Hey folks, and welcome to Drinking Alone with Friends, a podcast where three friends drink alone together. My name's Chris. What up? It's Todd. And I'm Obert. Happy Cinco de Mayo, everybody. Is that what this episode is, Cinco de Mayo? Or was it? It was this weekend. I hope you're all done with your tequila hangovers and you're ready for beer again. What's your favorite go-to Cinco de Mayo beer? Those heckies. I know this isn't a Mexican beer, but I wanted to say Landshark for some reason. You know what? Surprisingly, I think that counts. I don't know why. Because it's the same style. You know, you could put a lime in it. Anything you could put a lime in, I think counts as a beer that you could have. Anything Jimmy Buffett would have had on Cinco de Mayo, you can have on Cinco de Mayo. That's true. That's the rules of Cinco de Mayo. Yes. Yeah, that's... Todd, what is your favorite? Bud Light. With a lime in it. Bud Light Lime. Bud Light Lime. No, um... Bud Light Lime. I mean, I like... It counts. Count it. I like Tecate. I think Tecate is a good one. Pacifico is also really good too. Not really good, but good. Better than Corona. My one issue with... I think Corona would taste good if it didn't taste like a skunk's asshole. That's kind of... Yeah. Yeah. It would taste great if it wasn't for all the tastes, you know? If it wasn't for the taste of the beer, it would be delectable. If it wasn't for the bad parts of the taste, the good parts would be good. I'd like to go to like the Corona factory and be like, hey, can I try the beer as it comes off of the... Give me the right tank. Yeah. I want to know, does it permanently taste like a skunk's butthole or is it just because it's in a clear bottle? Heineken has the same problem, except for when you have Heineken out of their specially designed Heineken taps that come from Germany. And then Heineken tastes amazing. But other than that, Heineken always kind of tastes skunked. So I'm wondering if it has the same flavor to me as Corona. So I'm wondering if it's just a skunked thing. I don't think I've ever had a Corona on tap. I've never had a draft Corona. I don't think it exists. I don't know if they make kegs. Yeah. I don't know if they do either. You know what? I also want to say I've said Dos Equis and I think I've only had Dos Equis like once or like a couple of them, like not one singular beer, but a few of them, probably, how old am I? 14 years ago. 13 years ago. And I remember it being good. I feel like it won't hold up if maybe, hold on, maybe for next Cinco de Mayo, I'll get some Dos Equis. I missed it this time around. Maybe we'll give you the whole month of May to have it for next episode as like a face your, face your memory. Face my memories. Yes, I will. I'll try it. Well, actually, I don't even know. I don't see it in the store very often. Is it like a specialty? No, no. It's a green can. It has two Xs on it. I think that you have, given that we're recording this pre Cinco de Mayo, you have plenty of time to go get some. Okay. Yeah. We'll definitely report back on this because now I'm curious. I'd like to change my vote, by the way. Modelo. Corona. Corona. I came around. Bud Light Orange. Modelo is definitely my favorite Mexican lager. As far as beers that hail from Mexico that I've had, Modelo Especial is, that's the tits. See, I don't think I've had a Modelo. I think that's like, I feel like Cinco de Mayo is just not my holiday because I'm not a big tequila guy. So like. Or taco guy. Or taco guy. Really. They give me tacos. Do you, you live near a Total Wine, right? Yeah. Within driving distance, yes. So you could go get a mixed six of different Mexican lagers. This is actually a really good idea. I hate to be a downer here, but we did this. You don't have to be a downer just to let you know. We did this whole thing last year on Cinco de Mayo where we looked at the list of the best Mexican lagers. We talked about them. Did we? Maybe it was two years ago. Maybe even a pregame. I don't know. But we never told Chris to go get a mixed six. That's true. This is bringing it to the next level. You're right. This is the positive spin on it is we're elevating our content to bring it to the next level. Chris, you could actually get a Corona, the familiar, which is not the Corona Extra and try like, that's like the, that's like the core's light or the core's banquet to core's light. Okay. Yeah. I would have to, so I would have to get like a list of these and I don't know if I can do like number one. I don't want to do six weeks or 12 weeks in our case of, of these beers back to back to back to back. Even though I think I'd be able to dial in the point system pretty easily, but maybe we'll do something fun. Maybe I'll like record a video or something and put it on Patreon or something like that of me. Pour all six into one bowl. Put them, put them on Instagram. We'll do Instagram live. I'll just get drunk on Instagram live. They still do that? Is that still a thing? I think so. Threads maybe. I don't know. I just sent you a picture of the, the top 15 Mexican lagers land sharks on there by the way. There we go. But now you have an option of 15. This is from Jimmy Buffett's own website. So there we go. Dos Equis is on there. Look at me go. Woo. On fire. I'm excited for a report back on this. Yeah. We're going to have to, we're going to have to put, put together some time. I'm going away this weekend. Maybe I'll be able to sneak by a total wine while I'm out there. I do recommend Modelo. It's delicious. It's by far the best one. This is, this is how we plan our holiday themed episodes. We do them live on air after the holiday and then plan on doing it the week after. Technically it's not, it's not, it's not past the holiday while we're recording it. So it's true. It's true. You're hearing this after, after the holiday, but whatever. Oh man. Again, you got the whole month of May. It's official. May is Mexican lager month. That's it. I'm just going to deny that. May for Mexican. Cinco de Ano. Well, all this talk about Mexican beer sure has got me thirsty for something international. Yeah. Is it a Mexican beer? It is not. It is a Trappist beer actually from, from Belgium. I was just thinking about how I left in my incredible save of the segue from last week's episode so I couldn't come up with one. This is, and I might need some help with the pronunciation, Trappist Rochefort 10. It's an authentic Trappist product. They had three different varieties. They had like a seven, a 10, and a triple. And the 10 was in the middle. I don't know what the 10 stands for, but I figured if I'm going to bring one to the show, maybe the middle of the three would be a good one to bring. No information on here other than don't operate heavy machinery or drink while you're pregnant. And that I should drink it between 53 and 57 degrees Fahrenheit. Todd, can you, can you give me a temperature check on this? Beep beep. Looks good. Okay. All right. Use my very fancy bottle opener from Todd. Ooh, he got the good one. So this is for the listeners. This is their, their premium one. It's a barley wine. 11.3, 11.3% ABV. I don't know if he knows that. It's a quad. It's what? Yeah. That's a, it's a big one. Yeah. Over, Chris and I are doing a little digging on untapped and. Oh, there is one thing that says in the bottle. That's 11.3%. Yep. I should have mentioned that. We were just talking about that one. Yep. Yeah. We were talking about the untapped gives us a lot more insight into, into this. What this, what this thing is. I know this is, this is a hard mode beer for sure. Yeah. Just to let you know, it is a, it is a quad. Oh, okay. Yeah. It's okay. I was just saying. Wikipedia has it listed as something different, but I don't know. I mean, obviously go with untapped. Right. They're the experts. What does Wikipedia know? Yeah, but it's a little bottle. It's only 11.2 ounces. That's a lot. It's a lot of. It's like 122% of alcohol. Third of a liter. It's a lot of ABV in a little bottle. 