Do you want to give him like a 60 second countdown? Nah. They know it's coming. These people. We're already over 60 seconds late. We're a minute late, yeah. No podcast ever goes live exactly on time. Ours does. Should we do the recorded introduction here and then join the live stream? We're not going to go, hey folks, it's... That's what we did last time. All right. Yeah. All right. Here we go. I'm going to go ahead and I have to unmute us because we're muted in the stream and then I'm going to take down the banner so I'm going to stop the music. Music stopped. Okay. Welcome to Drinking Alone with Friends, a podcast where three friends drink alone together. My name's Chris. What up? It's Todd. And I'm Obert. Oh, having me on the live show. Welcome to the live show. Having me on this other screen is freaking me out. Woo. I know. You can see yourself all of the ways. What's going on? Welcome in. Hello. Thank you for joining us for episode number 250 of Drinking Alone with Friends, which is arguably 220 episodes longer than I think we thought it was going to be. Yeah. I think that's a low estimate for how many more episodes we did than we thought we were going to do. But we're still here. Please tell me, by the way, let me know if any of these gongs are super loud. Listen. Oh, man. I'm not even looking at the chat. I can't see myself. I can't read the chat. Oh, I can read the chat. We got plenty of people here. Plenty of people are here. A lot of good friends, a lot of old listeners. Thank you so much for being here. Appreciate you. Yeah. This is our third live show, I think. Yeah. It is. It is. Yeah. Because we did the one at my house. Yeah. Then we did one. One separately. Yep. And then we did just one. That's three. Cool. That's how numbers work. What part is slightly loud? Them or me? Oh, I'm going to assume the gong. Probably the gong. Don't touch anything. Guys, just deal with the loud gong. You will deal with the loud sound effects. You'll be fine. It'll wake you up. It is nine o'clock on the east coast. The gong was the gong. I did ask the chat what their oldest beers they had in the fridge was. Because that's what we do every 50 episodes here and drink a lot with friends. We drink the oldest beers in the fridge. Somebody said 2004, which is crazy to me. That's a very old beer. I mean, yeah, I don't know. You're not drinking that anytime soon, I think. I think at that point it's going to stay there until you die. Has it been in the fridge since 2004? That's what I want to know. They said it was in the back of the closet. Right. Who knows? Yeah. We had a one year old Bud Light, somebody all said. I got to respect the getting through the backlog. I know. Todd has actually like, he's got year over year. He's just got Bud Lights like lined up in this fridge. Yeah. Ever since I started drinking, I've saved one Bud Light. It's like a 2020. What a year. Think about 2020 in the fridge, uni. Nice. Nice. That's not that bad though. I mean, I think that's better than one of the host of this podcast. I think I'm not sure though. I can safely say that I think that my oldest Bud Light is less than three months old. There's no waste. That's good. There's no Bud Light. Bud Light gets used. It's very easy drinking. It's a good lubricant. Yeah. I can bring it everywhere. There's also no reason to buy more Bud Light if you have old Bud Light in your house. Right. Yeah. It doesn't age. It doesn't change its flavor. That's very fair. I actually think that instead of the oldest Bud Light, my oldest light beer I have at the moment is a Bushlight Peach that I've had for probably about three and a half months. Oh, okay. I was going to say that's. Oh, okay. I was like, I thought those were new. Yeah, I know. Me too. I was like. So they all go down, light loggers. They go, you know, if I had a Kors Light, that would probably last forever. Who kids keep. This is coming from the guy who was just tripping over beers last time he recorded. That just mysteriously show up in his house. It's very true. So we were actually just talking. Who knows. Yeah. We were just talking before, before we, we were all like, oh, let's go get our beers. And like over it myself, we either have them ready and then Todd goes into like a vault or something, like just an extension of his house that none of us has ever seen, which I can only imagine is, I don't know, a cave. I don't know. But he, he pulls the, the one beer on his book case that says the one book on his book case that says beer secret beer seller, you think that treadmill behind me is actually a treadmill. It actually really blocks the, or the door to the vault. Oh, okay. Secret door. Yeah. There you go. Yeah. Coco get a cameo. We might be able to do a puppy cameo eventually. Yeah. We might be able to do a puppy cameo show off, show off the puppy. But yeah, how much grief. Oh, Todd is a, Todd is a die hard Cowboys fan. So I am, and there's, and there's more than one Cowboys logo in this room. You can't see the other ones on top of the bookshelf. And that, that will eventually get put, put on the wall right behind there. I'm just doing work on this wall. But friend of the friend of the podcast Dan bought me that. So I'm pretty excited to put it on my wall. Yeah. That's, that's a pretty, pretty cool cut out. We talked about, I think we talked about that a couple of podcasts ago. And we were talking. It's like, it's been a long time since the three of us have been on a call. Cause like I was, I was, I was gone. Then then Todd, then Todd was making cheese and we had Kiwi of course. You know, shout out to Kiwi going and hanging out, hanging out with us. Jamoaks for a night. That was fun. But it's good. It's good to be back. And you know, I can't believe 250 episodes crazy. So I don't know what you guys want to get. You guys want to get drinking? Do you guys want to start drinking? It is the name of the show. So we might as well. I know. That's true. I think that's the best given what I have in my, my bag of goodies that I would like to go first. Oh, okay. Well, you did miss last week. So I feel like it's only fair to let you go first. You're the most thirsty. That's what it, that's how it works. Yeah. Agreed. Yes. So. Listeners don't know this, but we only drink when we're recording and then that's no other beverages allowed for the rest of the two. Right. Yeah. I mean, literally nothing else, no water, no nothing. Just, you know, just only alcohol goes into these bodies. Yup. All right. So, so are we ready? Are we ready? Sure. We're ready. Let's, let's do this. It's beer 30 and I'm thirsty. I've been working like a dog all week long. So maybe something cold won't hurt me because it's beer 30 and it's time to party. Yeah, baby. Yes. All right. So in celebration of 250th podcast, I want to keep my beer cold, but I also brought more than one beer. Wait, is that the cooler that you guys gave me crap about? No, it was just me. I gave both of them. Oh, okay. So me and Ted were on the team. Yeah. It's the, it's the greatest cooler known to man. I agree. It is the greatest cooler known to man. And I was, I was flabbergasted when I found out people didn't like this cooler. Okay. Anyway, sorry. I was, I was about to go. This cool is, this cool is great. I don't have to, I don't have to use ice. Have you guys seen these coolers? You literally freeze the whole cooler. So in the wall, there's, there's ice in the cooler. Yeah. And you free it folds. It folds flat. You freeze the cooler and you take it out, zip, zip, zip. And you're like, boom, look at me. I can keep a six pack cold. It's wonderful. I didn't realize it folds flat. I was like, who's got room in their freezer for that? Fold flat. That makes it a little. Thank you. More interesting. And I don't know about yours, Chris, but I can fit a whole 12 pack. No, I think I have the six. I think I have the, I think I could fit six, 16s. I think, or yeah, I think I could fit six, 16s in mine. It lasts. You know, I went to a concert on Sunday and it lasted the whole day. I mean, the, the beer stays, the beer stays cold. The beer keeps the ice cold. So the ice doesn't melt as much. Yeah. It's like, you know, yeah. I mean, yeah. If you're going to, I guess the, the 12 pack probably holds it, but like I can drink six beers very fast. I mean, it doesn't like, you know, obviously, obviously. So as per the podcast rules, I did bring my oldest beer. Yes. Okay. Which is called Maduro. A brown ale by cigar city. Um, and the can says two, two, 2015. Wow. Okay. That's an old beer. That's an old beer. Yeah. Nine, nine years old. I feel like cigar city wasn't even in. Connecticut at that point. Was it? I think one of my coworkers brought it back to, brought it back to me when I worked at travelers and they're like, Hey, from Florida. Yeah. They're like, here you go. So, um, so I brought this one as my oldest beer. However, I had some other beers originally before I found this beer. I was going to drink this dog fish, dog fish head 120. Nice. And this is from had a date on it. Where did the date go? It's on the neck in blue. Yes. You're right. I looked, I looked at these earlier today. This is from April 12th, 2016. Okay. Nice. Okay. So you brought two. Oh, I wasn't sure if you're going to bring like one special 250 beer. No, you brought two very old beer here for it. Wait. I brought three old beers. Okay. Okay. We're in real clean out the fridge jar. This, this is not my, this is not even close to my oldest beer. However, when I saw it in my fridge, I said, I have to bring this because it has to be drank and I have three more. So long time listeners of the podcast or in Lady Amber Venom's situation, somebody who went back and listened to all the episodes, knows that there was a time when I sent Chris and overt and old Julius. And we drank the podcast. Yup. Well, it turns out I have more of these fucking things. Oh my God. So I have this Julius and this is from October 24th, 2017. Okay. Okay. That is an old Julius. Holy crap. So what are your, what are your plans? Are we getting sloshed tonight? Is that what we're doing? So I mean, I see why he wanted to go first. Yes. I don't think I'm going to be able to drink the whole Julius. I have to drink 50 ounces of beer guys. I would like to go first place. So I think what I'm going to do is I'm going to drink the Julius. I'm going to try the Julius first. Yeah. Most likely not going to drink the whole thing. Right. And then I will drink my oldest beer and then after that, once you guys drink, I'll probably drink the 120 as like a celebration. Does that work? As long as we save some time there to pour them all in one glass. Right. Yes. You got to try them all together. Yeah. That's not going to happen. 27 year old beer. I think that's how it works. Multiply the years together. Oh boy. The Julius, she be angry. Oh no. All right. Oh boy. Okay. Let's see what this thing looks like. This is nice. Oh, we can. Oh man. There's so much we can do with the space since we're live. You guys can see us. Look at us. Look at us over here. No hospital. Okay. Mrs. Mrs. Todd calling you out. All right. So. Oh my God. Very angry. It does not want to pour. It's smell. I don't have to sniff it. I can tell you that painful place. I can smell that it tastes, it smells old. Um, very effervescent. If you will. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe, maybe you should just, this is why you open the Julius first. Cause then by the end of the episode, the head will have to die down. We could drink it. Yeah. So the T Rex, you're not, I mean, you're, you're losing the T Rex in this thing. Oh yeah. Yeah. The T Rex couldn't see through the foam either. We're going to let this sit for a second. Probably smart. Smart. Come back to that one. So the Maduro. Lava lamp. Lava lamp. I like that. The Maduro. As I said, this is a brown ale by cigar city. This pours much better. I mean, brown ales, I can see a brown ale aging relatively well. Not like a, I think we, I think we've established, I'm not the biggest brown ale fan, but like, I can see them aging pretty well. Oh yeah. There you go. Yeah. Oh yeah. Actually a little red. Yeah. A little bit of red. And I think the T Rex just, I think he's going to get you. Yeah. I was wearing like a light up necklace or something or light up shoes. That T Rex is finding me. Oh yeah. That T Rex is, he's got you. He's got you. Head stayed very well though. On the nose. It smells like a stereotypical brown ale. Kind of earthy, a little malty. Yeah. Just like any other brown ale you'd, well, we could try to ban them. Yeah. I don't know. I don't know how to. I don't know YouTube. Oh, it's been reported. Good. That's okay. We have people in here to harass them back. Is that how it works? I don't know. I can block them. That'd be great. So anyways, cheers guys. Let's, let's try this beer. My oldest beer from 2015. Cheers. Nine years old. It tastes, I'm actually really disappointed. This is why I brought other beers because I wanted my beer to taste bad and I knew that most likely a brown ale was not going to taste bad. This tastes like a brown ale. Nothing's changed. I've never had this beer before. Maduro. Oh, well, let's see about that. I'm looking right now. We're going to find out. We're going to check. This is, it's, so it comes in at 5.5% ABV. It's got hints of caramel, toffee, chocolate and espresso. None of those come out in this old beer. That's probably all died away. It does taste like your stereotypical brown ale. Some darker notes. That might be right. I don't think you may not have had that. Yeah, you don't have a check in on that. That's impressive. It's like I said, I don't think I ever had it. It does say drink fresh, do not age, pour gently into a glass. Well. Oh, one out of two. Yeah, I didn't drink it fresh. I did not age. I tried to be as rough as I could. I want a little bit ahead, but the head's kind of gone away. Gone. It's surprisingly, it looks flat. It's not flat. That's good. Just your stereotypical brown ale with a little bit of toffee notes in the back end. Not a lot of chocolate, not a lot of caramel. This would be like if you homebrewed a brown ale. This would be like exactly what you expected to taste like. Nice. My first ever homebrew was a brown ale. Got a special place in my heart. I was close to bringing one of my older beers is one of the first beers Nick and I ever brewed together. Episode 300. That's still in the fridge. That's been on ice since we brewed it. Would you know what year that was? Oh yeah. Well, you got to be careful. I think it was 2017. Take it to court. Okay. That works. Yeah. Take it to podcast. It's a red ale. So I don't expect it to taste very good, but it probably doesn't taste bad either. But however, this beer, still to this day in 2024, August 6th, two days after my birthday, happy birthday to me. Say it still holds up. It's still a solid, probably give it a three and a half. I mean, it's still a good, good brown. Okay. Very nice. Now from what I'm seeing, this beer doesn't really have year check-ins. I think they're all just one giant check-in because I don't think it's like a special release to them, but it does have 160,346 check-ins. So it's pretty, pretty happy. Pretty hefty. So I mean, it's a brown ale, right? So it's going to be, you guys want to put it in chat what you think. Don't look it up. I don't know if you look it up. Also, Ted, don't look. Yeah. Don't let Todd look at the camera. I'm going to minimize it that way. Todd can't look at the chat. I'm going to say, so it's a brown ale, so it's not everybody's favorite, right? Untapped roughly 3.75 on an average for everything. So I'm going to say it's a little under that. I'm going to go, you know what? I would say I was going to guess 364, but however, as the Ying Ying twins would say 369, that's what I'm going, 3.69. That's a very solid guess. Very solid guess. Lisbon's, whatever, 3.76 is the prefix. Yeah. There you go. A little higher. 3.76. On the board. Very close. Very close. 3.78 was the closest guess we had. So that'll be the beer that I count towards my guests. The Julius has come down on its angry ways. Okay. So we're going to get a courtesy sip of the. Yeah. I wish that. Can I tilt the glass? No, I can do this. Cool. Oh, that looks fun. Yeah. Yeah. Oh boy. I got to get the rest of it. Hang on. Just in case there's any more flavors. It's just going to overflow now. It's just going to overflow now. Oh shit. Yeah. How is it? There's no way we could have done that coming. So there's, there's no, nothing else. Like completely, completely unseen. Like just, you know, nothing we could do. We were hands were tied. Hands were tied there. Nothing we could do. Is it good? Is it good? Is it good? Is it good? Is it good? No. No. It's not good. We're going to, we're going to revisit the Julius a little bit, guys. You're going to do it again? Why don't you just tell me that? I want the rest of, I want it. I got to taste the beer, but I want the rest of the can in here. Yeah. How does the Julius foam taste? Yeah. It's good. Like shit. Um, like an old stale beer that is way past its expiration date. And yeah, and it's, it smells, it tastes exactly like it smells right now, which is old. Well, my hands are sticky. Okay. So Christy, you want to go next or should I go next? Uh, I mean my, my beer is sitting next to me. Uh, I can go next if you want. Go for it. Okay. Cool. So, um, digging, I had to, I had to go down into the basement to find mine. Um, but I have a trusted friend that I hope will be good. And also one of my favorite types of beer, which I don't have on very often, but this was coconut stout. Coconut stout. I have a Bourbon County, um, brand barley wine, uh, from 2016. So, uh, this was that same option. You know, it's funny because I believe I bought this at the Lisbon package store. Pretty sure I bought it there. Um, but this was bottled on October 16th, 2000. I mean, October 19th, 2016 had that backwards. So, um, here we go. Uh, I've, I don't know if, I don't know. I don't think I've ever had, I don't think I've bought more than one. I think this was it for me. Hopefully it is not a cork. If there's a cork, I might be in trouble. Um, then I'll be going next. Then you'll be going next. I'll be going downstairs. Uh, I did. I braved the snakes. I was very, I was very brave. I was brave boy. Brave boy. You guys have snakes in your basement? Sometimes. Exactly one time I know of. Um, but, uh, here it is. Smells pretty. You gotta get there. Smells pretty boozy. Cats hunting those snakes. I would, I would put them, I would, I would let them downstairs. Except that they would like crawl under the house and probably into the house or something like that. Cats in the walls. Yeah, cats. All right, here we go. Um, I've always been afraid to put my beard down in the basement because of the mice. I know they're in bottles, but it still freaks me out. Yeah. You don't want like mice poop all over your six back holders and stuff. I got, uh, mine's, mine's in a cooler. I have a cooler down there filled with like some of my oldest beers. So I think it's cute that you think I have only enough beard to fit in one cooler. Well, I was going to say that's just a wasted cooler at that point. It is true. Is it? I don't know. It's, it's the, I don't know. I was looking for my phone. I was like, how am I going to do the T-Rex test? Um, but here we go. We got a nice, the head, head still there. Um, beautiful looking. It's great in that class. I mean, well, this is, this is a great glass obviously. Um, but yeah, for those of you that have not seen this class, it's the Mario brothers. Um, picked it out especially for this beer cause I knew it was dark and it was going to be on camera. So, um, top it off real quick. Is he jumping over a hop? Yes. Well, he's on this one. It's a barrel. That's a barrel. Okay. And then the, the backside's a hop. Yeah. That's funny cause I was like, Oh, it's a barrel. And then I was like, wait a minute. I must have seen that tricking me out. It's both of them. B O U F both. All right. So here we go. Hang on before you drink. Okay. T-Rex test. Oh, you are, you are made in the shade like lemonade. You know, T-Rex is seeing you in this thing. Um, yes. Yes, it is. This is the same. This is poor character. P O U R character. If you guys want to check them out. I don't know how many glasses they still do to be honest. Um, but anyway, go ahead. Lead me in. Ted. Well, I was going to ask the people, what, what do people want to hear? Do they want to hear DOS boot? Or do they want to hear drunk Toby Keith? I don't know. DOS boot. Do DOS boot. That's my favorite. DOS boot. That's my favorite. I think that over here. I drink the beer from the glass, but that's boring. That's good. Oh, yeah. That's more likely to be boring. I have the German accent. And so of course I love beer. And how much cans you could hold. And it's my drive. And it's my drive here. DOS boot. DOS boot. We all know there's only one song for Obert. There's only one song for over, we all know that. There's only one song for over. But yeah, here we go, let's see. I mean, it smells pretty good. It's got some, like, it definitely has some strong, like bourbon, bourbon-y, you know, vibes to it. But I feel like they're muted comparative to if you drink it fresh. So let's see, let's see what this is all about. Hopefully it held up over the last almost eight years, I think. It's crazy. I know, it's stupid. It's an old beer. Oh, wow. That's actually really good. It's like an ice cream cone now. Oh my God, what happened to your beer? Oh my goodness. Ooh, ooh. So this is, mind you, 13.6% alcohol, as is tradition with, like, a lot of these bourbon-county beers. But I do want to just, ooh, there's still more in here than I thought. What the heck? What the heck? But, so I do get a decent amount of bite from the alcohol, but it does have a very good, nice, smooth flavor. It's got some nuttiness in it. It's like, you know, got some really good bourbon notes. For 13.6%, yeah, there's a little bit