Hey folks and welcome to Drinking Alone with Friends, a podcast where three friends drink alone together. My name's Chris. What up? It's Todd. And I'm Obert. And it's back. The podcast. The podcast. The NBA championship to Boston. That is true. Hot weather. Wait, we're going through all the bits. It's also back. It's also back. Shamrock shake? I don't think that's back. I think you got a little bit more. No. Okay. Not winter. October Festival is that. Not winter. That never left. Yeah. That's still here. Pat Sajak. Pat Sajak. It's back. The McRib is not back. I don't think. I'm not the McDonald's connoisseur though. I think that's your neck of the woods. Town and the boys being in it. No, that's only when the song is back. It's on. Sorry. They're not back yet. Okay. But the days are getting longer and it won't be long. True. Actually, no. I think by the time this airs, the days are getting shorter. So. It's true. Unfortunately. The boys are gone. The boys are gone. What happened to our boys? They're gone. Oh. Those poor boys. They're gone. That's it. I miss them already, honestly. Yeah. What's back to them? The Wet Hot Live Show returns. Wow. In three episodes. Is it three? Or is it two? If you count this one. Yeah. Including this one. Surely 2.9 by now. This is true. 2.9 episodes from now. The Wet Hot Live Show is back. I repeat. The Wet Hot Live Show is back. Episode 250. Yeah. Episode 250. That's a big one. So. We eat the oldest thing in our fridge. It's coming. Are you, are you worried? Me? I think I have. I think out of that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Me? I think I have. I think out of the, out of everybody on this podcast. I think I have the most to be worried about. That's 100% true. That's fair. Yeah. That's very fair. I know. I have some, I have some beers older than my children. So, you know, we're, we're, I'm sure, I'm sure there'll be some, some yummy stuff. How old is your oldest child? I don't know. Six and a half. I might have one that's double your oldest child's age. Mmm. There you go. There you go. There you go. There you go. I got the beer. What is it? Like the oldest. I know. Just a Bud Light. That's in the. The first Keystone Ice that Todd legally bought. It is the original Bud Light produced by Mr. Anheuser-Busch. Like this batch of Bud came out lighter than the others. I got an idea. You know who's gonna. Sign from God. You know who's gonna love this? Episode 250 of drinking alone with friends. We don't talk about how you know, Anheuser-Busch is like basically the creator of this podcast. talk about it enough. You mean like way back in like the 1800s, he said, oh, it's time to form a podcast. Yeah, pretty much. Why? Why did Mr. Anheuser push for in the podcast? Yeah, that's why I'm trying to figure that out too. I thought that was like, well, no, that's what Albert just said. Nope, didn't he? Yeah, that's what I remember. That's what I remember. Oh, OK. Yeah, yeah, no, because really, if you think about it, he. Where are we going with this guy? I got it. Don't worry about it. Without Anheuser Bush, we wouldn't have a beer that we all drank together. The one time we sat around it, decided we were going to have a podcast. That's very fair. See, like I said. OK, I'm going to let it go. I'm going to let that works. You know, all this talk about Anheuser Bush and Bud Light is making me thirsty. It was it was way back in 2018 when we were sitting around and Ted said, I bet I could tell you blindfolded whether this is a Bud Light or a Corus Light or a Miller Light. And Ted, Chris and I said, well, we would have to record it with expensive microphones and broadcast it to the world to find out. And the rest is history. And boy, did we do that. Yeah. And thus the podcast is born. Thanks, Adolphus, for inventing Budweiser. And our podcast. And our podcast. But anyways, yeah, another live show. It's going to be fun. I'm excited. Yeah, we'll put the details out. I think we've got to figure out how exactly we're going to do it and the dates and stuff. But stay tuned. Probably another month or so. Yeah, for sure. Details in the Discord. Or you can email us. We'll email you back. Yeah, probably. We would like some emails. Yeah, send some emails, guys. Yeah, dawfpodcast at gmail.com. That is D as in dog, A as in apple, W as in. What are you drinking, Ted? F as in Frank, podcast at gmail.com. B as in, no. B as in podiatrist. No. So what are you drinking this week, Ted? Oh, is that my cue to actually drink this time? It was last time. You missed it. OK, so it's beer 30. And I'm thirsty. I've been working like a dog all week long. So maybe something cold won't hurt me because it's beer 30. And it's time to party. Yeah, baby. So this week, I found a beer in my fridge that I am almost 100% certain is not my oldest beer, so I can drink it today. But I cannot tell you. Almost certain. It means that it's old. See, I don't know that. That's kind of what I'm confused by, because I don't remember buying this beer. So I don't know where it came from. I don't know its origin story. All I know is that it is brewed and packaged. What is it going on with your house? This is the second week in a row where you just find it turning a quarter and mystery beers show up. Exactly. It's great. You should try to live here. It's what's wonderful when I've ran a beer pops up. I mean, you kind of wish your house did that. It's true. It's true. So this beard is brewed by 12%. For two, but it's brewed, I guess, by a brewery called Two Villains Brewing. The logo for Two Villains Brewing is 2Vs. And this is called Backyard Prince Live in Concert. And it is a milk stout with cinnamon and vanilla. The logo is a cat coming out of like a watercolor painting. Don't really know. And it says one night only in a paw print. Very, very, very, very, very, very strange. Everything about this. And just to clarify, it's P-R-I-N-C-E. Correct. Like the artist formerly known as. Right. Yes. Yep. Backyard Prince not. Cat. P-R-I-N-T-S. Correct. Cat is like a black and white cat. It's like a, like it looks kind of like a cow. I don't know. Strange. It's, it's a, like I said, it's milk stout with cinnamon and vanilla. 6.5% ABV comes in a can. Pours dark as night. As you can see, I bet you if I looked here, a T-Rex is not finding you in this thing. Nope. You are lost in the dark. Billion SRM. Make it the last of the can in there. The head kind of dissipated a little fast, which is either good or bad. Don't really know. But it is like, it's fully in the glass. It's completely gone for the most part. Looks yummy though. It does. And cinnamon and vanilla in a stout is never going to be bad, I think. But that's why we drink the beer. And I'm drinking while you know that you're my friend and I'll say I think I'll have myself up here. That's pretty good. Um, it's a little bit of like a, it's like a, like a more robust stout. So it's got a little bit like that, like that, that roasty toasty malt, uh, flavoring on the front. Um, the cinnamon and vanilla are very subtle. I wouldn't call them very forward-facing. This is very much your traditional stout with like a hint or a slint of cinnamon and vanilla. So it's definitely more traditional style, which is, it's good. It leaves it, it lets you actually taste the stout. You know, I don't know how you brew a stout at 6.5% ABV. That seems to be, you know, pretty good accomplishment and pretty light. And dare I say semi-crushable for a stout, you know, hashtag always stout season. I can't pick up too many milk, milk stouts. I've crashed in my days. Yeah. I mean, I wouldn't sit like, like I'm not, I said dare I say crushable. I didn't say a hundred percent crush. You dared, you dared, you did say it. Yeah, I dared to say, but pretty good. Um, solid, you know, it's, it's, it's perfectly carbonated. Uh, I don't get a lot of the milky flavor. Like I said, this is definitely more traditional flavored to me. Um, it has a lot of those, like for lack of a term, like the burnt notes, like it does taste a little smoky, if you will. But a solid representation of the, of the, of the style. I don't know, I