244 episodes can finally upgrade to basically just getting a brown bottle with a number 10 on it and having to go from there. I love the description on untapped for this thing. I'll read it to you afterwards. Oh wow. Yeah. A really cool, like reddish caramel color. I feel like we haven't talked about Trappist beers since our big Trappist episode, like 200 episodes ago. Yeah. It's been a while. Yeah. It's, it's, it has been a while. They closed the Trappist brewery in mass. Not enough podcasts for supporting them. Like I hear is what I heard. Spencer's is gone. It's, it's very sad. I like Trappist beers, so yeah, I don't know where all the monks went. They're all, they're homeless now. Yeah. This is, I was telling the guys this before the show, but I went to Marcus Foods, went down the beer aisle, looked at all of the juiciest IPAs and the stoutest stouts all by Montana local beers. And I was like, you know what? I'm just going over to the international cooler. Let me forget what holiday is in a week and let me pick up a Belgian. So very, how would I describe this head? It's loose, maybe a little sloppy, a lot of bubbles, but a little clingy too. Yeah. Some good head. Hmm. I think I should have left it out of the fridge a little bit longer because, or maybe I'll get more aroma after the head dissipates because I'm not picking up a ton, but give me one moment. Yeah. I'm not picking up too much on the nose, but maybe we'll, uh, we'll have to explore it with the, the mouth, the, the mouth tastes. So guys, cheers. Cheers. It's beer 30 and I'm thirsty. I've been working like a dog all week long. So maybe something cold won't hurt me because it's beer 30 and it's time to party. Yeah. Tastes like 11% alcohol. Oh boy. This is strong beer. Um, it came out much darker brown than I thought it was going to. Oh, you're hiding for sure. Yeah. I mean, I think you got a pretty better than average shot for sure. I'm not going to say it's the darkest beer we've ever had, but, um, not dark as midnight, but it's like 11 PM on the T-Rex scale. But wow. Boozy. I mean, I feel it down my throat, sitting in my stomach, like fiery burn of the booze. Um, a lot of that rich, almost syrupy caramel, uh, malty deliciousness, a lot of golden malt in here for sure. Just very rich. How else did I describe this flavor profile? It's just so strong that it's really hard to get, you know, normally when you talk about Belgian beers, we talk about that ripe banana. Um, I don't, it's just so much more, uh, of a, almost like a barley wine punch than you normally get with a more lighter Belgian style. So you know, not to spoil anything, but Wikipedia did say it was a barley wine, but I don't know. Yeah, we don't know. It's impossible to tell. Well, there's no way to know for sure, but, um, it feels like a, like a hefty barley wine. Um, and I like it. I think, I don't know if my head will like it tomorrow morning, but, um, but I'm, I'm going to enjoy this one. I think I'll get more flavors out of it as I slowly sip on it through your other reviews, but I want to hear what Untapped has to say and see if I can agree or disagree with some of the notes that they put in there. Sure. So I was kind of trying to pay attention to see if you hit any of these, but Untapped reads dominant impressions of latte coffee with powerful chocolate aromas on the nose. The alcohol esters are enveloped in hints of autumn wood, citrus zest, orange and lemon, and freshly baked biscuits. The initial taste is sweet or sweetly sinful. Beer and chocolate trapped into one single glass, a liquid malty draft with a backbone of bitter malt. The alcohol warms the throat and in the finish you will pick up traces of cloves, citrus, orange, orange, and mocha. The heaviest of the Rockford beers, the 10 is a quadruple style of beer and can be recognized by its blue label. Interesting. Some things I wanted to pick up on there, though, what do you say? Sinfully sweet malt? Yeah. I like that description. I thought that was good. Definitely could see that as a solid finish. It does have that bread quality that sometimes you associate with Belgians. The mocha chocolate, even makes a powerful chocolate aroma or latte coffee. Maybe it's just too cold because I'm not really getting a lot of that. The orange clove, a little bit. I guess I would say it's almost like a, when I think orange and clove I think of like a potpourri smell and it's just like generic spice, it tastes like those kind of autumnal spices. A little. Yeah. I get some of that. It is funny that I wanted to pick the middle of the road one out and I picked the end of the line instead. You failed. The big end. But yeah, I think it's a good showing from this brewery. It reminds me of almost like a Dunklevice where it has that same richness of that, just like a malt, just drinking a sandwich of malt. So I will say that maybe, I mean, it's possible that Wikipedia is also right. Apparently the, and I don't know how we never talked about this before, the barley wine style is an American invention. So and it was invented by Anchor Brewing Company. So it's possible that, you know, we just being the US renamed a quad into a barley wine and we say a little bit, same thing, different brewing process, different names. So it's kind of like, you know, whiskey with, you know, bourbons different than Scotch, but they're both so whiskies. Right. There. That's a good, I think that's a very good analogy and listeners, next time you're at a party, you can bust out the fact that barley wines and quads are basically the same thing Well, one, don't bother fact checking that. And two, when they ask where you heard that, you can send them right to this podcast. Exactly. Yeah. Tough, tough one to grade on untapped. Let me just start with my rating. I think if I'm being honest with myself, this is not what I'm going to reach for that often on the shelf, if possibly ever again. Like I think I'm okay not having had this beer. Barley wines are tough. They're tough to rate. Got to rate them on the scale that they're at. Oh shit. I'm sorry. The first ever barley wine was from Bass number one ale in England. So it's from England. So the quad and the barley wine are similar. The first in the U.S. was done by Anchor Steam called Old Foghorn. Interesting. I think it's got to be three and a half. I want to give her three, seven, five, but I got to maintain my cred as the strictest of the raiders of the pod. Oh yeah. I thought that was me. I think we're both confused. Sometimes I feel like I give everything a three, seven, five, so this is not quite as good as some of those three, seven, fives. It's still delicious, but not the beer that made me fall in love with beers. You know what I mean? Yeah. I'm not a beer drinker because I have this beer all the time. Right. Right. I know Todd has it up, but I just want to say this is the most chickens I think we've ever had on a podcast. Yeah. I was going to say this has a metric shit ton of chickens. This is definitely the most chickens Obert's ever had on a beer on this podcast. I've had Guinness. Maybe not. I think Guinness is the most checked in untapped beer. Chris, go look up Guinness. I'm fact checking. So