of a bite from the alcohol, but it's not too terrible bad. I honestly, like, was expecting this to be a little bit worse. Like, I don't get that old beer taste on it, which is good. And it's just like, it's just like really smooth, even for like a barley wine. I know, Todd's not the biggest barley wine fan, but I feel like, number one, I know you're coming around. And number two, this one drinks very smooth. So like, and maybe you've had this one or something similar since you're like, you go and set up tents on Black Friday to get this stuff. Not anymore, now you can just get them. Like, I just find them on the street now. They're just, they're just, I've walked down the road and people like hand them to me. They're just rolling on the side of the road. But yeah, I mean, it's really good. Just, you know, as a heads up, I did take this out almost, probably like 45 minutes before I cracked it open. So, you know, it's a perfect drinking temperature when you're talking about barley wines. You do want to drink them a little bit heavier or a little bit warmer than you would like a normal beer. So, I mean, very good, very smooth. I really, I really like it. I can't really, like outside of the nuttiness, I can't really describe it other than bourbon, nuttiness, smooth, and then like a bite from the alcohol. But I mean, it's really good. This is- Barley-ish? It's very barley, yeah. Definitely better than my second oldest beer, which you'll find out. One of us is probably gonna drink it at episode 300, but we don't know who. 50 short episodes for now. 50 short, two whole years, it's no big deal. Like I said, if I happen to drink it, or if it happens to come to me, I will send it right back. I don't know. See, I gotta be strategic because I know you have beers that may be older than it. So, I have to be str- Right. I think I'm the only one who- That's true. The oldest beer in the house. Yeah, that's true. You know, yeah. So, I think it's very good. I'm gonna give it four and a quarter. You know, it held up. I don't, I'm pretty sure I've not had this when it was brand new. I think I only bought the one bottle, but I'm giving it a four and a quarter. It's pretty darn good. And I'm happy with that. Unless I love barley wines. I don't drink them enough. Probably because they're 13, 14%. I can confirm you have not checked it in on TAPT. There are 19,009 check-ins, though. Do you have any Christmas? Okay, that's a lot. Before you guess, chat, would you like to, would you guys like to take a guess? Let me see. Oh, Chris can look. Yep, yep, yep. Oh, wait, I have it up twice. Fuck, okay. No, no, I'm good. All right. You could just close your eyes. While we wait for them, while we give them a minute or a second or two. Yeah, put, guys, put your guesses in. What do you think my barley wine's gonna rake in it? I gotta think, too. Shit. All right, that was the first sip of the Julius. Nice, is it good? No, it's so good. Is it good, though? It tastes bad. Oh. Second best beer you've had today? I would say so far, yes, it is the second best beer I've had today. Nice. Well, there you go, that's something. Podium on the podium. Yeah. Oh, it's got, I just poured all the floaties in. Say it's the Simone Biles of beers. Can you guys see floaties? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Sinkies? Yes, sinkies. Sinkies. Yeah, they don't float anymore. All right. All right, we got some guesses, maybe. Maybe possibly. We got some guesses. Okay, got some guesses, wonderful. My guess is the one that matters, though, unfortunately. So, I gotta get close, too. Tud was 0.07. So, obvious hop hype for the Bourbon County. Oh, Tud, I wanted to ask, when is the most recent check-in? I'm curious, I'm curious if there's any other Jamocs in 2024 drinking this beer with me. The most? They just record their 250th episode of their podcast. Exactly. Yeah. Same thing. The most recent check-in of this beer was Sunday, was my birthday. Damn, Tud, did you drink this on your birthday? I did not. Okay. Jarrett J drinking on my birthday. Jarrett, what's up? Shout out to Jarrett. Yeah, best. Do you want me to tell you what he said about it? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, I don't want. Just guess already. Okay, so Bourbon County, big hop hype, barley wine, take it down a few notches, because I don't think it's gonna be that super. You know what, I'm gonna go give me the info, give me the 411. Good guess, I like it. I think it's gonna be low, I think it's gonna be higher. I'm gonna say like a 418. I definitely, I definitely, I could see it being higher. I definitely could see it being higher, I just. So, you're both way off. It's 3.86. Two and a quarter. Jesus, okay. Wow. 3.86. Okay, well, you know, they're wrong, it's fine. Our friend Jarrett J on Sunday said, it literally tastes like dumpster water, definitely infected. Now, I will say that that was something that happened, I think it ended in like 2016. They didn't used to pasteurize their beer, because they were made for agent, but they had an infection in 2015 that like half the bottles exploded on people, which is what caused them to start pasteurizing these beers. We had an exact guess in the chat, by the way. I'm not sure if Prikachu. Prikachu. Prikachu. Prikachu. Cheated or not? Prikachu. No, Prikachu wouldn't cheat. We gotta give them the benefit of the doubt. Prikachu wouldn't cheat. Prikachu wouldn't cheat. Right. Don't make me put my name out there for you. But nicely done, nicely done. That's, and Yuni was one off too. So we got some, got some close, some close ones. So, oh, it looks like no point for Todd tonight. Prikachu's on the board. Prikachu's on the board. And, and, and Rav, Rav also, 3.8 set. We had 3.8, 5.3, 8.6, and 3.8, 7. You guys were in tune. You guys were in tune. There we go. That was, I was out of tune. I was, but you know what? I like it a lot too. I like it a lot too. It is a, you know, a five year old beer. Five, four, six, six, eight, eight. This is 2016. Oh Jesus, yeah. That's how math works. That's like, Todd's like, what year is it? 2012, 2013? I'm 25 years old, right? 25, that's how this works. Yeah. I'm still just 25. Math, math. Guys, well, I guess it's on to me now. Unless you want to do your third beer, Todd. No, no, no, I got, I still got to drink a brownie. You still got a lot of, yeah. I'm still waiting to drink this Julius. I like your strategy of opening the Julius with everything else so you're not forced to drink it all next episode. Next 300. Yeah, just bring all the bad ones. Yeah. I'm going to start drinking all my oldest beers now. Right. Right. There's no reason not to. I even said this on 250 or on 200. We're like, you know, what are we saving all these good beers for? Yeah, it's true. And then I did nothing with them. Right. And the problem I'm starting to find into is I have a couple, I had about four beers older than some of the other stuff I have there. But what I have saved is I have some vertical flights that I've been into. Oh, yeah. The black beuts and the rusty nails. I have some from 2021 or 2022 that I'm like, I don't want to break up the vertical flight. But when am I going to drink like five of these, you know? You're going to have to drink them all in episode 300. I guess so. I don't know. You're going to have to go in the market for old beers, just for the episode 300. Just the same. I will. That's why I'm trying to get you to ship me that coconut one. Ha, ha, ha. Oh, but I'll send you a whole bunch of old beers if you want them. There you go. By the time we get to episode 300, my newest beer is going to be from my 2026. Or my oldest beer is going to be from my 2026. It's going to be great. Chris told me he keeps his, you know, in climate controlled coolers in the basement. Yeah, it sounds like very efficient. I don't know. I'm not trusting. If you're based on those Julius, I don't know about your oldest beers if I want those. We had three Julius. We had a question. We had a question in the chat that maybe Oberit wants to take since you mentioned it. We had a question. What's a vertical flight? You guys want to? Oh, yeah. So like sometimes when there's a special release or any release, I'll buy like, you know, if they're coming to six pack, I'll buy six pack or, you know, I'll buy like four or five individuals and then, you know, save some. So then, you know, next year, I'll buy the same variety. Right. So like I have rusty nail from 21, 22, 23. I try and like buy like I'll buy six the first year and then drink one on the anniversary. And then I'll have five of it left. So then I have a six year vertical at the end. Yeah. And basically a vertical is just you're drinking the same special release, but different years, like all at once. Rusty nail is a beer. Yeah. So you can see how they compare. Yeah. Rusty nails a beer from Montana. Well, no, it's Fremont Fremont Fremont. It's very good, very good. It's it's it's almost the perfect beer, honestly. It really is. It's so good. It's delicious. So good. It is. Oh, OK. Yeah. OK. We can do we can do puppy. Well, if you want to drink, I'll mute and I can talk to the puppy. So Chris got a new puppy and we're having it here in the live show. Oh, my God, it's so cute. What's your puppy's name? So this is Coco. This is Coco. Oh, my God. Very excited to see you. She's very excited to see me. And also she likes to chew my headphones, but now she's smelling my beer. This is Coco. She is. She's got good taste. Part Beagle part lab and she's very cute, but also extremely loud. You don't say. I don't know. I don't know. I never would have guessed that with those two very chill breeds of dog. But you decided to add to your house. So it was. So what's the countdown of things in your house living there now? So we got four cats and Muin. We got two children terrorizing. And one, two, also two dogs, a barken and one Mrs. Beardad going drinking. Stop it. Stop it. Coco. This is not a battle you're going to win. Coco, baby. Coco, baby. She's very cute. Very much. Love Coco. Thanks. Thanks, Blevins. See, that's the best thing Blevins ever said. You know, it's kind of weird that he says something nice. Well, it's about a puppy. I can't hear. It's just a nice mascot, you know? Coco has one. Coco one. Can't hear you anymore. Sorry, guys. This is like a ritual. If you join my streams on the other one. Sika. Sorry, I got excited. If you join my streams on the other place, Coco comes in and says hello, because she's nice. Very cute. Just started not suiting in Connecticut. You count the children. We have I don't even know how six, eight, eight of them. She also likes eight mammals in the house. That aren't me and Mrs. Beardad. Yeah. Oh, so 10, 10 technically. Yeah. Yeah. And then any mice, 10 hearts that you got to keep eating at some point. Oh, that she's going to rest there. She's not eight children. There you go. There you go. Where did she disappear to? She's behind me right now. She's just chilling. Getting cozy. She's getting cozy. Hi, baby