don't know shit about two villains brewing company. I've never heard of them before. Um, clearly they've, they've not either. I'm not paying attention to, to 12% or they did not stick around for very long. Did you, were you, were you able to find a Canon date or what did you say that there, what there wasn't one? Just mysterious age. I mean, there is a number on the bottom, but I don't two, three, two, nine, six. And I don't think that that 96. Oh my God. Yeah, you know, that is February 32nd, 1996. That hurts, you know, February 96, 2023. Could be. Maybe it's, maybe it's June, June 29th, 2023. That, that might be it. That seems like a date. Ah, it's almost the, it's almost a year old. Maybe it's almost a year old. It's either a year or like 28 years old. It's one of the two. Yeah. If there's no in between. We'll never know. It's impossible to tell, really. Um, it says drink cold and keep fresh. Well, I can tell you that I did not keep, I did not drink it fresh. I did, I'm, I'm not even sure if it got kept cold. I don't know where this beer came from. Um, it's good though. I wouldn't say like I would go out of my way to try it again. Maybe I'd try it again fresh just to see, like, was it more cinnamony and was it more vanilla-y? Was it less, was it more milky, but solid? Yeah. So I pulled up two villains on untapped and it says that originally from Vernon Township, New Jersey, before they, I don't know, if they still don't quite understand how it all works at 12%. If they have, you know, two locations or what, but, and you spelt it to villains with TWA, right? Not the, not the number two. Well, I'm looking at the backyard Prince check-in. So perfect. Do they still brew? Yeah. They have a wandering into the fog collab. It looks like called crawling out of the fog. Um, kind of a good name. Yeah, it is. So it seems like they're still 12%ing. Yeah, that's good. So I will, that maybe I'll keep an eye open for them. Um, moving forward. Overall though, it's okay. It's a good, it's a good representation of the style. I wouldn't say I go out of my way to, to try this one again. Um, probably give it like a three, seven, five, perfectly middle of the road. Not bad. Okay. And you just have the one can or maybe you'll, like, you'll be walking down the stairs tomorrow and maybe find like five others in the six pack ring or something. Yeah. I can say that I'm not 1000% certain I don't have more of these cans, but I can say that I don't think I have more of these cans because I found it and it was by itself. Groundhogs beer over here. Yeah. And maybe this is just what I'm destined to drink for the rest of my life with no, uh, you know, forever stuck. I mean, I know, obviously if, if you woke up and you were like, okay, I have to like, I'm on Groundhogs Day repeat right now, I'm going to drink this same beer for the rest of my life, a three, seven, five, not a bad one. Right. Like it could have been much worse. Yeah. No, I think it could be definitely much worse and could have been better. Keep in mind, this is on the stout scale too. Like it's like, you know, I, I judge this against other stouts I've had, right? Like it's, it's still a good representation of the style. There's other stouts I prefer a scale of Porter to stout. I think it's definitely more Porter than stout in one thirds. It does sound lighter. Yeah. Like you said, but once you start adding all those crazy adjuncts, like cinnamon, it does not coat the mouth. Like don't even feel like I drank a stout right now. It's just like kind of gone. Did you mention that it was a churro style milk stout? It does not say that it says that's what untapped says milk stout with cinnamon and vanilla, which, you know, I mean, yeah, I mean, that's, I guess that's exactly what a churro is. So sure, why not? I'll go with it. Do you maybe now that I say that, do you get a little bit more churro-y flavor? I mean, I still get cinnamon. Like I don't get like powdered, I don't get like powdered sugar. Can you taste the bourbon soaked vanilla beans? I can taste vanilla. I don't taste any bourbon. All right. Well, like I said, I got it up here. There's four hundred and fifty five check-ins of this beer. Well, that's more than I expected for a beer that I've never heard of. Never heard of, but owned, but owned. Yep. That's true. Never heard of, but owned 12 percent. A little hop height. What's the number we always guess over 406. I'm going to go 406 is my area code. I'm going to go 406. Well, I gotta say, this beer does not set you up for success. I knew you were going to be high because it's a lowly three eight three. Wow. Yeah. Yeah, I wasn't sure because I figured, you know, with the hop hype and the fact that it's twenty eight years old, you probably would have been like, oh, man, this is going to be higher at check-in. But apparently back in ninety six, they were like, no, no, no. Yeah, they didn't they didn't know apparently about untapped back then. No. On the board point two, three. On the board, we've we've won with worse. That's true, but yes, oh, man, we've all guessed worse. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, 100 percent. So you think are you done with two villains? Or maybe, you know, next time you see him at 12 percent, you try it again. I would try other beers by them. I am curious to know about this brewery that I've never heard of. Well, I guess I've heard of them now, right? You know, you can only you can only not hear of something once, then you've at least heard of it before. Do you think they could make an opposite podcast where it's like instead of drinking alone with three friends that drink alone together, they could have two villains that drink together, like two villains that poor that poor beer out together. Oh, no, that's just their thing. They go around and they just pour things out. Yeah, they rate them. I like it based on how well they pour. They rate them. But bubbles. Pissing together with enemies. Bubbles disappear with villains. It's minus minus half a can tab on that, you know, they purposely review beers after pouring them down the drain. They rate them really low and untapped to lower everybody's averages. Uh huh. Look, look bad going down drain. Zero, zero, zero bottle caps. I like it. I wonder what villains are, though. I don't know. Let's go. Yeah. Wish there was like an origin story. Like, what is it about? What is it about these guys? I feel like we need to make one, honestly. I think it all starts with every villain has an origin story. Dolphus, Bush or whatever the fuck it is. I bet you I bet you these guys started off as like nice mild manner guys and something happened and turned them into villains. Two gentlemen's brewing company destroyed in a fire. Like two, two, two friendly chaps forever scarred. And now they're villains. Well, I don't know. Maybe they were both like have just villainy names. Like, uh, what's the bad guy and beauty and the beast with the gene? Gaston. Gaston and his friend, you know, in cocoa. From from. But yeah, yeah, they they were just like friends. And they were like, oh, let's make a brewery. Actually, we're both named after villains. What's he the bad? I don't think he was a bad guy. I think he was the misunderstood good guy in Pocahontas. Who's a bad guy? Bad guy. I was too busy trying to think of like Ursula. That's just just one of the brewers names is just Ursula. Yeah. I was going to say, maybe who's the who's the evil guy from from Avengers? Oh, his name is just John Ratcliffe, the bad guy. Wait, that can't be right. What's over? What's the guy's name from from Avengers? I don't. He snaps Thanos. Yeah. Oh, he's Ratcliffe. Yeah, damn. That's a good name. That's a good solid name that somebody should name their child. But then you have to expect that they're going to become a they're going to become a villain. No, no, they could start a brewery. Oh, then he'd have to he'd have to kill the two villains to become like super villain. Maybe he's like a I see no flaws. Super super villain distillery. Maybe he's just maybe he's not a murderer and he just he just purposely like ruins their their