meanwhile, how many does this have? 248,124. Okay. No. Guinness is more than that. Guinness is 856,000. Okay. But still. Close. Yeah. It's intense. It's up there. That's high. That's a lot. It's a lot of last check. We have done Bud Light on this podcast before too. I'm sure Bud Light has a lot of check-ins. Yeah. That was a fun one when we did the Bud Light blind taste test. I think it was more fun to execute than to listen to, but I had a lot of fun doing that, recording that. I had a lot of fun doing it twice and nailing it both times. That was... Oh yeah. Oh man. Mess of an episode. Oh yeah. Oh boy. This many check-ins. It's basically going to be like, if you took every single check-in on untapped and averaged them out, what would you get? I think it's not far from the average of this beer. I think it's going to get a little bit of a bonus because it's so high ABV. People think that that means they need a rate at higher. So I'll say 3.80. Not even really close. Interesting. It's over a four. Which way am I off? It's over a four. Wow. Yeah. I was not expecting that. Not expecting that. 4.06. Montana area code. You should have guessed it. The 4.06. Yeah. Well, I'm technically on the board. Technically, yes. That is crazy. That's a lot of check-ins for a very high score for a quad slash barley wine. I will say that apparently I've checked this in. I gave it a three to five. The year was? That's a good question. I checked it in in 2017. God damn. Seven years ago. Holy shit. Out of all of our, I have six untapped friends who have checked it in. The average of my six untapped friends is 4.18, so higher than the average. Wow. Chris, you've never checked it in. Our friend Ben gave it a two seven five. Dustin gave it a five. We're all over the board here. Everywhere. Yeah. Everywhere. It is interesting because generally, I think everybody knows that I generally enjoy barley wines and I generally dislike Belgian beers, so I'm wondering where this is going to fall. The quad is the magic. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe that's the ticket. Who knows? So next up, so it's Mexican beers and then after that, it's oops, all quads. And guys, we're getting close to 250. I know. I know. Holy crap. Start looking for your oldest beer. I got to go find it. Start aging it. Start tricking all the oldest beers that you don't want to be your oldest beer when it's time for 250. You can only work your way backwards, forwards, I guess, but. I have to go back to 200 and remember because I know I have duplicates and I don't want to do a duplicate for 250. Right. Right. Although it'd be interesting to see 50 episodes later if it tastes different. Very true. Chris, I don't know about you, but I have beer that's older than your oldest kid. I think I do too. I think I do as well. I think I have some from 2000. I want to say like 2016, so. I think I have a Julius in my upstairs closet. Oh no. I may have to go look at the date and like pour it out because I don't want to have to drink it on the episode of the podcast. No. Now you're not going to be able to find it and it's going to be hiding. I would love to go back in time to Treehouse the day that Todd bought that beer and he like waited in line for hours and to be like, just so you know, six years from now, you are going to pour this beer down the tree. I'm pretty sure I bought it actually the day CJ was born. So it may not be, it might be canned the day before CJ was born. Nice. So you got to save it till he's 21. I think that's how it works. Yeah. I think that's the rules. I'm going to give it to Chris next time he's in town and say, Hey, you have to keep this for you. It won't be that long. Only a couple months. I'll be up. For your oldest son's 21st and last birthday. Julius poisoning. All right. Well, well all of this over drinking is making me thirsty. Heaven for the best of us. Definitely getting more flavor as this warms up. Do you get, do you get latte? I don't get latte. No, the coffee thing I don't, I don't quite get maybe just because there's so many beers that when they say, you know, that are like brewed with coffee or like really strong. Yeah. This is not, you know, black malts that are just brewed like this. Yeah. I would say we're so spoiled with like actual coffee in our, in our beers that when a beer tries to imitate coffee, we're like, that's not coffee. Yeah. That might be. Yeah. Does it smell like Folgers? No, no. Nothing at all. Like coffee, really. But you also drink Folgers, don't you call? No, I drink good coffee. Okay. Call up the monks, tell them they need to find more coffees. If I was ever going to, to, you know, become a monk, I think I would definitely go become a Trappist monk. Like I wouldn't want to become like a Buddhist monk and like sit there and meditate all day. That would be about 80% of the reason why you would become a monk in the first place is for the beer. Yeah. Well, if you, you have to become a Trappist. I don't know what they believe. Like they may believe that like the world is flat and like whatever, but like. Wow. That kind of aligns with your worldview. I mean, I do believe the world's a circle. Two dimensions, three dimensions, six dimensions. Well, I mean, there could, there could be infinite dimensions. You just don't know they exist. It's true. Trappists are the order of the Cisterians of strict observance. Our Catholic religious order of cloistered monostatics that branched off from the Cisterians. They follow the rule of St. Benedict and have communities of both monks and nuns and are known as Trappists and Trappinstein, Trappinsteins respectively. I wonder if the nuns can brew good beer. Has anybody ever tried to have the nuns brew beer? Maybe they're really good at it. They're from the, the originally are from the province of Normandy in France. Oh, if you became a Trappist monkey, you can't have flesh meats. Nothing from four footed animals. Not people though. Well, they can consume poultry, fish and seafood. And yeah, my first thought was, I guess they could be cannibals. All right. So I had to dig deep into the beer fridge for this one because this one actually is courtesy of, of Ober, Ober sent me this beer, so I'm very excited to try it. And this is from, uh, Fremont and Weld Works, but it's their 2424 hazy double IPA. You got this very cool looking cat on the front, steampunk, steampunk cat on the front. There you go. Um, but I'm, I'm pretty excited cause, uh, this is, you know, I don't know. It's not quite the last of my over beers, but I didn't really want to open up Ivan the terrible right now. So yeah, a little late, a little late in the day, a little late for that. So I'm just hoping it's not like frozen because it was, it was, it was in there and that thing gets some cold. So, um, but excited, uh, you know, I, obviously we have high hazy IPAs all the time, but not often from the other side of the world. So see how it bores totally international episode. I got Belgium, you got Seattle, who knows what Ted's going to bring. I feel like I have to step my game up. I'm going to try to leave the Northeast if possible. All right. No freezes, no freezes. So we're good. No, no slushy going on. Um, just, uh, for the curiosity sake, this is, uh, packaged on two 28 24. So only a few, like two months old. So, and it's been ice cold. So, so almost ice cold, I should say, um, but, uh, really locks the flavor molecules in the hazy IPA. Exactly. Ooh, it smells really good. It's a definitely got some citrusy smells, not tropical smells. Definitely some citrusy smells, um, got a decent, uh, decent