girl. Hi. Hi, sweetie. Hi, sweetie. You going to eat me? Oh, OK. Cool. Cool. So anyways, we have two dogs now. Nice. Dogs are fun. Something to keep. Dogs are fun. Mac entertained. You know? I don't. Sort of. Does Mac enjoy having a younger sister now? Mac is what are you doing, baby? Mac is. Mac's getting used to her, yes. You're something else. Hi. Oh, where'd those earbuds go? I want to eat it. I know. She's like, she's disappointed. There's no earbuds there. What are you doing? What are you doing, baby girl? But yeah. Mac enjoys having a sister. They have fun. And yeah. Also, he gets sick of her shit and runs away sometimes. There was a moment where he was like being a typical older brother and would like jump in. Like he would jump into the kitchen. Because that's where we keep her because she is learning how to use the potty. And he would take the toy she's playing with and then just take it into the living room. And he would keep doing that over and over. I was like, this guy's butthole is stealing all the toys. But yeah, now she's going to start whining. She does this. Is she stuck? No. It's like done. She's like, I'm done. I'm done here. There's no more headphones to eat, so I might as well just leave. Well, let me introduce my beer. While we enjoy the Cocoa Show. It's what I've previously featured on the podcast. And I think it checks all of the requirements for the oldest beer in your house, which I'll go into in a minute. But this is the fruit wood from Founders. It is a cherry ale aged in maple syrup bourbon barrels. So not a bad one to age for a little bit, I think. Part of their barrel age series. This one was bottled on 1115-21. OK, it's a new beer. It's not as old as that. Yeah, that's that's that's like brand new. Brand new. It's a post COVID beer. You know, yeah. But I don't know. I've got to go open it and we'll see how it is. Hell, yeah. Chris, you had you had two children when that when he got that beer. Yeah, I know. I know. I know. I had zero children when we had our beers. Cheers to that. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers to no children. Hey, I same thing with this one. Yeah, I don't think you had any children either. No, no. I think the only one. Wait, when was the 2017? When was that? OK, so it kind of exploded a little bit. Oh, all three of them. It did explode all over my kitchen. I hope you're right back. Oh, we had some technical difficulties. I wish I had a technical difficulty screen I could put up. Founders is good, uni. So my favorite Founders beer is there. What was there? Canadian breakfast out and they no longer make it. But it was amazing. It was so good. So I don't know why they would discontinue that one. That's a weird one to just be like, yeah, we're not doing that anymore. I don't know either. It was so good, though. Oh, it was so. I don't know why I wasn't prepared for that beer to explode, because obviously it would like why wouldn't it explode? You know, obviously. Smells good, though. Smells like an alcoholic. I don't know, booze on your hands. There you go. Interesting color with, I don't know, the not as cherry colored as I would have guessed. Definitely, definitely like it. But light dark. Yeah, it's a nice light dark color. Brown, they call that lark. Lark, lark, lark, lark. Yeah, T-Rex, dead. Dead, right. Yeah. Yeah, there was I think a couple other 21 contenders. OK, but this one looked good. So like I said, this one. All excited. There's the other puppy that met all the requirements for oldest beer in the fridge, which is a beer that was not terrible. Beer that was not good, but it was kind of weird. So like you're going to hang on to it. You're not going to drink it quickly or toss it, but it just ends up living in the back corner of your fridge somewhere. That's at least how it's all of my oldest beers end up being. Just like a weird experimental thing that you ended up buying a six pack of and you could get through half of them and then the rest end up just living in the back of your fridge. But unlike Chris and Todd, I don't store a lot of beer. I don't have a good beer storage area. So I don't have you have a whole second bedroom. I've seen it. I've slept in it. There's plenty of room to keep stuff to store beer. I guess I just try and, you know, I try not to let let them pile up, you know. And I think you're doing better, too, Todd, about the acquiring beers, not drinking them or I don't know. Do we have do we have do we have Mrs. Todd in the in the chat to the very. Yeah, doing much better. So another question. I feel like that's been your new year's resolution for like the last four years. You're like, no more beers. We got a we got a false. We got a false response. So also we have another quick question. How long is the beer supposed to last for? That's a good question. There's a number of different factors. Type of beer and how it's stored are two very, very important things. You have some beers that tend to last longer and better. And like your stouts and barley wines and things of that nature, anything that's like kind of I won't say anything that's kind of dark, but like darker beers tend to store longer and sometimes improve with age. Whereas some of your lighter beers, like your IPA's and your stout and not your stouts, your IPA's and your sours and things of that nature, pale pale ales, pale ales, generally better to drink fresh and keep them as cold as possible. Because I can hear Coco is very displeased in the background. Yes, she hates this advice. So loggers, loggers do OK. Loggers do OK. She's yes, she's mad. She mad, mad puppy. She's very loud, very loud. But anyways, good question, Jay. I think the answer, too, is also like kind of forever. Like if as long as it's still good, you know, because the alcohol. Yeah, the yeast will produce alcohol, which will kill any other bacteria in there. So yeah, you have a bottle of sealed beer. I don't, you know, it's not like it's going to get botulism or whatever. Like I think it would be more or less, you know, safe to drink forever. It'll be it'll be it'll be safe to drink. But obviously, like your flavors are going to diminish. You're going to lose some things. It might it might it might taste funky. So plebbing plebbing sides with Coco. So yeah, like there's not really a food safety side of things. Now, if we had every 50 episodes of the show, like eat the oldest condiment in your fridge or like can of soup in your cupboard, maybe there'd be like some, you know, some food safety things we'd have to worry about. But I think the soup would be fine. Soup is pasteurized and sealed. All right, every as long as it's not exploding. Yeah, you know, you're all this cheese every 25 episodes. We eat the oldest soup in our cupboard. Every 10 episodes. There definitely got to be a point where I had like all of the the dry goods I bought for covid started to expire. I'm like, I don't know about this to think I just throw this tune in the trash. You should have eaten it. You should have just just bit the bullet and tried it. Yeah, nothing like questionable tuna. That's what they say. All right, back to this fruit wood. So I am a little sick right now. So probably that could be the best judge of taste or smell for that matter. But I do get this interesting. I should get notes of maple, notes of bourbon, notes of cherries on this one. I definitely get the sweetness right away, more like a honey sweetness, honestly, than maple and maybe a little faint cherry scent, too. Cherry is kind of hard to smell. But let's dig in. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. This is weird. I'd love to go back and let's find the story of the pod right in. But I'd love to go back and find my original review of this beer. Well, it the tart cherry taking is taking over. And the rest of it is just kind of like old and flat. You can see there's no had very little carbonation whatsoever left. If it wasn't for the podcast, this would be a drain pour. But I would like to have a fresh one of these to compare because I'm curious how much of that tart and sweetness is supposed to be there and how much it's supposed to be balanced out by somebody with a bourbon flavor that has dissipated, but it just is a poorly balanced beer at having been whatever, four years old. That's very, it's very strange to hear that about founders, because usually they don't. I mean, none of their stuff is usually fantastic, right? But it's but it's not all it's not bad either, right? Like they're they're founders. They either have like great stuff like CBS or they have middle of the road stuff. Yeah. But I mean, yeah. This is interesting on the back. It says the wood proves itself the star of this beer, adding depth and taming the tart cherry while the maple imposes a velvety texture. So I don't know if that those wood notes have kind of faded a lot faster. That's kind of I think the vibe I'm getting. Sorry. Chris, what were you saying? I was thinking I was like, you had you've had this beer before. So I was curious like what you thought of it before, but I don't think you checked it into untapped. I was looking. I don't know if you did. So I don't see him checking it in. So I'd be I'd be curious now. Damn, this one does. Sorry, I know you're going to give it you're going to give it a rating. I apologize, but I'm jumping it. I'm jumping the gun. This one does have yearly installments too. So it's got the the general fruit wood and then like yearly installments. So we can go either. So even though this was bottled on 1121, this is the 2022 release. Gotcha. Yeah. Interesting. Yeah. So I don't know. I think it's a swing and a miss. I see why I left it in my fridge for so long. I like when breweries do crazy experimental stuff, but this ain't it to know from you, Doug. It is a no from me, Doug. Yeah, it's disappointing. Yeah, I mean, maybe we should have Ray thought this whole bring the oldest most disgusting beers on to celebrate a milestone achievement thing. I mean, mine was good. I like mine. You're good. Mine was true. Mine was an awful. I mean, sort of. It's true. Yeah. I mean, I guess yours, your first one wasn't that bad. Yeah. Yeah. We don't talk about the second one, but yeah. So this is going to be this is going to get a solid two and a half. OK. You know what? I'm sure fresh pie would be three, three and a quarter, maybe territory. But yeah, for two and a half, a solid two and a half territory. All right. So with your permission, I'll pitch you the 2022. Yeah. Yeah, please. All right. So over minimize the chat so people can guess. Yeah. If you guys want to get your guess. Oh, I haven't. I haven't had the chat up this whole time. OK, good. Oh, you can tell over just not stream ever. All right. Get your guesses in. I let you I let all the questions filter through you guys to me. So, you know, so two thousand eight hundred and three check-ins on the 2022 variant of Fruitwood. So get your guesses into the chat. Let us know what do you guys think it's going to be a scale of one to five? One to five bottle