beers. He just keeps checking the minute quarter bottle cap till they go to business. We never go there. See how many now we put two five brewers they got. Now we've invented the backstory of two villains plus their arch nemesis. Thanos. That's got to be a superhero, too. In fancy gauntlet brewing. There's got to be a hero like superhero brewery or something like that that comes through in, you know, their their total goal is to smite two villains in Thanos. I'm trying to think if if I was to make a superhero that was like beer themed, it basically would be like Popeye, but instead of spinach, it's alcohol, right? Like they just they just like squeeze the can and then it like pops off and shoots into their mouth. I think that's called Homer Simpson. Yeah, isn't it like Duff Man? Is that what his name is? Basically. Yeah. Yeah. I like that man was already right there. Yeah. I will say that I looked it up two villains posts on social media quite often. Paul, they posted yesterday. They posted today. Actually, at least media. What can we say? Alias Brewerks. They're they're doing something there in Vernon, New Jersey. Happy hour Wednesday through Friday, 12 to 6. Apparently, they opened up their own brew pub. So maybe they were at 12 percent for a little bit. Maybe they still brew their part time. They posted a cat meme. I don't know why. Oh, no, that was a sponsored ad by Instagram. All right. So Chris, what are you thinking about? All right. All right. So I have a bit of a foreshadowing beer for the rest of the episode. No, I mean, I don't I definitely don't think. A land shark, a land shark, no. So when I went to Total Wine, not that long ago here in North Carolina, they had a couple of four packs that I picked up and they were very expensive. And I've been waiting to bring one of these to the podcast. So here I have from 450 North. They're watermelon cherry smoothie style sour ale. So this isn't one of the big XL ones, any of those. But I still imagine some goodness out of this. Oh, no, never mind. It's literally right there. Yeah, it's on one of the largest writing on the whole fucking can. It's on the side, though. Like if I was reading it this way, it's it doesn't say it just says slushie XL. What I specifically said, it didn't say a second ago. OK. But here we go. We've all heard about 450 North. We've had a few of these on the pod before. But you know, in a while, it's it's been a while and also we haven't had that many. I know the ones that I've had have been delicious. So pretty excited to try this. And, you know, cherry watermelon, perfect for these hot summer days. Longest days of the year coming up or going by or whichever we are at this point when this releases. So here we go. Wait, maybe not. Couldn't get my finger underneath there. Here we go. Oh, for some reason, I thought you were just going to drink it right out of the can. Nah, all right. It's very dark, very dark, and there's no head on it. So that's just a couple of couple of quick takeaways. Give myself a little swirly poo. I'm going to pour the rest of this bad boy in here. Very thick coming out of that can very thick. I don't see a brood day on it, but it was in like a boxed four pack. So I don't know if that's something they don't do on these. Maybe like a mid 90s release. Yeah, yeah. I mean, definitely no late. It's probably the second oldest beer we have on the podcast tonight. But not by much. Yeah, but let's take a look at this thing. I don't know if you can tell it's very dark. It's very, very dark. It's not black. My lighting I'm turning on the lights for the the the podcast ears over here. That's kind of purplish. Dark. Yeah, like a purplish. Yeah, very thick, no head. So we'll see how that goes. And of course, we're going to I have a feeling I got a feeling. Oh, yeah, much like Todd, get bubbles right out of the way. You're safe, safe from T-Rex. You may get lost in this beer. So here we go. Watermelon, cherry or cherry and watermelon slushie XL. Cheers. Cheers. Let's solo cup. I fill you up. Let's have a party. Let's have a party. Shout out to a legend. So five point three, ABB, crushable, clearly. That's a lot lower, lower than I thought it was going to be. Yeah, I'm so I just want to start off with taste like this is definitely an experience. I think we definitely talk about these a lot. You're going to have one and that's going to be you're going to be done. You're not going to. This is a dessert beer, you know? I've never had one. No, no. Really? That's actually kind of crazy. 100 percent never had a 450 north. Dang, maybe I'll maybe I have a few extras. Maybe I'll bring some up north with me and we can have some because I have seven more. It's a lot. Well, but this one in particular, cherry and watermelon, very thick, very heavy. You know, I said I said chuggable, but it's like you're definitely getting a mouthful when you take this in. You get hit. You get hit. I almost knocked my beer over. That would have been devastating. I've been the worst thing that's happened to me today. So I'll say you get hit first with the cherry. You get some of the watermelon sweetness, more heavy on the cherry than it is the watermelon. Maybe as it warms up a little bit, maybe it'll balance out, but it's not bad. It's actually pretty good, pretty good. The nice thing about it is sweet, but it does sour up a little bit towards the end. So you are getting like some of that like nice sour aftertaste. So it's not like sour. It's not sweet the whole way through. I feel like the last one I had was pretty sweet the whole way through, but it is a lot. It's very thick, coats your mouth, five point three percent, but it's heavy. Like you're going to have one, but it's a treat. It's ice cold. It tastes delicious. You know, it's just it's just really good. It's just really good. Yeah, definitely more cherry than watermelon that I'm getting. But overall, very good beer, very good slushy. You know, I could definitely see someone throwing this into a one of those big margarine frozen margarita machines and like making this into like slushy, you know, I could definitely I could definitely see that. So but it's like an extra large slushy. Yes, an extra, extra large. We're going to ex ex ex sell it with the extra large slushies. Are you supposed to freeze them? I don't know. This is store called drink fresh. So due to the large amount of fruit in this beer. So which I'm not surprised because it is very, very fruity. But I think I've heard people say that they're that you freeze them or some of them you can freeze at least a little bit. Definitely, I think it would taste better. It's I mean, this one's very cold, so I'm happy. But I don't know if I would want it too, too much warmer, but it's very good. You know, 450 North, if you haven't tried it. It's one of those like Mecca beer places. We've talked about it before. We may talk about it again this episode. Who knows? And yeah, I actually had them on our first in person live show. There we go. Speaking of live shows, where you're all North Carolina together. And I'm sure you try to sip of it, Todd. Potentially. But that was during covid, so maybe not. No, this was pre covid. I don't know. It's a long time ago. It was a long time ago. But that being said, this is very good. I'm going to give this I'm going to give it a four and a half. I'm going to give it a four and a half. I was trying to decide. I was like, I could I if I almost gave it a four to five. But you know, I'm always such a hard ass. So it's like, I really got to, you know, be a little bit more lean in my next 250 episodes. So, you know, I'll be giving away fives all day. But but yeah, so I'm going to give it a four and a half. Very good. I wish I got a little bit more watermelon out of it just because I like watermelon more than I like cherry. But it's still very good. And the fact that it's sweet and then tart, I do enjoy that quite a bit. So gives you the full blown opposite of a warhead experience here. Well, now that we know what your rating is, what do you think the other three hundred and sixty two people who checked this in? That's them. I