little, you know, quarter inch half inch head on there. That's kind of sticking around. Beautiful looking beer. Honestly, if I'm being completely honest with you, just beautiful looking beer. I'm going to feel, I feel like the T-Rex is, uh, going to have a moderately hard time finding you. Oh yeah. It lights up like a light bulb. So honestly, you might have some luck. You gotta be careful. Gotta be careful. Um, just gets really bright, but yeah, um, try a hazy IPA from the other side of the world. Um, and, uh, I know I've had Fremont before. I don't know if I've ever had world works that might be new ish to me, but I'm not sure. I think weld works is also Seattle might be Portland. Okay. I've definitely heard of them. I think it's Seattle. I've heard of them, but I just don't think I've had them. So anyways, 8% alcohol. So let's, uh, let's dive into it. Let's see if, uh, Oh, I was way off Greeley, Colorado. Oh wow. Okay. They also spell their name. Their, their company name stupid. Stupidly. Yeah. They have a G. It's a J. No, no, I'm talking weld works. Works works is not spelled with an E people. I don't have anything for it. I was like, maybe there is a work like maybe when you're welding, that's what they call a work of welding. Who knows? It's twerk with a silent T. All right, here we go. Let's see. See how this thing is 2424. If Gordon's numbers. It makes me a jolly good fellow. I like beer. It helps me unwind. And sometimes it makes me feel mellow. I will say works with, with an E is German or Dutch for the word work. Today I learned. See now you definitely have to bring some kind of a European beer on. I don't know if I have any. This is the issue with having not bought beer for a while. I'm going to be lucky if I get out of the Northeast. I'm going to try. So this is pretty good. I'm going to say I'm glad I'm drinking it now. I don't think I would want to let it sit much longer, but even near ice cold. It's, it's good though. It kind of hits you with a nice little punch up front, like a bitterness punch up front. And then it definitely sweetens out with like some orange on the back end, which is citrusy. There we go. He's getting it. I'm getting there guys. You know, even though I think of oranges in Florida, which is like tropical climates, you know, you can see how it can be confusing. Okay. That's all I'm saying. But, you know, definitely. Yeah, definitely hits you on the front. It's getting a little better since my mouth is getting acclimated to it. But slight bitterness up front hits you with some of that citrusy orangey goodness and then like a nice sweet aftertaste. So I enjoy it. It's quite a bit, quite pretty good. And it's very cold as, as I've, as I've mentioned, very cold. So nice and refreshing considering my room right now is 85 degrees. So, but yeah, it's, it's really, really good. I, I can't really pull out. If I had to guess, I'd say Citra hops in it or in some way, shape or form. Because I know I get that a lot of times. I always think of like orangey sweetness. I always like kind of tie to the no Citra hops, huh? No. What do we got in it? I'm curious. I want you to take another shot. Vic secret. I don't know. So we got a Cascade Simcoe El Dorado, Idaho 7, T90 hops. I would have maybe eventually guessed Simcoe. I don't think or cascade. Yeah. Is that what you said? Cascade to begin with though. El Dorado and then Idaho 7, T90. It's interesting. They actually kind of almost, they give you the, they give you the recipe on, on taps, which is interesting. The whole thing. Well, I stand corrected then. But yeah, I mean, it's, it's really good. I mean, it's a solid, hazy IPA. We've said it once. We said, we'll say it a million times. I don't know how many of these you can really review, have them be like super different. Considering the hazy IPA is just a knockoff New England IPA. No one, no one wants to say it. Well, I, this was my reaction to the spear and I wanted to, I don't want to sway your view before you gave it, but this is wanting to know what you think about this. Yeah. This was like if Seattle tried to make a like New Haven style pizza, like sure you can do it, but it's never going to be the same, like the same as if it was from actually from New England. I, I can, I can get behind that. Like, I mean, obviously we're, we're all biased to New England beers. If you haven't listened, if you haven't picked that up after 240 episodes, I don't know what to tell you. Like honestly. What podcast are you listening to? Yeah. We like New England beers. Chuck. No shit. And there are some people that outside of New England that can do a really good one. This is a good one. It's not a really good one. It's a good one. But yeah, I think that's a really good analogy as well. You know, Connecticut also happens to have the best pizza. So like having pizza outside of Connecticut, you're like, I mean, it's fine. It's pizza, but it's good. It's pizza. But it's also like someone trying to do a new Connecticut style pizza, not in Connecticut. True, true, true. You know? Yeah. Yeah. New Haven, New Haven spread the wealth. It's Connecticut style now. I mean, I guess pizza is the exact thing. Like New England in general, I guess, if you loop New York City in has the best pizza. I think there's some places in Jersey that are really, really good, too. But anyways, it's going to piss off a lot of Chicagoans when I say that. But the country of Italy is going to fight you, Ted. Deep dish pizza is not a pizza. It's a casserole. Well, I don't know if you ever noticed, but like I guess like Chicago also has like a thin style pizza. So like when you go to Chicago, they're like, go to this place. It's the best pizza, but it's like not deep dish or something. I didn't know that. That's new. Yeah. When I was going through my Dave Portnoy pizza review phase, I think I learned that. Interesting. But I will say if I ever do go to Chicago, I'm going to a deep dish spot. I'm not going to this. I don't want thin pizza if I go to Chicago. I want deep dish. You have to eat it with a fork and a knife, though. I will pre-warn you. It is a casserole. No. It's a casserole with a crust. I want it, though, in my mouth and belly. That's what I want it. I guess a casserole, but it's a pie. I mean, it's legitimately like a pie. It's a pizza pie. That's why they call it pizza pie. I will say that Detroit pizza, I think, is better than Chicago pizza. And I'll fight anybody on that. Detroit pizza is incredible. I think Obert's made homemade Detroit pizza. I have. So Montana pizza. We've talked about it on the pod before. I'm a big Detroit guy. It's much better than Chicago. It's what Chicago pizza wished it was. What would be our pizza podcast? Because that's what we need to table this for. We'll think about it. 120 degrees. Three friends share a pizza. Cut this one in thirds. A pizza review podcast. We eat three giant slices of a pie. There we go. There we go. Now I want pizza. Go subscribe to that podcast. But for $24.24, hazy double IPA, good hazy IPA. I mean, I enjoy it. I enjoy it. It's going to be... It's hard for me, even though I'm the hard ass of the pod, et cetera, et cetera. It's hard for me. Famously. Famously. I feel like this kind of beer is never... Unless they really botch it, I don't think I'll ever go super low on these. But I'll give this a four. I'll give this a solid four. It's good. I would definitely drink it again or I would drink other things from these two breweries put in front of my face. It's the nice, bitter, sweet ride I want from my IPAs. Okay. So I have it here on Untapped. 