caps. Well, I don't know. I'll let the chat give the chat a minute, but this is a tough one because it is such an out there beer that people aren't going to know what to do with it. So they're just going to give it a three and a half, fair, which is, but it's also like a special barrel age series limited release. So people are always like to hype those ones up. So I'm going to say the average is like a three six six. All right. Well, I hate to say it, but I think Ted takes it this week, unfortunately, in the in the in the realm of live show. So the 2022 variant got a three point nine four, very high. Nice. What's funny enough about that is that it's very consistent across all of the years of check-ins, too. Like the twenty twenty one was also a three nine four, but like twenty sixteen was a three eight four. So like very much in the same realm. Right. Yeah. Very, very close. Honestly, the fruit wood overall was a three seven seven, which is, you know, still formidable. So maybe it is better, you know, fresh, maybe, maybe it's better fresh. And if the if the story is in the chat, go back and let us know. Well, I was going to I was going to disqualify myself from a point on the board today because I have checked this in. All right, fine. I'm a pot. We've done this before, but I was like only wasn't even that close of a guess where it mattered. So I was like, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. But see, look, that's how, you know, over over, it's the real one because self disqualification would not happen with beer. No, no, we would not. We would not do that. I think uni. I think uni was closest in the chat, though, four or two, she guessed. So that's pretty damn close. It's pretty good. So yeah, a lot better than, you know, I was giving it credit for. So, you know, the more I drink it, the more it tastes like good, just like that apple cider. Actually, it does taste like kind of like a fruit wine or like a, yeah, like an apple cider. I'd be curious to know what like the base cherry ale tastes like. Yeah. Before they aged it. Because that's what it even says. We took a crisp, light-bodied cherry ale and hit it away in oak barrels. So like, I think you read this description and you're not expecting a lighter beer to be in this. You're expecting something a little bit heavier and with the ocher notes. Yeah, for sure. That's crazy. Yeah. I'm in. Do they have just like a cherry ale? I'm curious now. I guess I don't know founders outside of like their big, their big releases, you know, but like maybe they. Right. Maybe it's a tap room only thing. Oh, that's true. Maybe. Maybe. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I'm sure that if they used a cherry ale, they brewed and like sold, that they'd be like, hey, we took our, you know, cherry, Hulu blah, blah, blah. Yeah. And we stuck it in a barrel. That's true. That's fair. Oh, right. But a quick, a quick search shows that when you type in founders, cherry. That's it. Not in Nuba Gayo, but that's a fruit beer. That's not a, I mean, that's fruit wood. Spell wrong. Oh, man. On the board, Todd. Congratulations. Yeah, I guess. Congratulations. It's kind of kind of a benefit for having to take a few steps to this, Julius. This is God awful. It's it's it's your that's that's that's why it's worth it. Right. So, Ober, since you don't read chat, I'll read it for you. Good. Someone, someone in chat had a beer. One of the worst beers they've had was from Kalispell slash Whitefish. It was called scapegoat. Have you had this or was it on the podcast? I don't remember. I guess I want to know what the brewery was. Brad, do you remember what the brewery was? If you're still out there, I'm assuming you're. But yeah, first tip says solely of like water. And then I went down the throat to taste it, but of beer. Interesting. Yeah. What is what is it? What was it? Was it like it? Well, the brewery was called scapegoat. I know the beer, I'm sorry, was called scapegoat. The beer. Yeah. Yeah, which is which is the thing. That's a location here, scapegoat is a wilderness area. So it's that would be the name. Someone would name a beer that that's fair. That's fair. But it's not one I've ever had. Interesting. I'm not going to throw any shade, but I have a couple of guesses of breweries that I could have that where they're like, they like to take big swings. Big swings and big misses. But I'm not going to. I'm not going to find out anybody without knowing what that's fair. You know, that's fair. But yeah, we do, you know, on days when I'm not thinking clearly, I'm like, I should start a brewery here and make some good IPAs because not a lot of people do. And then I was like, it's only there's one way that I could hate beer. That would be to make it my job and brew beer for a living. It was Big Sky. That's what stops me from doing it. Big Sky Brewing Company. Oh, yeah, they're out of Missoula. They're the ones who make moose drool. Oh, I like Moose drool, which is a very good brown ale. Moose drool is very good. I can I can back that one up. They have that's not one of their regulars. And I'm sure that's probably what part of why is because it wasn't very good. They they do like one of like they do like a solid IPA, a solid brown. They don't do anything too crazy. They have a good seltzer line. But yeah, they're not. There's better Missoula area breweries, for sure. Yeah, imagination. We talked with them all time. Odd pitch. They're doing all barrel each stuff. They're just opening up conflicts. Great IPA is there. So this is some good, good Missoula stuff, for sure. Yeah, they say that Moose drool is good. Yeah, it's very good. Yes, chat. Do you think do you think beer dad needs another beer? I don't know. I think beer dad needs another beer. I'm through. I'm through. Are you already done? Done. This thing was I'm telling you, I really like this. It was really good. Do you have any more? No, this was was that your only bottle. It was it was it was it always. Yeah, I think you need another beer. I'm going to I'm going to grab one. I'm going to grab one. Hold on. You grab one while Todd opens up his third beer. There we go. Sure. Hang on. I've got to finish my first beer then. Hang on. Oh, I think I saw a little little debris in the bottom of that glass. It's OK. I can't be hurt. I drank the Julius. It's it's it makes me. It's true. Do you have a third glass, though? Of course I have a third glass. Hey, I don't know. I don't know how big that cooler yours was. Oh, this is a very dirty glass, though. Hang on. Hang on. I got water. I can clean out this other glass. OK, we'll wait. Well, a little water break for Todd. So while while I'm cleaning out this glass, I think, you know, I do think we would be remissed or I would be remissed if we did not mention that since the last time I was on the podcast, our our podcast's got a puppy. Well, yes, but our podcast suffered a great loss, and I think it needs to be mentioned. We all need to, you know, take a sip for our friends over at Labyrinth. Oh, yeah, company in Manchester. You know, we did. I'll I'll drink this shitty Julius because it's what I have in a glass right now. For an important one. Cheers. We did lose. I poured it out, but they'd be pissed. That wasted beer. That's true. That's not there. That's not what they're about. They'd be OK if I poured this one out. I could tell you that. Um, yeah. So they they announced in the middle of July that they were going out of business and they gave everybody two weeks to kind of come in and say their farewell. Just, you know, the economics of running a brewery is getting harder and harder. Yeah. You know, part of, you know, Obert saying that, you know, when he really wants to hate beer, he thinks about he thinks about opening up a brewery. I also think that he would hate it because it probably would struggle financially because that just seems to be the state of breweries in today's world. You know, there are the really successful ones. And then there are, you know, the ones like Labyrinth that we're kind of breaking even or kind of, you know, losing some money. And then, you know, all their debt refinanced and we're not in a low interest rate environment anymore. So it just makes it difficult to run a business. So unlike most breweries that you get a notification on Facebook that, hey, brewery XYZ closed today, and that's it. Labyrinth did get to have, you know, two solid weeks of celebrating with all of their, you know, all their fans, including a final day on Sunday, July 21st, where they just said, hey, come, we have a band. It was packed, like couldn't move. And, you know, when they closed at seven or six, six, no, seven. When they closed at seven, nobody really left. And the party went on until about midnight at Labyrinth. And the goal was to drink as much of the beer as you could. I got to go behind the bar and pour myself some beers. It was a lot of fun. That's cool. I got it. I got a whole keg sitting in my kegerator now. So you want to talk talk to my wife, who's in the chat about getting more beer. I mean, that's that's pretty cool, though. I mean, listen, that's pretty cool. What's in the kegerator turbo love juice? Hell, yeah, such a good beer. So I love it. So I have a whole keg and it's fantastic. It's just as good. It's but now it's on tap and I don't have to drive anywhere. It's gonna be really sad when it's empty. But right for now, it's pretty good. I also got a bottle of their their last beer that they ever like their last new beer. Stay tuned to the next episode for that when I can drink that because I felt like I couldn't drink one of my newest beers. Yeah. I mean, you're not going to say that for episode 650. That's your oldest beer pass. Well, maybe I'll say I got more than one bottle. So nice. Maybe that'll still be there. I will. I will say. Chad, do some math. How many what year will it be? Episode 650 comes out if we're doing one every two weeks. I will say I was I was going through my cooler as I as I said earlier. And I do have, I think, a labyrinth beer or two in there. So and now they're like they're like a I'd say it's a dinosaur now, right? They're collectors item. There you go. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I wish over. Do you have a labyrinth beer? No, we could do a whole labyrinth. I do have a I do have a hat from my local brewery that closed. It's like my little piece of of their history. Chad, if you send over a labyrinth beer, we could do a labyrinth tribute episode because I don't have any. I only have I have. Yeah, Philip, a growler. There you go. Check that sucker in the mail. Just put put some stamps on it. Yeah, exactly. Does this contain like the risk? No, it doesn't. No. I could probably go to the store and buy you like a labyrinth can of something and put it in the mail. Well, there you go. There you go. You got stuck up because the keg isn't enough. Well, I'm just trying to think of how to how to get you beer. That's that's the difficult part. My strategy would be if I were you, Todd, I would drink like probably five glasses of terrible of juice every day. And then by the time you're done with it, you'll be sick of it. So that'll be your kind of your exit plan. That sounds really good for my weight loss routine. Yeah, exactly. But you'd be like, oh, I don't have to drink this anymore. I'm done with it. Finally, now time to lose all the weight. I just gained back. Exactly. Exactly. You're you're picking it up on it, you know, later on says 15 years for was episode six. Six, six, fifty. Yeah, pretty much. So so this is in the meantime. This is Dogfish 120, right? Dogfish 120. I don't think I've ever seen it really poured. Like, I think I've just kind of drank it. I guess I've never really paid attention to the color, but you're not. A T-Rex is not finding you in here. No, you're pretty hidden. You'll probably be safe for two hours from that T-Rex and that beer. Well, probably about five minutes, because I'd probably drink it while the T-Rex is searching for me. I'd be like, oh, it's so good. Don't drink it. I'd be so drunk by the time it was done that I wouldn't even care about the T-Rex. You wouldn't even mind being being eaten by T-Rex. It's fair. So on the nose, you know what? It smells better than the Julius. I can tell you that. It still smells a little old. It still smells a little stale IPAE, but my entire little room or my entire room that I'm sitting at the moment smells like this Julius. And this smells better. It's not as it's not as pungent. It's not as powerful. Yeah, I mean, these are supposed to be aged, though. They're they're they're made this way. They're they're made different age as well. It does say age as well. Yep, there you go. So another thing for the chat, in case you guys didn't know, and listeners, I guess, too, Dogfish Head 120 doesn't have an ABV on it. ABVs vary by year, by batch, by bottle sometimes because they blend them with other batches and they turn them into this. So they say that the average age is like between like three to like 10 years, depending on the bottle. This one from being from 2016, three in 10 plus eight. Yeah, you do the math. Yeah, for for folks listening, like if you do not have or if you've not had a 120, I definitely suggest picking one up, having one fresh. You normally buy them. They are pricey. They're pricey, but you can only buy them in four packs and like either keep the rest or whatever you want to do with them. But they're very good. I think I think my 200 beer was a Dogfish 120, if I'm not mistaken. I think so, yeah, from I think 2016. So it's probably pretty damn close to the one that you're it's possibly bought it on the same day. It's possibly bought it together. It's back then. Yes, 100% very possible. Yeah, I see why we started this podcast of drinking alone with friends because you guys had bought so much beer together. You're like, we got to talk about this beer we drank. How are we going to talk about this? How are we going to be annoying? We go and beer people without being annoying beer people. All right, but we go into like untouched of some of these old beers and it's like, oh, yeah, I have two friends who checked it in and it was the same day like August 2012, you guys. Yeah. All right, let's let's taste this. Let's taste this third beer. Unknown. ABB beer. Now that is a boozy beer. Oh, I can't wait to see the mix. Well, I already drank one of them. So finish the brown, damn it. Um, that's a boozy beer. It's very good. It's better than the Julius. It does definitely age well. It's it's it's got more of like a like a super sweet fruit flavor, like like super ripe fruit, like ripe banana, like like a plum, like a really like like ripe plum, like almost rotting. Yeah, like a like a current is definitely a good word for this. Um, like a like a dark cherry. Um, just like that, that really, really, really ripe fruit flavor. But good, it's boozy as shit. Um, oh, you got work tomorrow. I work from home. So not this way. Sick day. Sick day tomorrow. It kind of has a little like roba tussin flavor to it, too, which is interesting, interesting. And I think that's just the alcohol. It's it's good. I wouldn't say it's the best thing I've ever had, but I know what I was getting myself into. It's supposed to taste like this. Um, as far as 120 minutes go that I've had, this is probably right in the middle of the road about, you know, it's it's it's about average. Um, it's it's a good it's a good it's a slow sipper, like more like a like a whiskey than it is an IPA or a crushable 5.5 percent ABV brown ale. Um, I noticed how you guys made fun of me about my crushable status the last episode had. So I had to bring that back up. I made notes on the last episode just to just to have conversations, but I will I will say this is good beer. You know, if you break it in a vacuum, I would say it's probably more of like a like a three and a half, but knowing what it is, I'd probably rate it more like a four, a four, two, five, just given what it's supposed to be. Right. Um, very, very interesting dichotomy there because I know it's supposed to taste like this. Right. But yeah, I mean, cheers to 250 boys. Man, cheers to 250. Cheers. That's crazy. Cheers. And everybody else in chat, if you're drinking along with us, cheers to you. Yeah, we didn't ask chat what they're drinking. Yeah. Is anybody having anything tonight? Um, go ahead. Random Tuesday. Right. Yeah. Tuesday night. Party night. Obviously. Late, late for you. East Coasters. Sorry. Sorry. You East Coast. You East Coast. East Coast Pepsi. Nice. There we go. I know. Oh, by the way, that beer that Kiwi and you guys were talking about last week was a, uh, Bourbon County, the cola flavored one. Okay. See, look at Kiwi. If you're listening, fucking kudos. Remember, hey, I figured it out too. You did, you did, you did, but she was the one that pulled it from. It's true. I, from the brain, the, the folds of the gray matter, me smooth. Ain't going to happen. No wrinkles, no wrinkles, baby. So Chris, what are you drinking? So I'm drinking, I believe I've had them on the podcast, but it's my last from the glass, the glass jug beer lab. And this is their coffee deviation, which is their coffee imperial stout. Um, it's funny. I see, I talked about the wrinkles. I don't remember you having these guys on the pod. I, that's that looks like a cool. They did the raspberry pie. I don't know if that sounds familiar. I do remember that. I remember that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, um, I, I opted for the raspberry pie over the, uh, coffee deviation, but I bought a four pack of this because their regular deviation was fucking phenomenal. It was so good. Um, and this is very good too. I wish it was a little bit warmer. Uh, I'm drinking it cold. It should be, it should be a little bit warmer, but, uh, nice coffee flavored, nice imperial stout. It is, oh boy, 10% I'm making decisions tonight. I'm going to regret. Um, it is 10% and, uh, but it's very good. You get, you know, if it's a proper dreaming drinking tap, you get like a nice, a nice smooth, like rich, um, you know, imperial stout with those coffee overlays. It's very good. Very good. So, um, I think I gave, I don't know if I rated this on untapped. I'm really bad at untapped now. I don't know. Um, so I give it like a, I think I give it like a four, four and a quarter. Um, I'll give it a four. I think the regular honestly is better than the coffee. Um, I think just sometimes you just want a straight imperial stout and it's just like, you know, and don't mess with the success. Yeah. So I'm going to give this one a four. It is very good. And, um, I, if I ever go back to Raleigh, I'll, I'll, uh, I'll go back. I'll go back, but, um, sorry, Durham. This one's from Durham. How do you possibly confuse those two cities? Listen, I saw the Wild Crats one place. I was like, Oh, it's like, okay. I don't know. I don't know anymore, but, um, but yeah, it's a Durham, the, the St. Paul of North Carolina. But all right. Should we head over to handles? Uh, I thought I thought you wanted to talk about the Olympics. I heard that we needed to talk Olympics. Well, on this year, two things. One, whether it's the same in different places right now, guys, we all got thunderstorms coming through. Yeah, that's right. We got a tropical storm. We got rain in Montana. Ted said it's monsooning. So, and also we don't have old sports news, but it's new sports. Sports, right? New sports. The Olympics. You've never done this before. What do we got? Olympic medal cow. Uh, I think, I think the USA is winning, obviously 86 blowing away the competition, most golds, most silvers, most bronzes. All right. Well, I mean, Hey, China, what are you even doing? Seriously, get on our level. China, so three times as many people as China was leading in golds, not an overall, but in golds up until like yesterday or today. So we, we just, we just, we, that's why it's new sports. That's fair. That's fair. If it was old sports news, we'd be talking about China has most golds, but right. Those Chinese divers and, and gymnasts, very impressive. Simone Bowles did some, did some, did some work. Uh, Katie Ledecky did some work. We had it. We had some long distance runner. What Katie Ledecky did was, was unreal. Yeah. I mean, there wasn't anybody, she could have stopped swimming and taking a break and then fricking tea time. Um, but we had, we had like what long, uh, so we had, uh, uh, the surfer Cameron, who Cameron Marks. I haven't seen any surfing yet. Cameron Marks won gold, uh, in surfing, uh, which was pretty big. Fink one in, I think the 1500, uh, something like that. We had a few gold medalists happen recently. Um, Scotty, we are the fastest. For what? Uh, I believe it was running. I believe it was running. Um, uh, Scotty Schaeffler won gold for the, uh, for golf golf. That was pretty huge. But that guy won for the 100 meter. We're now the fastest, no Allials, one. Yep. There you go. In the, one of the closest 100s ever, I guess is pretty crazy. Um, but yeah, um, we were talking, we were like, so and over, I, I know you, you posed this question, but it was like, I immediately thought of one, one, one sport. Like what is a sport or an event? Uh, what is a sport or event that we think we could win or if we, you know, put put the time and effort into, we could win. And I immediately went to shot putt because I did that. I did the shot putt, you know? So it would take a lot of- I do watch the shot putters every time. And I think of you, Chris, because you have the shot putt grunt down. Yes, 100%. Like, wha! If you win the medal for like the grunt alone, I think you were right up there with the best of them, to be honest. That was what I was good at. I was good at that. The grunting part. Mostly the grunting part, but also, you know, pure form. I was one of the best pure form throwers that we had. So like, you know, it's fine, but- But it did not change the fact that Matt Shaughnessy destroyed you. Oh yeah, well, he's- Without having any