cool controller.

I want to get a Dreamcast controller, but the window is the Switch.

Oh, man.

People are playing state of mind.

All right, Todd.

Todd, who's next?

I guess I'll go next in this situation just because I do the outro,

and it's always awkward when I have to continue to talk with no break.

My handle this week is actually going to be a tip for homeowners.

So in the winter, a lot of homeowners, myself included, given how old our house is,

we have an issue with mice getting into the basement.

And so I went through this entire process of trying to figure out exactly how

to find where the mouse holes are and plug them and solve them so the mice can't get in.

And this has been my project for the past like week and a half, and so far so good.

So first thing what I did was I bought a cheap outdoor camera off of Amazon.

Amazon has a company that they own called Blink,

which basically competes with Ring, which Amazon also owns.

So Amazon owns both Blink and Ring, but Ring is the more expensive version of Blink.

So I bought a Blink outdoor camera.

It was like 50 bucks.

And I bought like a tripod for it that was $7.

So $57 all in here.

I put the tripod up, put the camera on it,

put it outside where I thought the mice were coming in,

and I turned up all the settings so anytime something moved,

the camera clicks on, it records,

and you can watch where the mouse runs into your foundation.


I found out where the mice were coming into my house.

How do you solve the problem once you have them out or once you figured it out?

Well, you have to go to Lowe's or Home Depot or your local hardware store.

Buy some steel wool and some spray foam.

And the lady at Lowe's told me that if you take a broken light bulb, this also helps too.

But anyways, you take the steel wool and you shove it into the hole where the mouse is getting in.

And it basically blocks up the hole from both sides because mice,

given their whiskers, they don't want to run through steel wool.

It bothers them so they won't run at it.

But then to be certain that they can't just bite the steel wool and pull it out,

take spray foam and spray over the steel wool.

Let it harden.

Therefore, you've blocked the mice from ever being able to shoot through the styrofoam

or shoot through the spray foam.

And then if for whatever reason it does, the steel wool is also in the way.

What the lady at Home Depot or Lowe's told me with the broken light bulb,

it's supposed to sprinkle the broken light bulb on top of the steel wool

because the glass, even though it's not going to cut you as a human,

mice's paws are a lot less robust than ours.

They're a lot weaker.

So if they ever come in contact with steel wool,

the glass that's mixed in there will cut their paws and they'll run away as well.

So I've been doing this so far in my house and I have plugged four holes.

And every day I move the blink camera around my foundation a little bit more

to find out where the mice are coming in.

It's the perks of owning a house that was built 100 years ago

where you have to find these things.

But for anybody who has mice coming into their house, that's the best way to do it.

It's all in.

It's cost me less than 100 bucks to fix my house.

And I didn't have to hire a professional.

I did it all myself.

And you feel a little good after you're doing it because you're like,

oh, I did something on my own.

So for the show notes, what's the Home Depot lady's website?

Well, I figured we could put the blink camera up there.

We could throw up a YouTube video, too, that I watched.

Well, how did you attain all of this secret mice removal knowledge?



So you got a video.

You got a video.

I do have a video.

And the guy even shows you the blink camera that he used, same blink camera I used.

Just as a word of warning, this won't work on mice named Todd.

If Todd, Ted, fine.

But if they're Todd, the camera won't pick them up.

It's true.

That's technology for you.

A lot of people are homeowners.

A lot of people have mice problems.

Chris, I don't know if you have mouse problems in your basement.

I don't even know if you have a basement.

I do.

And so far, no mice?

He's got 99 problems.

But a mouse ain't one.

Well, if they ever happen to become issues, at least you know how to solve them now.

I was hearing mice in the walls of my house.

And I was like, what is happening?

And I found a hole that I could stick two of my fingers right in.

And I was like, well, that's exactly how they're getting in.

So that's my handle.

I guess, Obert, you're the only one left.

It's good.

I was trying to find the GIF of that scene in The Matrix where they're in the walls.

And the guy's like, they're in the walls.

But I couldn't in time.

So it's time for my handle.

And that is following up with Chris's handle to make a nice little mousetrap sandwich.

It's also game related.

You don't want to be the sandwich of a mousetrap.

No, that's the mouse.

Fun fact.

One more story before you go.

I bought some new mousetraps during this process

before I discovered how to keep them out permanently.

And I was looking away from the mousetrap that I had open.

And my finger grazed the mousetrap clicker.

And I don't think I've screamed so loud in 20 years.

That fucker hurt.

I've heard guys scream very loudly too.

It was not the normal mousetrap, the metal one.

It was the hard plastic one because they're better now.

Like there's no way that a mouse is getting away from this thing once it snaps it down.

This fucker, it hurt.

And it left a mark.

You can see my thumb.

Oh, ouch.

It got you.

I have a legit cut from the mousetrap.

OK, so to be not the thumb of the sandwich here,

I have a game that I think actually both of you might be interested in.

It's a two to four person board game.

It is a legacy game, which means that it's a game that you can play multiple sessions of.

And every time you go back to the game,

it's going to have new rules and the board is going to change.

The game is going to change a little bit.

The game is called My City.

This is a recommendation from a friend of the podcast, Doug,

who's probably the guy who I know who's most into board games.

But have either of you played Blockus?

Are you familiar with the game Blockus?

It's kind of like Tetris in the fact that you're trying to arrange certain shaped pieces

that kind of conform to like a pixelated kind of a grid shape in a board, right?

The difference is it's not like Tetris where the lines go away.

You're playing against another person.

And so you have a board, we'll say like that's a 10 by 10 grid with 100 spaces.

And you have all of these little board pieces that you need to fit nicely into your game.