was going to be like a five digit jacket. I was thinking it was going to be a lot too. Dang, OK, I mean, this definitely has hot pipe, definitely has hot pipe. This is tough because like these these kind of beers, these kind of breweries, you can easily guess four point four something and be like pretty damn close. I don't know. I don't think this is going to quite hit there, though. I'm going to go high. I think it's going to be high. I think it's going to be four point two eight. That's really high. So I'm still in the lead. Fuck. In fact, Chris loses a point. No way. No. No. Oh, OK. I was like, I was like, what? I was like, no way. Three point nine four. Wow. OK. Wow. You're closer to losing a point than I though. No, I mean, per a second there, my heart dropped. I was like, there's and then I was like, there's no way. Right. Yeah. I was like, he he sold me too. I believe. Wow. OK. Shit. Well, I get. Listen, maybe it's been a while. Maybe four fifty north isn't isn't the Bella de Ball anymore. Like, you know, all I remember about four fifty north is I know they're supposed to be good beer. I know you've had them. And apparently Obert thinks I may have had them as well, even though I have no recollection of it. I remember they got in trouble way back in the day because they were over inflating their ABV and of their beer. And they got like massive trouble because of it. Because according to the FDA, you can't that's that's false advertising. So interesting. Yeah, I definitely I don't know. I expected more. I guess I'm out of touch with the beer scene, not surprising at all. You are getting old. I am old. I am old. So I'm well, you know what? I'm glad I didn't guess four point four something. Right. But Obert, Doris literally the size of we knocked down a wall for you, Obert. You might as well just park your car in the living room and land the jet plane in the pool. Water evacuation into a water slide. And just I mean, there's just really no way you could budge this up. Just, you know, you're going to be a commemorated hero by saving. I mean, I would say that the the door is as wide open as Montana is. It's fair, very fair. Montana is getting crowded, though. But OK, this episode comes out. I love the fact that like there's a chance that I still I still win this. Hey, there's always a chance. Always a chance. You never know. This episode comes out July 11th. So I thought it appropriate that, especially after our last episode, I bring something a little thematical to the summer here. This is the Buoye beer company from Astoria, Oregon. I've never seen them before. This sounds more and more favorable by the second Chris for me. This just says IPA, so. I could just see me getting a point here. Let's go. It's red, white and blue. Very on brand for, you know, some summer theme colors here. Let me read the description here. Proud, bold beauty, full of flavor. This Northwest IPA is proof that you can go big without the bitter bite. Nothing overboard, well balanced and lovingly dry hopped with meridian and crystal hops for a rich citrusy finish. Beard with a backbone born from a place when born from a place where a little heavy weather never hurt anyone. Seven and a half percent ABV wasn't expecting that looking at this can. I thought this was going to be just like, you know, six percent. Yeah, it honestly looks like the West Coast version of a narrow ganset. It does. It does. It's like sort of that nautical theme. But yeah, it's just that you talk about how you like beers with very simple, straightforward, plain marketing. This is definitely a beer that I would have walked by had I not been like, oh, I've never seen this brewery before. So it smells like a West Coast. Definitely some dank, herbaceous notes. Smells smells alcoholic to smells like a heavier IPA, like almost a double. Nice lacing, you can see this head sticking around for sure. And, you know, T-Rex to see T-Rex is going to get you for sure. So let's dive in again. Never had never heard of Bowie would love to hear from our listeners in Oregon who have tell us they like this beer. The discord and email are always open. But here we go. Cheers, guys. Cheers. I like beer. It makes me a jolly good fellow. I like beer. It helps me on wine. And then sometimes it makes me feel mellow. Makes me feel mellow. This is good. It's a classic. I couldn't have put it better than how they described it. Just a straight up West Coast IPA. Definitely getting those pliny vibes. Oh, yeah, I would say that's probably the closest that I could just use to describe this beer. That sounds good. It is. It's quite tasty. You know, I was with last time we brought like a just a regular old single IPA that's just called the Bowie IPA on the pod. But for a beer with, I would say, a little fanfare and description. This holds up, you know, it's when you walk into a brewery, do you ask for an IPA? This is what you're going to get. Definitely a good flagship style. We'd be happy to show up to a party with a six pack of this stuff, although it would get you fucked up rather quick. Did you have expectations going in of anything like? None at all. I think I barely even acknowledge that it was an IPA when I picked it up. I just was like, oh, because you could see like it does say IPA at the bottom. But, you know, it is just like, hey, here's a beer, right? So I didn't have a ton of expectations, but it met them for sure. I'm going to crush this one rather quickly. So the only non-crushable beer on the podcast. Yeah, yeah, we've had a crushable milk stout, a crushable smoothie. Just things that you want to just crush. Crush, crush them. You're the only one that passes or fails, depending on if you're a T-Rex or not. The T-Rex test is, I would argue, the most crushable of all of them. Most alcoholic also. Crisp, clean finish, I mean, just, just what I needed. So this is also going to get a three, seven, five for me. I don't typically rank single IPA is super high. And if I do, I like them with more of like a floral or citrusy notes. This, again, I said more earthy, um, on the earthier side of things, which is good. I'm kind of shocked. It's, it sounded to me like you were going to rank it higher. Yeah, it's, I don't know. I don't rate regular old IPA is all that high, you know? Can you rank it higher? Higher. On this scale, like this basically is where my regular plain old IPA will top out is like maybe a four, but it's like regular old IPA to be a four is a damn good IPA, and it's just like, not, not my style, you know? On the new untapped, would you give this higher or lower than a three, seven, five? Higher, higher, three, eight. Nice. Yeah. Well, not only is it the boosiest, least crushable beer on the podcast, it also has by far the most check-ins at. Okay. So this is the legit brew at 16,224. So yeah, it felt like a legit brewery, but not one I had heard of before. I also didn't mention the, the canned on date was April 9th. So it's not too old. Not, not too old. This one's a little tricky, but fortunately I got a pretty good window. Um, I think I'm going to go with 3.99. I'm not going to lie to you. I think, I think the, the 9.9 saved you. It is a 3.77. So 0.22. Okay. It did. It did save me. I was like, oh man, if he guesses a four. Yeah. I was, I was, I wanted, I won't lie. I was like, you know, it's giving me near a four. Don't need to go. Don't need to swing with the fence here. Just kind of get close. Just, just right inside the upright. It double, double, doink. It, it did. I've been robbed by 0.01 in two episodes of road now. That's also like, just like, point that out. That's also true. Yeah. I don't know if you could call this being robbed. If you were like 0.04 and I guess 0.03, then you were robbed. Well, last week I was like, last week I was 0.02 and I lost. Right. Right. You were robbed last week. This week I, I, I least deserved it the least. They are still calling it robbed. That's crazy. Beat out by 0.01 is, is rough two weeks in a row. Oh man, that's funny. Yeah. This is, this is good. I'm sticking with that 375 3.8. Just really goes down quite smoothly. Maybe it's, I'm