form. He was an NFL bound superstar. It's fine. It's fine. That was actually funny. Really funny for the viewers and stuff and listeners. I helped teach Matt Shaughnessy how to throw shot putt, who was a year older than us. But like I said, I had some of the best shot put form on the entire high school team, high school. I had some of the best shot put form on the whole team. I taught Matt Shaughnessy how to throw, and then he continually just kicked all of our asses. Like, it wasn't even close. Cause he was a beast. He was a monster. I was like, well, I'm not six foot seven. You're like, let me show you how to do it. And he's like, I think I got it figured out. Yeah, exactly. So I like to think that I made him the man he is today, which is a retiree from the NFL. Yeah, I would say you'd probably claim about 60 to 70% of that credit. I think so. I think it's fair. Yeah, that seems reasonable. You should call him up and ask him to write you a check. I should. I actually, after he got drafted, I ran into him at the bowling alley. That was pretty cool. Cause he was like, oh, I remember you. Like, oh my God. The raider remembered me. So, but anyways, did you guys think about an event you guys think you could win? Or, well, I mean, obviously with a lot of work. Yeah, I would say the sport I'm best at was probably volleyball. I could be, and I mean, it's like, you got 60 guys. So I got five other people that could help me. That's true. At least place, you know, bronze medal, whatever. That's smart. Yeah, bad men, maybe. I like that game. Like, I don't know if I have the pan-dye coordination for it. You guys are missing the most obvious one. What's that? Race walking. I don't know. You see how fast those guys walk though? 50K though. And also, I mean, listen, I didn't say it was short, but it is just walking. 100 meter race walk. Yeah, there we go. You got to learn how, you got to learn how to pop those hips. Tough technique. Yeah. So there's actually. So that's what you'd compete in, the race walk? Walking seems like something I could do. So there's actually a really good, and if I can find it, I'll put it in like the chat or something. But there's a really good, I don't know if it's, I don't remember if it's YouTube short or TikTok or whatever, but it's a woman that is like, I've always wanted to see like a regular person compete against an Olympian, and she does all the events of like, you know, the 100 meter dash or whatever like that. And then they post her time versus like the winners and the. Oh, that's awesome. So it's really, really good. If I can find it, I'll put it in. That's such a good idea. Yeah, she was like, everybody always says they want to see like, you know, a normal regular people in the Olympics. So she's like, I did it, you know, I did it for us. And like, obviously like the 100 meter dash, she's like, you know, 30 seconds or whatever. And it's like nine point something seconds or, you know, it's like the winner. So it's really, really good. I've been, I've been trying to catch like the, whenever I see them pop up on my feet, I try to catch them. But yeah, they, I'll try and find it. It's really, really funny though. We'll put it in the show notes. Why not? Yeah, sure. Although TikTok's banned in Montana, but I think, actually I think they just changed it so that you can't watch TikToks up being logged in anymore. Like you can't watch them from the app or from the website. That's weird. Really? Nationwide. Oh, that's weird. Stupid. TikTok's great. It's done. I mean, I mean, I spend a lot of time on it. So I probably, I'd probably be better off if they banded, but like, I don't want them to. Bobsledding and curling would be, I think, easier to do, but that's not, that's not summer. True, true, true, true, true, true. But I, I did meet. How's it all like curling is, it's easy to think it is. No, I don't think curling, but bobsledding, bobsledding maybe, because you got like, no offense, because I'm in the same boat. We got the weight. We got the weight. We got, we got what they want, right? We're going to go down fast. You got the density. Yeah, exactly. We're dense. I will say, you guys, I'm going to tilt my, my camera up here for a second. If you see that guy right there, see that picture of that guy at the top of my screen? It's a bobsledder. So no, so that is a, that is the gold medalist, um, Olympic curler for the US. He's the captain of the curling. Oh, nice. I met him at an, at an industry event. He was, he was there with, as a representative of my company, cause my company sponsors the Olympics. And he was saying that there's only in the world, like 30,000 people who play curling in total. He said, so it's, it's very easy to qualify, apply for the Olympics. And he's like, and it's, it's not like you, like he's like, he was not a very athletic man. Yeah. Um, in fact, the first thing he did when he walked into our room is he asked if he could have a beer. I mean, of course he gave him a beer. He drank it within like 30 seconds and then one another beer. Um, but it was just like, this is what we do. Like we, like we go curling, like, like people go bowling. Like they just go to like the curling alley and they curl for fun. And that's how he got into it. He's like, I never was an Olympic athlete before. He's like, I just was, I'm just really good at like, Hurley, like, like telling my team where they have to go. Oh, so, um, so he's like, it's really easy to become an Olympic athlete in curling. So I will say, I'm going to change my answer, curling. Nice. So you think maybe like, if Algeria is looking to put together like a curling team, you're like, hey, sign me up. If I was Algerian, sure. I actually, I actually do wonder like how, like, if you, if you practice curling every day, how long would it take to get like good enough to be on the team? I mean, if only 30,000 people in the world do it, like, I don't know, you think about like, keep in mind, I don't know if this guy knew his stats, but he was the Olympic gold. Like I have a picture of me with the gold medal. I mean, he's a gold medalist. That means he's the best in the world at something, right? Probably knows what he's talking about. Yeah. I always think about that. I'm like, I'm like, it would be crazy to be like, hey, you know what, this one thing, I'm it. You know, like this, number one, acknowledge me. You know, like, that's crazy. Ah. There's, I've curled before. There's me holding the gold medal from Beijing. And then there's me holding the other gold medal from, is it, is it, what's the Russian one? Russian-y. Sochi. Sochi. Oh, Sochi. So that's, that's his gold medal from there. Beijing was Winter Olympics? Summer. Yeah, I thought Beijing was summer. Oh, maybe I, maybe I misread the town on it. Hang on. Pieng, Pieng Chang. Okay. Piong Chang. Okay, okay, got you. I guess maybe they did Winter too, I don't know. So from 2008 and from, and from 2018 are his two gold medals. That's crazy. That's cool. It's pretty fun. Yeah. It was pretty cool to put the gold medal around your neck and be like, wow, this is, this is fucking heavy. Like you don't realize how heavy those things are when they're up there. Pretty surreal. But he, he let everybody touch his gold medals. He was, he was letting people walk around with him. It was so cool. Yeah, that's pretty cool. Nice. All right, let's go to handles. Handles. Are you ready, Todd? I mean, Jordan, let's go over a frosty mug, pull out our three handled from the freezer. Three hundred frosty mug of wisdom, fed up with wisdom, vice hacks. It's all here on the board. Jordan, take it away. Oh. Test your handle. Test your handle. Test your handle. Test your handle. Mug of wisdom. Three. Mug of wisdom. Finish up the bottle. Chris. Todd. Overt. Popcorn and other animals. Now, so many of these. Mug of wisdom. That's been very. All right, Jordan. We need an update with all of the answers. All the animals. All the animals. All right. That must have been pretty surreal for your viewers out there here in the mug of wisdom. To see Jordan. Yeah. Yeah, perform it live for us as always. I'm glad to actually put Jordan on the YouTube map finally. Finally. The kid deserves some recognition. Absolutely. Yeah. All right, Todd, who's going first with these very abbreviated short handles this week? Of course, as is tradition, Chris. So I actually have a handle. Sucker. No, so, I mean, yes, I do. But so handle wise, here it is. Oh, that sounded bad. No, we're good. That was an empty bottle. OK, OK. I thought it was a glass, to be honest. OK, all right. So recently, recently I've been on like a counting calories, all that fun working out kind of thing. And one thing that we bought, kind of on a whim, that I've been really enjoying is I bought myself a ninja creamy to make myself high protein and low calorie desserts. So ice creams and sorbets and things like that. And we've been using it quite a bit. So I'm sure everybody's seen these. You kind of just freeze whatever you want to put into your ice creams and sorbets and blah, blah, blah. And then you blend them using the ninja creamy. And it makes your sorbet or ice cream. And you can eat it. And let me tell you, if you put like, I've done a few, like, honestly, like chocolate milk and 10 grams of sugar free jello really makes like a really nice chocolate ice cream. Like the powder. Yeah, like the powder. You mix it, you mix it together. You freeze it for 24 hours, depending on how cold your freezer is. Then you hit the hit the hit the you put it in, hit the button. And it makes like a really nice low calorie chocolate ice cream. You could also do that with a protein shake, which I've done. And, you know, you get like, you know, 2630 grams of protein while eating this ice cream. I've also recently gotten into making sorbets. So like making like your like I blend a bunch of like fruits together, freeze them, do the same thing. And I made something like just straight strawberry. And then like I made strawberry watermelon nectarine. But it also tasted really good. And it's like super low calorie, but it's like a nice, you know, easy, fun treat to give yourself. So you're not like absolutely destroying yourself, you know, being like, oh, man, everything is so high in calories. So I have a question. Yo, how different is the creamy versus like taking the frozen fruit mixture that you made and blended up, freezing it and then sticking it back in the blender and just blending it? I don't know. I've never tried. So I have a shitty blender. So I'll just keep that. Keep that in mind. I have a shitty blender. So I don't know how it would be. It may work if you have like if you have like a ninja blender, you may be able to get a. I say this as somebody who owns a ninja. I was going to say, like my my blender is literally a try. It's really a blender that I borrowed from my dad. Like, I don't know, 10 years ago. It's a shitty something or other. And this is mine now pretty much. It's pretty much how it went. It's like, hey, dad, do you have a