1,027 check-ins. Okay. Okay. I know a little bit about Fremont, obviously. The only thing I know about Weldwerks is they spell works in German. That's the only thing I really know. I think they'll be right around where I'm at, honestly. I think it'll be just above a four. I'm going to go 4.09. You could have gone with the 4.06. It was right there. I almost did. I almost did. No. But it's not. It's much lower than that. Oh, shit. God damn it. Why did you have to do that to me? Golly. I'm sorry. But it's a 3.86. Oh, shit. Wow. Yeah. Oh, that was fucking great. That was awesome. I'm on the board? Yeah. So you're still on the board with a 0.23 off. Oh, my God. But leaving this door wide open. Swings and misses all over the place. Holy shit. What? 3.86. Before we move off of this beer, the reason I picked this beer up and sent it to you is because you are such a big Jeff Gordon fan. I see a beer called 2424. There's no way I'm not going to buy it. It was very fitting, yeah. I was going to say I don't recognize this can, but it's because I got the Darkstar in my box. I think you didn't get one, too. I might have one in my fridge. Yeah, I think I did get one. I wonder what I got that you didn't get, then. I did not get a 2424. I did not see that one. Maybe I'm over its best friend. I got the pressing diamonds one. No pressure, no diamonds. I got that one. Yeah. I drank that one a minute ago. I don't know. Did you get Ivan? Did you get Ivan? I got Ivan. You got the barrel-aged Darkstar that Chris did not. So I got a Darkstar and a barrel-aged Darkstar. Right. That's what it is. Okay. Yep. That makes sense. Suck it, Chris. I mean, it's fine. I'm enjoying the beer right now. So it's fine. I can't even. I can't even. Jeff Gordon Squared. It's the best. Everybody knows the best beers in life for free. I can't drink mine yet because I haven't brewed the Darkstar clone yet. And I can't brew the Darkstar clone yet because my brew store closed temporarily or permanently. I don't know. So I'm kind of screwed at the moment. At this rate, in six years on episode 580, 550, you're the oldest beer in the fridge and you're just going to have to be the Darkstar. Right. I'm going to have to take a trip to Zox before Zox closes too. But the issue is that now it's May and ain't nobody going to brew a stout in the middle of summer. You have to be an insane person or Chris to do that. It's true. All right. All right. Well, what do you got for us this week, Todd? Keeping with the theme of the episode, I ventured to find a beer that was not from the Northeast. I think I succeeded. In fact, I think I found a beer that Oberth sent me. Oh, now I'm the one who's not following. Well, you bought your beers. I guess the theme is, the theme is Oberth bought all three of these beers. This podcast is brought to you in part by Oberth and listeners like you. Exactly. I can't promise that this is going to be a good beer. I believe Oberth sent this to me probably pre-COVID. Oh, boy. So we're going with a little face your beers. I think my whole thing about drinking up your oldest beer so you can have a good oldest one is getting to that. So, Oberth, you're going to have to correct me as to when you sent this. I don't see a date on the can. I'm going to show you the can first and just to see your reaction. Oh, wow. That's old. And it's a sour. It's a sour. It's been in the fridge the entire time. Wow. I don't know. I don't even like, I don't know about breweries still in business anymore. So just for the listeners, this is a super squishy by Oliphant Brewery or brewing. It's a blackberry, raspberry and coconut sour. This baby weighs in at 5% ABV. It was brewed by Oliphant Brewing Company out of Somerset, Wisconsin. That's WI, right? It's Wisconsin. So this is a beer I brought from Wisconsin when I drove across the country during COVID to your house. Oh, nice. That's what it was. So this was October 2020. I stopped in Wisconsin at a bottle shop, bought a bunch of beer and brought it to you. Well, here we are. Four years in the making. I just hope it doesn't explode. Yeah. I would open this one in like a Ziploc or something. I'm going to take a few tissues, I'm going to put it over the top. Maybe on your chair. You have a few backups, I know. No, not anymore. I only kept one chair. The chair I'm sitting in. Did not explode. All right. Smells good. Hasn't curdled. Not yet. Nothing chunky is falling out. All right. So kind of a cool, interesting can. It's kind of got an eyeball that says super squishy. Some guy's face on a beer tap. I'm assuming that's Oliphant himself. I don't know who Oliphant is, but. Mr. Oliphant. Mr. Oliphant is on a beer tap. I'm assuming that's Oliphant himself. I don't know who Oliphant is, but. Mr. Oliphant. Mr. Oliphant is on a beer tap. I'm assuming that's Oliphant himself. I'm assuming that's Oliphant himself. I don't know who Oliphant is, but. Mr. Oliphant. Mr. Oliphant is on a beer tap. I'm assuming that's Oliphant himself. I don't know who Oliphant is, but. Mr. Oliphant. Mr. Oliphant is on a beer tap. It says I should have rolled it for 30 seconds before pouring it into a glass, which I did. I rolled it when I bought it. So you should be fine. Oh, okay. Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. Yeah. It's a sour ale brewed with blackberries, raspberries, lactose, vanilla, coconut and sea salt. Oh. Interesting. There's a little chunk floating in it. Good, good, good. That's what I want in my beers. I want to be able to chew them. You are definitely hiding from a T-Rex in this thing. It does actually look like a very nice pink when the light is behind it. Hibiscus tea is what it looks like. Yeah, kind of. It's definitely from the raspberries and the blackberries. On the nose, it smells like raspberries and coconut. I'm actually kind of excited for this beer. It actually smells really good. Probably should have had it fresh four years ago. However, let's go in and try it. I can already tell it's going to be sour. My mouth is like watering smelling it. So I'll let you know in about 30 seconds. Definitely more fruity than sour. You get a lot of blackberry and raspberry on the flavor. A ton. I don't get any coconut. Maybe a very hint at the end, but it's more vanilla than coconut. I don't taste any coconut. I wonder if the flavor kind of evaporated over time. Or maybe it needs to warm up. Potentially. I will say it was on the door of my beer fridge, so that's not the coldest spot in my beer fridge. It's lived on the door of my beer fridge, the very top shelf of the door. So it's always constantly exposed to a little bit of air. On the lingering mouth flavor after not sipping it for a few seconds. I do taste a little salty residue from the sea salt, which is pretty cool. Definitely adds to the overall mouth texture of the beer. Yeah, that's not a lot of coconut. Hang on. Let me tell you the temperature. It's at 53 degrees. Oh, much warmer than I was guessing. Maybe I just had the image of Chris's near ice crystals stuck in my brain. Yeah, no. My beer fridge is not as haphazardly cold as Chris's. Yeah, 52.3 when I point at it now. So it's in the 50s. So I think if I was going to get coconut flavor, it'd be here. Right. Yeah. That's pretty good. I kind of wish now I would have tried this fresh because it probably would have been really, really good. But overall, still a solid beer from Mr. Oliphant and his squishy eyeball. And it was four years ago. But from what I remember, I went into this place and I asked, what were some of the local hype beers? And this is one that everybody was very popular in the area. So this had, I think