getting older and my taste buds are getting more and more demented and old that I'm liking, finding, gravitating towards the more bitter, less acidic flavors of this on the IPA side of things. So. I have noticed that I've been more into like standard beers recently, like golden ales and stuff like that. Yeah. Yeah. Just like the classics. Yeah. I just wonder if it's, yeah, I wonder if it's an, it's an aging thing. Also that time of year, you know, the boys were back in town. They're gone now. Briefly. They were, but they, when they come back, they bring those, those more milder styles with them, you know. They bring all the boys to the yard. No, that's Chris's milkshake, I think. Yes. Well, I guess you have the shake and Ted has the milk. Our milkshake. Ah, brings all the boys are, but the boys are in town. So we're screwed. No, we live outside of town. They're in our yard. Oh, this is our yard is where they come when they leave. But I thought we were in town and that's, yeah, I was, I was following the Lord, the boys were in town, then they left to go to your yards to get the milkshake and, and Ted, you can teach Chris, but you'd have to charge. Yes. Right. There we go. Um, well, not that we got that all cleared up before we go over to our frosty mug. We did have, this is a classic, classic DAWF segment here, but we, we talk about a list. We like to do that on the show. We haven't done it in a long time. That's true. We love lists. We love lists. I love lamp. Tut, this one, I got to give all the credit to Tut. And when he sent me this, I was like, look at my lips. Like this is a, a media list we can dive into on the podcast. Um, vinepair.com and it's titled the one beer you should bring home from every state, which is funny because we tested it a little bit. I personally, I'm somebody who, whenever I travel, uh, I make sure I bring beers home to have on the podcast. Tuds said he's done doing that. He doesn't do that anymore. He travels too much for work. Um, but I love to do it. I love to have a beer, bring home beer from every state that I go to. I will say that I brought beer home from work, like on this podcast two weeks ago or two episodes ago. You did. Yeah. Concha Hawkins Brewing Company. And, and maybe that'll, that'll spur us a little bit to have some more. So, uh, quick, first impressions before we dive into this list. What did you guys think? I thought reading through it, I thought it was a solid list. I know we've had other lists in the past that were very, we didn't agree with. Some from vinepair to vinepair has been, uh, a, uh, offender of the, of their bad lists for sure, but like going through and knowing what I know of now granted. I mean, I don't know the local scene on every, in every state, obviously, but, um, going through in the states that I saw, I was like, Oh, okay. Yeah, that makes sense. That makes sense. Um, I think they nailed a lot of the Northeast. I won't say it all because I'm sure there's some, but I think they nailed a lot of the Northeast, uh, some of the South that I was looking at, they nailed as well. So I thought it was a very good list. Yeah, I agree. I thought it was pretty solid. I mean, I see when I scrolled through it, I saw some states I disagreed with for sure, but overall those were few and far between. And even if you disagreed with them, it's not like they didn't pick like, Oh, you went to Boston and have a Sam Adams Boston logger. You know, like they basically did for some, some of them may be, but like, I guess they, I don't know. I guess, I guess I was like, that's not what I would have picked, but still not a bad one to have. You see where they're coming from. Yeah. Well, we can hop into it because I will tell you what I was thinking. There's six regions on this list. I think we need to talk about all, all six of them. Where would you guys want to start? Should we, should we save the Northeast for fast or start with it first? I was going to go alphabetical. Okay. So alphabetically, the first region would be Midwest. Oh, this is complicated. Now I got to think of what the Midwest is, what these states are. Well, so wait, go to the map, the map. Yeah, but like some of these, I don't know what they are, right? Well, we're not, I don't know if we have to talk about every, all 50 years on here, we have to rank them from S tier to S tier. We take Vera list and we make, make our own tier maker list. Now you're asking me to know geography. I don't, are you looking at the, the graphic? Yeah. I mean, there's a color code. There's a color code right there. I think Ted said, I'm going to name a state and he's going to be like, which one is Iowa? And I'd be like, the one with the note, the face of the chef's hat. Oh, okay, okay. Holds in the Kentucky fried chicken. Let's, let's try it though. Let's, let's try it. So. Oh, so do you want to start in the Northeast or do you want to save the Northeast for last? Let's start, let's start, let's save the Northeast for last. Yeah, I think that's probably smart. We could start in the Midwest if you want. Well, you said alphabetically, I think Midwest does it. I think we should go West to East coast. That works, that works for me. Yeah. So I'll jump in here and say, cause this is the, the closest states to me that have amazing beer and they have Fremont, great, great notion, Pliny, like these are all beers that we've had on the podcast. I think they've knocked out of the park. I even had Wright from Great Notion, which is their best beer and definitely the best juicy IPA that you can find around here. And Fremont, they didn't pick the beer I would have picked, but they picked the brewery from Washington. I would have picked there. I know they had Anchorage Brewing Company and I don't have a ton of Alaska knowledge, but I have had one stout from Anchorage Brewing Company. And it was very good. And I believe, I believe they did say a stout or some kind of stout from them. So I could see that, you know, shout out to my Mises. Yeah, I think the other one from there is Alaska Brewing. And I think Anchorage Brewing is definitely better. And they also had Hawaii in here, which I don't think any of us can comment on. No, yeah, no, I mean, it looks good. It's got a cool name, Overboard IPA from Big Island Brewhouse. So I realized that if we go west to east, then it's going to be me talking for the first half and then you guys talking. So why don't we jump to Chris's? That was my, we can jump to Chris's next. The southeast. OK. Chris's southeast. All right. There's a lot of states on here. There is. There's a lot of states on here. And I think they did a very good job picking at least the ones that I've had. You know, for starting off with my home state of North Carolina, they picked burial. So I believe they said an imperial stout from burial, which I can agree with. Honestly, anything from burial and you're not going to go wrong, but their imperial stouts are amazing. I went there last week and it was still wonderful. So and where, which one did you go to the Charlotte? The Charlotte one. So still wonderful, though. Very good. Dropping down. I just want to comment real quick. They said angry chair, I believe. No, not angry chair. What was the Florida that's that's it's angry chair. It is angry chair. OK. OK. Yeah. They said a stout from angry chair and angry chair is good. I've never had it. Yeah, I went there many years ago. It is very good. They're very expensive, but they're they're very good. So so that was a good one. Louisiana, I think Ghost of the Machine was the right choice. I think that definitely talked about them. Yeah. I think that was the right choice. It's solid, parish ales love the shoes. It's like the third time we've made that joke about parish ales. And by we, I mean Chris. It's the other thing I got. OK, so Tennessee, they picked Yazu Brewing Company. This is one of the ones I disagreed with. So yeah, Sue is very good, though. Like, that's the thing. Like, it's unique and it's really good. So I don't know if I would have. I don't I wouldn't have picked it. I would have picked probably Southern Christ. I don't know. I