blender? Oh, you do? It's mine. OK, cool. You know, shout out to dad. But, you know, he so other than that, like you might be able to do it with a ninja blender, but honestly, I just find it very easy to do it this way. And the fact that I can make ice cream, which I fucking love ice cream. I love ice cream, but it's so bad for you. But if I can if I can eat a whole pint of ice cream for 200 calories and get 30 brands of protein, I'm like, sign me up, brother. You know, so if you're if you're if you're in the market for Ninja Creamy, pick one up on I promise you it's it's it's really, really cool. And my kids said best ice cream ever, which, hey, listen. It's high praise coming from a kid. Kids know what ice cream is, you know, so. But it's been a really good, a really good thing that I bought. And I freaking love it. So check it out, Ninja Creamy. And there you go. Boom, handled. Nice. All right. Nice job keeping that short, Chris. All right. Who's going next? Shorthandle me. I'm going to go a movie for everybody. Go see Deadpool versus Wolverine. Um, I will keep this as short as possible. It is the third wolf or is the third Deadpool movie. It is the way that Disney is bringing their acquisition of Fox 21 into the Marvel universe. And from there, I will not I will not ruin any other surprises, but it was well worth it. Very Deadpool, good, but very good Deadpool vibes. It fits right in with the other trilogy. No need to go on a more explanation. If you like the first Deadpool is go see Deadpool versus Wolverine. You won't you won't miss it or you won't you won't regret it. Get yourself a large popcorn, get yourself a large Coke. Have fun. Bunch of Coke. One question with it. Where does it rank with the Deadpool's? Is it like your favorite one? I would say better than two. I would say better than two. But first is still the best because it was just so different. Right. I mean, it was right. But yeah, I would say it was. Yeah, you know, I'm never going to be able to recreate that magic. Yeah, it goes one, three, two. OK, all right. I guess that leaves me with the last handle. I'll return to something we used to do a lot of handles of, but haven't done in a while. And that's undergarments, specifically underwear. I know who. You know, we did socks for a while, too. Oh, that's true. But this is I used to have a pair of underwear really liked that Calvin Klein makes, but they stopped making it. And they were able to find ones that were as good until I was walking to the store in Florida, actually, on vacation. And I felt these and I'm like, that is some good underwear. I got to buy a buy a set. And so the company is Stance and it is their Butter Blend Boxer Briefs. I'm sure they make a women's version, too. But it is a yeah, it is a blend of 66 percent modal, 26 percent Lyocel, 8 percent Elastane. And whatever it is, the modal underwear, I like, I think it's the most comfortable stuff in existence. And this is like just the right amount. They've clearly dialed the chemistry in with the fabrics or whatever. I can't attest to longevity because I literally just got the box in the mail earlier this week or late last week. So I still am on my first wear of all of these. But I'm a big fan so far. And, you know, I'm not an advocate of buying underwear. You've never at least like felt before. But these go like I get these the over stamp of approval of this is a solid pair. And if you get the fun patterns, they're like usually on clothes at discount prices. So it looks like they are 20 to 30 dollars. Basically one pair. So yeah, they're not but, you know, you sign up as a new customer, you get 3% off, you buy four and you're not 10% off. Holy shit. You know, have you tried pair of thieves before? I have. I bought a pair from them from Target and they were OK. I think I still have that pair. They're not they're not the first top of the drawer. They're not the bottom of the drawer. You know what I mean? They're like in the middle of the pack. I assume you've used me on these before, right? Like I do have a couple pairs of me on these and longevity wise, they've held up quite well. And they are they're comfortable. All my me on these like fell apart. Oh, my me on these. Really? I mean, don't get me wrong. I've had a few, but I have top to bottom. That's all I wear. I'm I was just looking. I'm like, they don't make them for big, big boys, though. You have to be you have to be, you know, big boy or medium boy for them to to XL or smaller to ride this smaller from what I'm saying. But oh, really? Of stance, you mean? No, yeah, stance. Yeah, I was because listen, listen. Oh, I think they don't know no, no, no, not me on these, not me on these. But like stance, I was like, listen, listen, I'm curious, you know, Mike. Hey, listen. Oh, no, they look. I mean, the open sample approval goes. It means it doesn't, you know, I don't put my stamp on everything. It does, you know, it does look they make they make a to excel for the for us us us full bodied men. They can us full body of full bodied men. But if I can find one, I will I'll pick up a pair because I'm always always in the market to keep my nether regions feeling good, so. All right. So with that chat, we'd like to thank you guys for watching. Absolutely. That's a that's a new one. And for listeners, we'd like to thank you all for listening. We're going to thank the breweries who are glad to today's beers. My list is a little exhaustive, but we'll start with Cigar City and their Maduro Brown Ale. We will go over to Dogfish Head and their 120 minute IPA. And then I will thank Treehouse, but, you know, just in general, not for this beer. Just for existing. Oh, yeah, that's right. I would like to thank Bourbon County Goose Island for their Bourbon County 2016 Barley Wine brand stout. No, Barley Wine, whatever, not stout, but and also the Glassjug Coffee Deviation Imperial Stout. So very good, very good beers. And I'll thank founders for their fruit wood. Please make sure you head over to social media and follow us everywhere at DAWF podcast. Also make sure you hashtag file the email at DAWF podcast at You can head over to Discord and join the live conversation over there. If you were part of the Discord, you would have gotten a notification that we went live. If you were on all our social medias, you get the notification that we were live for this episode. If you don't want to do that, you know, but you still want to support us, you can go over to Patreon and first of all, it was a dollar, dollar a month or, you know, 25 cents a week if you really want to do the math that way or more. We would appreciate more. You can help monetarily support the podcast, which helps us, you know, afford to buy the beer that we drink on the podcast. It also helps us afford cool trips like when we went to Asheville a couple of years ago. So do that. That's really helpful. And then if you don't want to do any of that, head over to your your your favorite podcast listening app that you're listening to our voices on. Leave us a five star rating and review. The reviews do help, um, no matter the podcast app, Spotify has a way to rate it. Apple has a way to rate it. Overcast has a way to rate your app, um, Stitcher, what out, whatever. Um, you know, we don't have Google anymore. Obviously Google has, uh, kind of gotten rid of Google podcasts, but YouTube, which what we're on live right now, you can leave us a rating there too. So go check that out. Thumbs up, you know, anybody who's in the live chat, you know, really one click to, to give us a rating, um, that'd be really helpful. Yeah. Make sure you make sure if you're out there, like, share, subscribe, do all those things. There you go. Yeah. Hit the bell, comment, hit the notification bell. Who knows, smash that like button, smash it, hit the bell, um, and then, uh, if not, you know, just, just tell people out in your daily life, you know, if you're power walking, tell people who you power walk with, if you're trying to qualify for an Olympic team, tell all the Olympians, that'd be great. Um, and with that, you know, blasted at the curling ring. Oh, there you go. Yeah. With that, my name's Todd. My name's Chris. And I'm Obert. And remember, if you're drinking alone, do it with friends. So what do you think, uh, would be in the beer Olympics? Ooh, good question. Beer pong? Yeah, easily. Flip cup. Jimmy, obviously. Yeah, flip cup. Yes, another great one. Chug. Ooh, just. Yeah, chug the boot as we all saw from the, well, I think just, just chug a beer and chug a boo. I think they're, I think they're separate. Straight chug. Yeah. Like one's like a distance. A one's like, you know, sprint. So like both are in the triathlon of beer chugging. Yeah. I think, um, I think like Polish horseshoes would make it. I think that would be like a good one. Um, most, I would watch that. Like that sounds pretty awesome. Um, most beer is drinking a certain amount of time. So like an hour, two hours, 10 hours a day. Yeah. Um, less of a spectator sport. Yeah. Yeah, I'm, I'm here for it. Uh, drinking while doing other while driving athletic activities. Yeah. Who could drive the straightest F one, uh, with alcohol added, you know, or the, the beer mile where you got to drink a beer every lap. There you go. There you go. There you go. That's a good, that's a good one. Um, yeah. No, I think those are the big ones. Uh, what's the, what's the, what's the, the Frisbee one? Can, can ban, can, can, can jam. That's what it is. That's what it is. That was a good one too. Can jam. I, you know, one that like we play up in Connecticut, which I think you guys have played before is the game grunt. That's a fun game. Hoob. Cool game. Yeah. Cool. Very good. Yeah. Um, yeah. All I gotta say is I would, that would be some fun opening ceremony. Listen, we could be Olympians. I know. Like if I, all right, thanks everybody for watching so much. Um, I guys, I just want to throw, I put it in the chat. I don't think we have anything. Um, if anybody has any questions real quick, uh, right now to ask us three before we say goodbye, um, I want to throw it out there. Oh, I already said, I already said goodbye, at least me, at least me. I mean, at least me, if you guys have anything you want to say. It's never goodbye. It's always, it's always see you next time. See you later. 50 episodes from now off my friends. I don't think we have anything. Lars, thank you so much for hanging out. Appreciate you. We're good. All right, guys. Well, thank you so much. Uh, we will see you all, uh, soon, maybe 50 episodes. Certainly sooner than the last gap between live shows. We gotta do this again. No, we do have to do this again. This is fun. It's true. Bye, y'all. Do we raid is, wait, is raiding a thing in YouTube? I don't know how this works. Just to the end. Just to the end, Chris. I'm tired of waiting. All right, bye. All right, we're good. Okay. I don't know how, I don't know if raiding is a thing. I guess it's not. Now, now, now everybody's saying goodbye. That's crazy. Oh, yeah.