this, not to give too much on Tapped Away, but I think this one had some fruit hype for sure. Well, I can tell. And for good reason. This is up there with the same styles as Skygazer, Transcend, those types of fruit and sours. Really good. It's not as thick. I think this is the kind of lactose that they included in on this one. I think a Skygazer or a Transcend is a little bit thicker. And I actually kind of prefer this thickness to the other thicknesses of beer. This one's just. You don't have to chew it. Yeah. I know that I'm not going to feel weighted down after finishing this, which is good because lactose, when done properly, is good in beer. Those Transcend beers, sometimes you can't drink them because you're like, I can't fit any more shit in my stomach. I need a couple of kombuchas to reset in here. Yeah. But no, this is good. I'm going to give this, even now, four years later, I'm leaning four to five. It's really good. Wow. Okay. Next time I drive to Connecticut, I'm going to have to stop and pick you up some more. Right. Yeah. You could bring me a whole six pack of this. I'll drink the whole thing. I should have said it does come in a 12 ounce can, so I'm sure it comes in a six pack, hopefully. But yeah, this is good. If we have any listeners from Somerset, Wisconsin, you let me know. My sister lives in Wisconsin. Maybe I'll have to ... I don't know where that is in relation to her, but ... It's in the same state, so that's a win. Yeah. Every state is like ... Once you're in the state, it's basically no time to get wherever. They're all Connecticut sized, right? It's better than being in Montana like Obert. I guess that's true. Well, what do you think 4,481 other people thought of this beer? A lot of check-ins. That's surprising. I don't know where Somerset, Wisconsin is, but for them to have 4,000 people that tried this beer. And fun fact, you will be the third of three members of this podcast to check this in. We both have checked it in before. Interesting. Well, Obert did say it did have some fruit hype to it. So I think it's going to be over a four, which is good. Given what I know of it now, that I think it's a 4,255, I think it's going to be closer to me. But I think it's going to be slightly lower, because maybe I'm just a fan of the style. So I'm going to go 4,417. I think I win. Really? It is lower than that. Still respectable, but a 3.92. Wow. So, point ... Untap is wrong. Yeah. I think Untap has been wrong all night. What happened? Our calibrations are off. That's weird. Right? 4 or 3.92. Yeah. Damn. Yep. Because I even looked, because I was wondering, I was like, so super squishy. When you mentioned that it was like blackberry and all that jazz, I figured there was ... Don't forget the coconut. Yeah. I figured there was going to be variants, but no, it's just super squishy. There's no variance on Untap. Unless Obert can verify and tell me otherwise. No. Yeah. But I was wondering why you rated it a 3.5, and now I know it's the coconut. Yeah. I must have gotten more coconut than you guys did. But that's still actually pretty good for me if I got coconut out of it. So like, you know ... It's true. Yeah. So ... Well, damn. That's upsetting. You were saying it's close to you, and I was like, oh, please, please, please, please, please, please. Almost ruined my party. At least I think. I was 0.23, right? I was ... 0.24. It was tight. Oh, 0.25. Oh, and I was 0.26. Oh, man. We were all a quarter of a point off. Holy crap. See, I think Untap was off. I don't think we were off. Yeah. Untap, Untap. Yeah. Must have recalibrated or something. Maybe. I think there's an update that hasn't pushed to our phones yet. Maybe. I think that's probably what it is. That's probably what it is. We got the old version. Maybe the averages are all just a quarter point lower than we thought. I mean, it hasn't been ... Well, mine was a quarter point higher, actually. I was off the other way. That's true. That's true. I still think that it's Untap's fault. It's not our fault. I do like the fact that when I log in to Untap right now, Obert's checked in 2024. I just checked in super squishy. I checked in the pregame beer. If you guys want to hear my drink on the pregame, go over to patreon.com for as little as a dollar a month. You can get extra episodes of tricking my friends, so go check that out. The one person who hasn't checked anything in is Chris. He's just so dedicated to podcasting that he's going to wait until after. Oh, today? Oh, no. I haven't checked anything yet today. No. Yeah. I think if we start pressuring you to do things live on the mic, you'll do them. Hashtag. Hashtag. Chris, let's get on this. Well, plenty of time to check it in while we come up with some adjectives, nouns, and adverbs on this week's installment of Beer Libs. Yeah. Game, we play Mad Libs. You can do it at home yourself. Just pause after every time Chris gives us an instruction to come up with your own words. And then you could play the loneliest game with us. So yeah, we're bringing... I don't have a theme song for this one, so... We need to get one. Jeopardy it is. Jeopardy. It's not very noteworthy. Oh, got the extended version. Good, good, good. This is final Jeopardy. All right. So, yes, we're bringing back Mr. Oscar award-winning bit Beer Libs. So you guys told us clamoring for more. So here we are, right? Today's Beer Lib, the, I guess, name is perfect pairings, perfect pairings. So, Todd, Obert, I don't know how you guys want to do this, but give me an adjective. Todd, I will let you go first as the winner of the Frosty Mug, Man of the People this week. I mean, it was me, technically, but second place. Oh, sorry. I'm going first because Todd did not win. That's good, because I was trying to wonder what an adjective was, so you can go ahead. Loud. That's an adjective, right? All right. Give me an adverb. Fastly. Does that count? Does that count? Quickly. Quickly counts. No, I'm going fast. I said fastly. That's where we're going. Write it down. We'll get to the part of the show that I edit out. Is that an adjective? Fifteen times. So I don't go to school anymore. Verb ending in ing. Swimming. Type of liquid. Molasses. I don't know how to spell that. Adjective. Thick. Forcies. Food. Plural. Clementines. Animal. German Shepherd. Okay. All right. Whew. Adjective. Soft. Color. Purple. Country. Czechoslovakia. Part of the body. Nose. Could have said penis. Number. Sixty-nine, of course. I would have been upset if you said anything else. Verb. Joke. Animal. Animal the Muppet. I don't think that counts. I think I need an actual animal. Kermit the Frog? There we go. No, no, no. Animal the Muppet. His name is Animal. He's an animal. Animal the Muppet. Type of... If Kermit is an animal, I guess animal is an animal. Type of... The best Muppet, by the way. Type of food. Pick something really hard to spell. I mean, no one's going to see it but me, so as long as I get close. I don't know if this is a good one. I don't know if this works, but whatever fits in the top of the pyramid, of the food pyramid. The top of the food pyramid. Does that work, or should I come up with a different one? Listen, if you're going to make me read Animal the Muppet, then I'm going to write that down. It's fine. It'll work. It's fine. Verb. Snoring. Type of food. Spaghetti. Exclamation. Ariba. You've got to roll your R's though when you say it like that. Ariba. All right. That is the end. That was a bit... I feel like that was a lot of them. But anyways, here we go. That's a lot of food. Perfect. It is about pairing. Perfect pairings. These folks