don't know if I want to sell the grist or if I want with the other one. What's the other one? The bearded iris, bearded iris. There you go. Geez. I don't know if you are getting old. I am getting old. I would like Southern Christ is my personal favorite there, obviously. We've talked about that. But I think bearded iris is more it's for everybody, you know, very good beers. Second best, Sue, on this list. Agreed. Agreed. The Kentucky, Kentucky. I don't know much about Kentucky beer, so that's probably what I would pick, too. The they picked the the barely the bourbon bourbon ale, the Kentucky bourbon ale. Is that what it was? Two, I like that one. I like that beer and two, it's very affordable. I think it's like you could pick up a four pack and be like, yeah, you're happy with spending that money. And it's great on tap. Yeah, that's very true. So a couple of the other ones I don't really I can't read off the graphic. So I'm just going to go ahead and gloss over them. But like, I think overall, if you if you click on it, you can zoom in. Well, South Carolina, for example, has it looks like Westbrook has has a beer from Westbrook, but it's the it's the goza. OK, yeah, Westbrook is good. I believe I've had one of their sours before that that was pretty good. But they do the Mexicans cake stout, don't they? Is that them? I think I would prefer that personally. But, you know, me, you know, me, it's it's 95 degrees outside, time first out, like just how I how I operate. So I think they did a good job in the southeast. It does shout it out the cake stout. Yeah. Oh, did they? OK, OK, good. Yeah, it says everything is really good from there. But that's you know, that was their favorite. So they they chose that one. That's fair. That's fair. Well, I wanted to throw it over to Tud's next Tud's area of expertise, which is the southwest. The Tud has had the most beer from the southwest. So which is only Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas. It's only four states. Yeah. So I can't comment on Arizona. Oklahoma is the bomb. Any of the bombs from Prairie, which I agree with fully. There's tons of different bombs. So that that would be my pick from Oklahoma. I can't think of another Oklahoma brewery, but bomb from Prairie is is awesome. So one of the ones that really bothered me on this list is the Texas choice. So Texas, you know, you have the best most knowledge of the Texas beers, I think. Yeah. Yeah. So Texas, what is it? The second most populated state outside of California. And they they chose arguably the most mass produced beer in the state, which is Lone Star beer from Lone Star Brewing Company in Texas. You know, I don't agree with this. You know, obviously you're going Lone Star state. You're saying, oh, yeah, you should just pick the the loans, the Lone Star beer. But like, if you're going to pick a standard beer from Texas, why not go Shine or Bach? That's a independently owned, not owned by a massive brewing company. That's a different that's one to pick out. Plus, Texas has good beer. Spindle Tap Brewery is a great brewery. They do a lot of good IPAs. They do a lot of good stouts. And Yellow Rose, which is the Yellow Rose of Texas, is a great IPA as well, that is delicious, comes in a bottle. It's very unique. It's got the picture of the the whole Yellow Rose story is about. I think it's about like a Mexican woman, but there's a picture of like that Mexican woman picture on the bottle. It's very Texan themed as well. I disagree with the fact that they left Lone Star here. That's that's a weird one to me. That's that's more of a little lazy. Yeah, it's more of a we couldn't be bothered to try beers in Texas. So fuck you, here's Lone Star, because even like the description, it's the shortest one on the page and it goes, ah, Lone Star. It's an icon of the country music scene. And although it comes in cans, a cold long neck bottle just hits differently in its home state. It doesn't. Well, here's my counter argument to that, and I may be totally wrong here. But the name of this list is the one beer to bring home from every state. And like I can get Shinerbock here in the grocery store, but I can't get Lone Star. So like maybe me bringing home some Lone Star being like, oh, this reminds me of Texas is a little different than being like, this isn't it's not the best beer from the state, but it is like a beer to bring home. Not. So what do you have to say to that? We're going to Texas this year, you and I. We're going to Texas at the same time. You're also going to Texas, I think in like a week or two, if I'm not wrong. Yes, two weeks from this episode airing. I would like you when you're in there in two weeks from this episode airing, drink a Lone Star beer, then find the yellow rose IPA and drink that. And if you happen to stumble upon spindle tap, try that and tell me which one you'd rather bring home. Fair enough, fair enough. Pitehouse Pizza. Chris, you were there. Would you rather bring that home than a Lone Star? I did. I did really enjoy that place. That was really good. So yes. So that's that's my piece. Well, what remind me when we get to Pennsylvania, because I have a I have a controversial beer I would bring home from Pennsylvania. But let's move. Let's move on to my neck of the woods, which is the Rocky Mountain region. They said Moose Drill from Montana, which I think is great. I think it's a beer I've shipped to just for everybody who I've shipped beer boxes to because it's like it's iconic Montana, you know, and it's a damn good brown ale. Like for me, cold smoke is the best beer we make. But Moose Drill is the most Montana beer we have out here. And a good name and a good name. The two Idaho and Wyoming, they're like right across the past from each other, which is the Grand Teton Ale out of Idaho and the Snake River Brewing out of Jackson, Wyoming, both solid. I've had both of them quite recently. And they're decent for states that aren't known for amazing beers. Again, beer you can find pretty much anywhere in the state to bring it home with you. Utah, I don't know. They have Templin family brewing. I feel like there's better and well, more well known beers. They have a Keller beer, which is like, OK, it's a Pilsner. I'm not I'm not checking a bag to bring no pills or so, you know. And then I really have to plead ignorance on Colorado. It's I think next drinking alone with friends meet up. We got to do there because they're I can't even comment on their Colorado beers. There's so many good breweries out of the Denver area that but for the record, it's Crooked Stave Artisanal Beer Project is is the brewery. So if you're a fan of them, let us know. Yeah, I'll have to see. I have a co-worker that lives in Colorado. I'll have to see if maybe he'll bring me a beer next time we get together somewhere. Yeah. And then before we get to the Northeast, we have to we have to get through the Midwest, so I drove through a region. I drove through and picked up some beers from I did. We alluded to the second best sue. First one on this list is the King Sue from Topping Goliath. They also have Zombie Dust on here, which a great brewery. I was a little disappointed with them going Fargo brewing out of Drecker in the same city. Oh, yeah. Drecker, I thought was amazing. Fargo, I thought was mediocre. But they do have Surly, which out of Minneapolis, great beers. There did any anything I I didn't hit on that you guys wanted to comment on? I mean, what's what's out of Chicago is is Sue or Illinois, the state of Chicago? Yeah. Yeah. And no, Illinois is pipe. Illinois is pipeworks. Iowa is Topping Goliath. OK, so pipeworks is fine. I mean, I think we've all kind of had that. I mean, I don't know if anybody's had new Glaris out of Wisconsin. It's delicious. Very, very, very good. And definitely it might not. Oh, Spotted Cow. Yeah, yeah, yeah. For sure. It might not be their best beer. But if you ask anybody from Wisconsin, you're wrong. Again, the one beer to bring home from Wisconsin is definitely a Spotted Cow. Yeah. Yeah. The only thing the other things I would say is Michigan is Jolly Pumpkin. We all know