And there's certain rules as to how you can place these pieces.

But at the end of the game session,

you're going to score points based on how well you put your pieces in.

So if you're someone who's like really good with spatial organization, that type of game,

if you like Tetris, this might be a game that's up your alley.

But the thing that I like about it is, okay, so you then basically whoever wins, whoever loses,

you get a certain number of points towards the overall legacy scoring system,

meaning that's going to continue on to the next game.

And then the winner gets a little bit of a penalty

and the loser gets a little bit of a boost to help them in future sessions.

So it has a nice catch up mechanic where the mechanics of the game allow the two players

to kind of keep evenly skilled as the game progresses, as you score further and further.

And as the board develops, I think in the game, there are eight sessions or eight chapters.

Sorry, there are eight chapters and each chapter has three individual sessions.

So you play the game three times.

A playthrough takes about 20 to 30 minutes.

So you can take a break and come back.

So yeah, so how I've been doing it is play through one chapter of three rounds of the game.

And then I put it away, come back to it next week.

And the stakes are so much higher when you know that whether you win or lose,

that's going to affect you the next time you play.

So I have played a legacy game with Chris before.

It was a lot of fun, but it was a cooperative game.

This is a competitive game.

And it's been a good time.

I think I'm on chapter six, like I said, of eight.

And I think it's 50 bucks.

The other thing with legacy games is you manipulate the board.

You put new stickers on it.

You write on it.

It's a game you only play through one time.

But how many games are you really going to play more than eight or so times, right?

So you get your money's worth for sure.

But I've been enjoying it.

And if you're someone who likes Tetris, if you use someone who plays Blockus and likes it,

this is definitely a game I would recommend checking out.

It's a good one.

All right.

I'm intrigued.

I don't know what a legacy game is.

It's like it's an entirely new thing.


So Chris, how would you describe a legacy game?

Did I leave anything out?

No, I don't think so.

I think you kind of described it.

But I mean, I played one before.

I don't know.

It's I don't know.

I like I enjoyed the one we ended up playing together.

That was a lot of fun.

Yeah, we did Pandemic, which is Pandemic Legacy.

And yeah, I don't know.

It's just like a long continuing game that changes over time.

Like different things, different mechanics, different things change as the game progresses.

So it's like it's like playing a video game on a board or something like that.

So it'd be like, OK, we're going to play Monopoly.

But OK, after the first time you play Monopoly, whoever wins next time,

you need to put five houses down before you can get a hotel.

Yeah, like that kind of thing where it's like you it's a whole new session of Monopoly.

But there's a little every time the rules are a little different.

And it's really intriguing being like, oh, how am I going to play with the new rules

that I didn't know about until right now?

You're both, you know, you're playing this new new scenario,

trying to learn and understand the new rules the first time.

It makes a lot more a lot more challenging and fun to to learn and master.

OK, I mean, I'm going to have to try it.

I'm going to have to see.

Yeah. And with that, we'd like to thank you all for listening.

We would like to thank the breweries who provided today's beers.

I will thank Pine House Brewing and Alvarado Street Brewing

for their Jaguar Shark Deep Search Alvarado Street 2022.

I would like to thank Treehouse for their Double Shot Fourth Anniversary.

And I'm going to thank Boulevard Brewing Company for their Brewabunga Cove.

Please make sure you head over to all social medias and follow us everywhere at DAWF Podcast.

Also make sure you hashtag follow the emails at DAWFpodcast at gmail.com.

Also head over to Discord and join the live conversation over there.

People were sharing pictures of their turkeys around Thanksgiving.

So that was pretty cool to see.

A lot of them looked really good.

I missed that.

Yeah. So check that out if you want to see some good turkeys and get all hungry for turkey again.

I don't know about you guys, but I am left over doubt.

I've had enough turkey.

I'm done with it for the time being.

But tune in next year when I review my smoked and deep fried turkey,

because that'll be a new thing.

Wow, look at these turkeys.

Also head over to Patreon for as little as a dollar a month.

You can support the podcast.

It helps us monetarily pay for things like hosting fees or doing cool trips.

Like when we went to Asheville,

we paid for part of that trip with the money that we got from Patreon.

So head over there.

It really helps out.

You can also get bonus extra bonus episodes of the podcast when you do that as well.

And finally, if you don't feel like doing that and you don't feel like helping us out monetarily,

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Well, luckily for you, there's a few other things you can do.

You can click on the podcast after you're listening to now

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That's any podcast app, Spotify, Apple Music, Google Play.

Doesn't matter.

Five star rating and a review.

And if you really are lazy and you don't feel like doing that,

and I'm speaking to one of our friends here in particular.

His name is Ben.

He is very lazy.

I would suggest that Ben tell people that he just talks to on a daily basis to listen to the podcast

because word of mouth is still one of the best ways that you can help us out with

or help us out spread the word about this podcast.

So go do that.

Help us out.

And with that, my name is Ted Todd Todd.

My name is Chris.

And I'm Obert.

And remember, if you're drinking alone, do it with friends.

I got to say, these are some really tasty looking turkeys.

Yeah, there's some there's some banger turkeys on on Thanksgiving.

Y'all eating good in the neighborhood.

Oh, we should we should coin that phrase.

I like how it rhymes and everything to make a commercial with that.

But yeah, you guys had a good turkeys this year.

Yes, they came out very good.

Good turkeys.

Yeah, good turkeys.


You know, I think I've mastered the smoking of the turkey.

Now it's time to move on, as I said.

First smoked, first brined, then smoked, then fried, then garnished,

then spatchcocked, then double fried.

I think I don't know if I can incorporate more than three ways of cooking.

This is Todd's 2050 Thanksgiving.