chug their beer with loud bar snacks, but beer pairs fastly with fine cuisine too. Try swimming a crisp pale ale instead of molasses during cocktail hour. Oysters on the thick four seas shell clementines, clementines wrapped in bacon, and even German shepherd liver pate pair well with this type of brew. A soft hefeweizen is perfectly matched with a fresh purple salad, and if you serve onion soup from Czechoslovakia, a brown ale will put a smile on your nose. For the main course, there are no less than 69 choices of beer pairings. A savory saison will joke with your chicken a la king. Animal the muppet confit calls for a rich Belgian triple. In the chilly months, a hearty top of the pyramid stew and a porter are the perfect pair. And don't forget dessert, chocolate souffle, and a double ale of snoring together delightfully. But a fruity lambic with your spaghetti tart is sure to leave your guests cheering, Arriba! And there you go. Well done. Perfect pairing. I can see why. It's a Mr. Oscar award winner. Although I am looking forward to animal the muppet confit. That sounds delicious. Yes. That also sounds pretty good. Yeah. So with that, it's time to head over to the Frosty Mugg of Wisdom. Wisdomy Wisdom, Jordan, take it away. Test your handle. Test your handle. Test your handle. Test your handle. Mugg of Wisdom. Drink. Mugg of Wisdom. All right. Thank you, as always, to Jordan, occasional guest found nowhere else, exclusive to this podcast. Hopefully, a soon to be guest again, too. We'd like to have him back on. We'll see. That's the sound of my voice. Come back on. Have your people talk to our people. Yeah. Yeah. Todd, honk. That's all you're getting this week. I'm not the champ. I don't know why you keep doing this. Sorry. Yeah, it's me. I'm on a winning streak. So many people did so bad this week. I'm on a winning streak. Chris, honk. That's all you get. Hooray. That's the most enthusiasm, most honks. I got to put your point on the board here. 39. Hell yeah. Yeah, we were just bad. Should we really? Should any of us get points? I think I should get two points because of how I'm only six behind Todd. We're getting there. We're getting there. I'm on a hot streak, guys. Hot Chris summer. Wow. Coming up. Chris, as the winner this week, the mug fresh out of the freezer. Who's filling it first? I'll let Obert fill it first. Okay. Oh, I should take Todd's handle. You have the power. I do have the power. My handle this week is yet another rogue-like deck-building game. I was playing Slay the Spire for a long time. This new one is called Balotro, or Balotro, depends on how fancy you are. I thought you didn't like this game. You told me that it wasn't worth it. So the premise of the game is it's unlike most other deck-building games, this one's based on a deck of playing cards. You start with 52 cards, ace through king or two through ace, depending on how you count them. And it's basically like a game of video poker where you have a certain number of draws and a certain number of discards to make the best poker hands that you can. But as you play, you need to score more and more points and you unlock abilities to modify your deck. You use tarot cards to change ranks and suits and duplicate cards and that kind of thing. And you also get to unlock jokers. And the jokers are fun, they're just like crazy different powers and abilities you get where some of them is like, oh, this one is like a 10-4 joker where it looks like a radio and every 10 and four that you play is doubled. And this one's called Shortcut and it lets you make straights skipping a number. So you could go like two, three, five, six, seven or something like that. And so you use these jokers and you use these tarot cards to modify your deck, keep playing and get higher and higher scores. And as Ted mentioned, my first reaction was like, well, I feel like the more I play it, the more I just end up playing flushes all the time. But then I realized as I kept playing it beyond that point, that the flush strategy seems great at the beginning. But then you quickly realize that that's like kind of like, you know, the meme, the bell curve meme where like the guy in the middle is like, no, you have to do flushes or whatever. And then the smart guy at the end and the dumb guy at the end have the same opinion, which is like, you got to play five of a kind. I realized that I was like, oh, this is just kind of like the sophomoric approach. So now that I've kept playing it, now that I'm enjoying it more, I do think there's a little bit more depth of strategy there. It's not the deepest roguelike game I've ever played to your point, Todd. But I have. Hang on. I'll tell you how many hours I have purposely not bought this game because you told me I have over 40 hours into the game and I don't know how much it was. Twenty bucks. It's probably less. Fourteen ninety nine. Yeah. So I like it because I like roguelike deck builders. So check it out. Link in the show notes. I will have to pick this up before my next trip. You won't be disappointed. Sorry, Stardew. I guess you're taking a backseat to Bellatro. All right. So Frosty Mug, I will actually I'll take I'll take it because I actually do have one that I'm excited about, but I don't think it's overly exciting. I don't think it's bad. Just not overly exciting. So I want to I want Todd to wrap it up with a banger before you start. I've got a joke for you to maybe make it more exciting. What's made of leather and sounds like a sneeze? A shoe. Exactly. But I'm just got them only we got a drop for that. We don't know. We don't have that. We don't have that. So I know I know the co the co-hosts know and maybe some people if you've hung around, but I got back into my workout regimens, right? So and part of that includes, you know, protein shakes, all that fun stuff. I know Ted and I talked about protein coffee a couple of weeks ago. So this is actually a new flavor of protein. Now, I always get optimum nutrition gold standard way. I've been taking it for a bajillion years, basically forever. It's fucking expensive, though. That's making a funny a weird face. You know, yeah, I don't like that. It's that's that's like my least favorite protein. Really? Oh, yeah. Interesting. Well, maybe this will change your mind because they recently came out with a cinnamon roll flavor and I only had it. So normally I get like chocolate or something like something basic, right? Like I don't I don't normally fluff around, but her prime day a couple of weeks ago, it was like a two pound tub for like 20 something bucks, which is dirt cheap for optimum for this stuff. So I was like, well, I'll try it out. New flavor. I still had a five pound container I was working my way through. So I think it was the beginning of this week or the end of last week, whatever it was. I finally started the cinnamon roll container. And let me just tell you, it's wonderful. I'm in love with it. It's so good. It makes me sad because right now it's forty dollars on Amazon for a two to a two pound tub. So I'll likely go without it until they make five pounds of it. But it is so good. It tastes like a like a like a it is sweet. So like, you know, fair warning there. But it tastes like a frickin Cinnabon cinnamon roll in your in your in your drink. And I just mix it with water. So I'm sure it could be even better if you use like a milk or something like that. So I just wanted to share that because that is something that has brought some some some highlights to my I look forward to drinking my protein shake in the morning because I'm like, it tastes delicious. So