from the podcast, Jenna. She said we can't leave them off the list with her Jenna. You know, yeah. Yeah, she always said that she loved that that one. Kansas, I've never had, which, you know, for those curious, it's tall grass, tall grass taphouse. And that's about as far as Missouri was side project brewing, which I've heard of before. I've never had never had a beer from them. But it's their little things as according to untapped side projects, one of the highest rated breweries in the country. So I'm sure that's probably worth it. They should make that their main project. So that leaves the Northeast. And I mean, honestly, it's not worth going over. Yeah, I mean, you've listened to another spot class, close your eyes and imagine each state and what beer is it? Oh, what beer we would have said. And it's probably that one with the exception of a couple. But when I when I opened this list and I said, there better be a beer from Fox Farm on this list. There better be a treehouse beer on this list. There better be Heddy Topper. That was my initial thought when I opened this list. I was like, or else we're going to like roast these fucking guys, right? Well, come to find out Connecticut. They have freckled fields by Fox Farm. So right off the bat, you know, I wouldn't call it Fox Farms best beer, but it's probably right up there. It's, you know, probably one of their better Sours and Fox Farm is getting widely known for Sours. Heddy Topper on the list, Julius by Treehouse on the list makes perfect sense. Julius is probably what started 99% of all of this craft beer craze that we're sitting here fricking talking about. That's a way to pronounce Heddy Topper. Yeah, it's a really weird one. No, but I think like it was Heddy Topper got really popular in the northeast. But it was Julius that kind of took it to the next level. If Heddy Topper is the granddad. Yeah. Yeah. No, I agree. We talk about that a lot from from Maine. They went Maine beer company, which is perfectly fine. They did dinner, which is their their best beer. You know, you could easily say it would be lunch. I think lunch is probably easier to find. So if you're looking for something to take home, but lunch is probably much easier to take home. But I can get lunch down here. So, you know, but if I'm driving a Maine beer company, I'm getting dinner. Well, if they have it, it's not an everyday thing. Also true. Rhode Island was an interesting one. Rhode Island made me laugh. Yeah. That's like the Texas, you know, it's like they won't. They won't again. Yeah. Like just like, oh, you know, this is it, I guess. You could tell they never went to Rhode Island because Rhode Island has some good beers. It does. But also, like I got iconic Rhode Island beer. Like it's no denying that it's still. If you're talking about like Chris just said, for Maine lunch, he can get Maine lunch down where he lives. You can get Narragansett most places, at least in the northeast. I don't know, but probably not Montana. But I'm assuming they acknowledge in the list. They say the brews available in many states, but that doesn't mean it's not worth picking up a six pack from the source. You got to get that fresh Gansett. You don't have to. It tastes just the same. Yeah. So, OK, what would you put on this list instead? I mean, Tilted Barn is is right up there with, you know, they're in the same conversation when you talk about top northeast breweries from like each state. They're always in that conversation of the best Rhode Island one. They're right up there with like a like a, you know, kind of like a Fox farm, kind of like a tree house, like they are the best of their state. Captain's daughter would be one that you could bring home. Yeah, that's an easy one to find. That would be my choice. I listen, I haven't had a captain's daughter in a while. Maybe I'll maybe in Connecticut. I'll pick up a judgment. That's a good one, too. I mean, they have a beer that, you know, named after a bar in war in Westerly, Rhode Island. They made a beer that's always on tap there. It's a cool beer. So I wanted to talk about Pennsylvania and what I would bring home for Pennsylvania. But how, what do you know about human robot? I don't know anything. I've heard of them. I've actually added it to my list of something that I probably I'm going to Pennsylvania this week for work. So I'm going to see if I can find some human robot. What I'm there. I don't know where human robot is located. It says it's out of Philly and they were founded in 2020. So that might explain why you haven't had them before. I'm going to be in Philly and I have some time. That's true. I have some time. I will find it for me. I I had a roommate in my early 20s that would go to Pennsylvania all the time because he went to college there. He'll always bring back beers for us. There's two things we asked for. I know what you're going to say. And it's going to piss me off. OK, well, hear me out here. Go ahead. One was one was Yingling because it was such a special treat to get a Yingling in Connecticut. This is before you could get him outside of the state. I love the Yinglings. I love the black and tan that they made. It was just it was like he had to come home with a case of Yingling. But the other one that was fun was Lion Brewery. They had I think it was just like a shitty blogger. But their bottle caps had puzzles in them. You know, like the puzzles where it would be like like show like an eyeball. And it would be like the letter I like the pictograms. We all like the pictures that you had to figure out what it would say. Yeah. So we would just sit around in our basement drinking Lion Brewery beers and Yinglings and getting drunk and trying to solve these puzzles. And it just it was like that was the beer, the one beer to bring home from Pennsylvania was like, if you're going back to Cornell or whatever, you got to come back with some Lion Brewery and some Yingling. So I've never heard of Lion Brewery. So that's that's different. I thought you were going to go Yingling. I thought that's what you're going to say. I was kind of right. I'm going to still consider myself correct. Yeah. Yeah. But it's a different time. You know, it's the same thing as saying Lone Star from Texas. It's the same thing as saying Narragansett from Rhode Island. It's the cheap way out. Well, no, because you could only get it in Pennsylvania. Right. But so you can't you can get it anywhere now. Right. Yes. This was a different time at a different place, for sure. But I, you know, this beer scene has changed a lot since then. But there was it was like something special, you know, it'd be like back when our parents, you had to, you could only get cores in like the West. So you bring cores home, you know, now you can get cores everywhere. I will. I will attempt to find a human robot this week. I'm sure I can fit it in my bag. The other ones from the Northeast that we didn't mention, New York is is other half they went with, I think, all green everything, which is perfectly fine. That looks like all green everything or green city. You know, broccoli is another big one from other half that I think can get a lot of places. New Jersey, they went with something from Cane Brewing, which is good Delaware. They went with 120 men in an IPA, which solid choice. Fine. Still, I bet you there's probably something else in Delaware that we're missing, but that's that's fine. Just very tiny stick. And then Maryland, we didn't touch on Maryland, right? They went with Papst. They went Papst Brewing Company, they went with the National Bohemian beer. Again, it's another. It's another thing that you're like, oh, like that's I'm sure Maryland's a bigger state, right? I'm sure Maryland has good breweries, and that's just kind of, you know, again, shitting on the other breweries in the state. I've had National Bohemian, somebody actually that we're that I'm friends with here, they're from Maryland, they love it. They always go home, they bring it. He has actually a tattoo of the logo tattooed on his arm. So maybe I'm wrong. Maybe that is something that you should get when you're in Maryland. Do you know anybody else with tattoos from Maryland breweries or Maryland beers on their their body? No, this guy actually works for for a brewery, too. He works for Thimble Island. So he has National Bohemian's logo tattooed on his arm. Says something, says a little something there. It does. But yeah, that's the list. So with that frosty mug time, Jordan, go. OK, thanks, Jordan. Let's kick it off quick. I'm the winner. I get the honks. Honk, honk, honk, honk, honk, honk. I'm also going to go first with a movie that I watched. And I really thought of both of you, because it was it was a old school 90s, 2000s comedy that was made for me. Old school 90s, 2000s comedy that was made recently. And I was like, I thought it was being pretty dumb. Ended up being better than I thought it was going to be. Have either of you seen Ricky Stenecki? I've heard of it. I have not seen it. I have not. OK, so the premise of this movie is three childhood friends invent a friend of theirs called Ricky Stenecki, who whenever they get in trouble, they blame it on him. And for the rest of their life, you know, their their friends for life. And every time they do something, Ricky, it's always Ricky Stenecki's fault. Well, one thing leads to another. And they get to a situation where Ricky, they need him to show up. Their wives are like, we never met this tricky guy. So they hire a kind of a failed actor out of work who does X-rated parodies of songs themed about masturbation in the Jersey Shore. And he's played by John Cena and I can tell you I did not expect a great performance out of John Cena. Turns out he's an amazing actor. He really nailed the role of Ricky Stenecki. He was good in Peacemaker. Yeah, I have that was one of your handles. I still haven't watched it. It's on the list now, especially after this movie. But knowing that you enjoyed Peacemaker, I was like, this is definitely Ted's kind of movie. The guy who made it also made a producer. I think also made like there's something about Mary and Dumb and Dumber. Shallow Hal, like if you like those kind of movies, this is like taking a step back in time to that style of movie. Very good in that like popcorny, just silly, dumb comedy movie. And I think you both would like it. It's definitely one that I have to check out. All right, Ted, what's your handle? My handle this week is kind of hard to explain, but I built a poolside table for for the pool. I have an above ground pool. Don't have a deck. So I needed a nice little table to store drinks on or a speaker or whatever. So, you know, they don't sit on the edge of the pool. So, you know, something hits the pool or you hit the pool and your, you know, $300 speaker falls into the pool. So I built a PVC pipe created a table that I made out of my own imagination. It's built over. It's looking at me strange, but it goes. Yeah, I'm trying to figure out how this is going to be a handle. Well, so my handle is going to be so I was looking for how to build this thing and it didn't exist. Nobody, nobody makes one. So I thought, how do I make this? And I thought of using PVC pipe. So I went to the store. I built, I drew up a sketch and I built it myself. And so my handle this week is more, more about don't be afraid to build something that you don't have, that you that doesn't exist. If you know a little bit about what you want to do, you can try and you can do whatever you want. Is it the greatest table that anybody's ever built? No. Will it hold my speaker and my drinks? Sure, it will. But I was also really impressed by PVC pipes. It's like big, giant, human adult Legos that you can build shit out of. You could build a whole bunch of stuff. So I guess my handle is kind of twofold. It's, you know, don't let your imagination, don't, if you can imagine it, you can build it. And also PVC pipes are, you know, giant connects. Handle part A, believe in yourself, handle part B, PVC. Correct. PVC. I think you could build anything out of PVC. It probably could build a bed if you want to make dreams happen. Agreed. OK. Well, can you send me a picture of the table so I can like that in the share notes? Sure. So we can listeners can marvel at your pipe smithing. Hey, it's a good idea. OK, that leaves Chris. What do you got? All right. So recently we've talked about it for a while, but we finally bit the bullet on it. We picked up from Facebook Marketplace. I think you can get these most Facebook Marketplaces but also new from the store if you want. But we've recently got ourselves a bread maker. So it's it's number one super duper easy to use. Literally, it's just like a bucket with like a little turning paddle in it. And all you do is you throw all of your ingredients in. You can look up recipes online, throw your ingredients in for this bread. You just hit the buttons. Boom, boom, boom. Let it do its thing. It mixes. It does everything. It proves. It does everything for you. And then it bakes you a loaf of bread in a chop slices, dices and in like royals. It's like three hours. You have yourself fresh bread that you made. It's I mean, it's really good. The bread comes out as long as, you know, you you might have to dial it in for like whatever your certain bread makers capacity is. I learned that the hard way when when my my cinnamon raisin bread was like touching the roof of the thing. But it's it's really fun. And you just it's so easy to do. And the sandwiches you can make and the breads you can make and the toast you can make out of this bread is just like so much better than buying something from the store for ninety seven cents and, you know, calling it a day. So if that sounds interesting to you, if you like baking, but don't don't want it to be hard, easel piezel, just go ahead and get yourself a bread maker. So step one for handle number one is Facebook Marketplace. Handle number two is make your own bread. Feel bad. My maybe my handle part A is John Cena. There you go. Yeah. I brought two handles here just like that. Yeah, way to way to come without two handles over. I know, I know. So with that, we'd like to thank you all for listening. I'm going to thank two villains brewing company for backyard prints. But I really would like to know where the beer came from. I would like to thank 450 North for their watermelon cherry slushie. And I'm going to thank a booey beer company for their IPA. Please make sure you head over to social media and follow us everywhere as follow us everywhere at the AWF podcast. Also, make sure you hashtag follow the email at the AWF podcast at gmail.com. You can head on over to Patreon and join the live conversation over there. There has been a few lively discussions this past week. Some about flavors of beer, in particular, caramel, apple, goza, salted caramel, apple, gozas. So go check that out if you if you want to talk with other fans of the podcast. If you'd like to support the podcast monetarily and help us out, you know, doing cool things like going to Colorado like over like to do, please make sure you head over to Patreon and for as little as a dollar a month. You can help support the podcast and you actually get an episode of the pregame where we do like a 20 to 25 minute episode where one of us drinks another beer and we give a review of it over there. If you don't want to do any of that, head over to your favorite podcast app where you're listening to my voice right now. Leave us a five star rating and review. And if you don't feel like doing that, just spread the word to your family, friends, tell everybody about this podcast. And that'll help too, because guerrilla marketing works the best. But honestly, leaving us a five star rating and review on podcast apps help especially physical or typed out reviews like paragraphs or like few sentences really helps us with your depreciating. And with that, my name's Doug. My name's Chris and I'm Obert. And remember, if you're drinking alone, do it with friends. Also, don't forget about the Wet Hot Live show. Three, two episodes. It's basically the end of the episode. We made it. We made it two episodes ago. There's like 0.01 of this episode left.