if you're look if you're on the fence or if you're looking for something new, I would give it a shot. It says limited time only. It makes me sad, but I love it right now. So anyways, so your strategy is to get enough people to buy it that they don't. I mean, hey, if it'll work, if it'll work, I'll take it. I'll take it because I don't want it. I want it to be big. I want to be big stuff. So but I dropped you a link in our chat. I mean, I'm always open to trying new stuff. I just this this stuff has become my favorite protein powder. It actually tastes like like there's no like art like it doesn't taste like artificial. OK, I got you. So what is your what is your recommendation? It's called Legion. I think I've made it a handle before, but they have looks to be a metric shit ton of flavors with apple pie, banana bread, birthday cake, chocolate, cinnamon cereals, chocolate peanut butter, fruity cereal, chocolate cereal, mocha cappuccino like they've got they've got you name a flavor. They probably have it. It's delicious. And I think it has slightly more protein than most. I'm not sure what the optimum also then you're just saving money, Chris. It's not really. I mean, it looks good. It looks good. I'm always I'm always willing to try something different, but it is grass fed way, unlike I think most protein powders are not. So if you care about that stuff, not sure. Not sure if you do. I do not. I don't. I personally don't, but I will have to try this. You know what? In fact, bring me some when you come to Connecticut, it'll probably be gone by then I go through. That's the one thing about working out is it's fucking expensive. When do you drink your protein powder before or after? After or just in the morning if I don't work out that that day, I'm usually pretty bad at drinking my protein. I'll be getting cinnamon roll. All right. So tell what do you got for us this week? Yes. I got a TV show for everybody. You know, obviously we have a lot of video game handles here on this podcast, but we also have a lot of TV shows, so it's a nice, unique mix when you can mix video games and TV shows all in one. And I'm recommending the Fallout TV show, which is on Amazon Prime. If you're a Prime subscriber, obviously it's free to watch. But basically they're taking the Bethesda game and before that, I think it was Black Isle games that invented the first three fallouts, but they're basically turning the Fallout video games into a TV show. This one happens to take place in California with vaults 31, 32 and 33. For anybody who's played the Fallout games, we all know that each fallout or each vault has their own unique story. These three have, you know, obviously their unique story, but it's pretty good. I watched all eight episodes of the first season. I think I binged them all in a week and I'm now going back and rewatching them again. It's you know, I don't usually do that with television shows. Usually I watch and I'm watched the season and I'm one and done, but this is worth going back and rewatching. It's great. There's tons of little throwbacks to the games if you played the games before. If you haven't played the games, no need to worry. It's still a great post apocalyptic world show that's really well done. Even if like you're somebody like my wife, who's never played the Fallout games before, she still finds it very entertaining as well. You don't need to have played the video games to understand the story. It's an awesome TV show. It's after the first season. It's been a long time since I felt this way about a TV show. This is on par with like The Boys from Amazon or like the original first season of Game of Thrones. This is right up there to me with it's a very well done TV series. Well, it's funny you mentioned those two shows because I did feel like this was it is a gory show. Yes. Just like those other two shows that you mentioned. I did not mean that. Yeah. But it's something to be aware of if you're someone who's into that or not into that. Yeah. I wouldn't say it's like overly. I mean, there is some gore, but it's not overly gory. But sometimes it's needlessly needlessly gory. But it's also. Which is like what happens in the video game. Yeah. If you've played Fallout, it's like there's bodies exploding. The last episode I just watched, someone used a mechanized hand to crush someone's skull and their brains go splattering everywhere. So usually it's done with with most of the time it's done with a little bit of comic relief. Yeah. Like even the crushing of the head was in the sounds shocking. Kind of funny. It's worth it's worth watching. It's a quick quick hour shows. Chris, this is something that I think you should watch for sure might be the newest thing you've watched in years, but I would check it out if I were you. You'd be entertained. Yeah, we haven't gotten around to watching it, but I've heard nothing but great things about it. So with that, we'd like to thank you for listening. I will thank Oliphant Brewing for their super squishy Blackberry Raspberry Coconut Sour. I would like to thank Fremont Weldworks and Obert for the 2424 Hazy Double IPA. Oh yeah, I would like to also thank Obert for my beer for driving it across the country to me. You don't look up the carbon footprint of that beer. It's not low. I'm going to thank Abbey and Andy Day St. Remy for their Trappist Rochefort and myself for buying it. Please make sure you head over to social media and follow us everywhere at DAWF Podcast. Also make sure you hashtag follow the email at dawfpodcast at gmail.com. As I mentioned before, for as little as a dollar a month, you can go join Patreon and help support the podcast monetarily. You also get extra episodes of our pre-game show where I drink a drink this week. So if you want to see what that was, go to Patreon. Like I said, dollar a month helps the podcast out, gets us to do cool things like go to Asheville which we did a couple years ago. Would love to go to another beer city. So every dollar helps. Also head over to Discord, join the live conversation over there. That's free. Click the link in the show notes. Head over to your favorite podcast app, leave us a five star rating and a review. The five star ratings and reviews do help other people find this podcast. Even if you've rated us before, do it again. Always helps. The more reviews, the better. And finally, if you don't want to do any of that, just tell other people while you're sitting at a brewery or a bar and they're talking about podcasts and just bring it up. Just like, Hey, I got a podcast for you guys. Check this podcast out. Did you know the difference between Belgian quads and barley wines? Because I don't. I think they're the same. They may in fact be the same. We'll have to do a a malt minute and figure this out. And so with that, thank you for listening. My name's Doug. My name's Chris. And I'm Obert. And remember, if you're drinking alone, do it with friends. Arriba! Arriba! Good Cinco de Mayo exclamation, I gotta say. It was. It was. Well done. It's almost like I planned it. I for one am excited for all your Mexican muggers. Yes. I really am excited. You guys are going to have to remind me. Because I will forget. Well, you should plan to go to Total Wine tomorrow after work. I don't live that close to the line. I don't know. You should go to Total Wine on your way to Raleigh. That's, I was thinking. Make all your kids carry all your beer through you before you go through the store. There we go. See, that's how, that's how dads do. They can play tag around the $26,000 bottles of whiskey in the display cases.