Hey folks, and welcome to Drinking Alone with Friends, a podcast where three friends drink alone together. My name's Chris. What up? It's Ted. And I'm Obert. Congratulations to the Kansas City Chiefs and Old Sports News. Yup, that's correct. They won the Super Bowl a year ago. That's how old the sports news is. The Kansas City Taylor Swift's. Yup. Congratulations to Taylor Swift for dating someone who's won the Super Bowl. Twice. Three times. Three times. Yeah. That's pretty good. I mean, he really is the winner of that relationship. Like I said, I feel bad for Taylor Swift's next boyfriend because that's a lot to live like... That's a big shoes to fill. I don't know, if you listen to the broadcaster, this could be love. Like physically big shoes? Like does he have big feet? Yeah. I'm assuming so. Well, I imagine. I mean, it sounds like we're just making a lot of assumptions here, guys. I mean... Well, put it this way, like if her next boyfriend has to have at least three Super Bowl rings, I think that's a very small dating pool. You know? No, I meant like physically big feet. Like does he wear like a size like 14? I don't know. I'm sure Google will tell you, but... Probably not. Google probably doesn't have that information. I think Google's got that kind of stuff just locked and loaded. Celebrity feet size? That doesn't sound like Google's like... I was going to say. Todd's about to go down a very strange internet rabbit hole. Alright, ready? Todd, Todd, Todd, Google's celebrity feet and that's it. Todd is completely silent for the next 30 minutes except for when he asks us for our credit card numbers so he can find something out real quick. Is it how big is Travis Kelce's feet or how big are Travis Kelce's feet? How big is Travis Kelce's foot? Or how big are Travis Kelce's feet? Yes, yes. Alright, should I just Google how big is Travis Kelce's blank? Yes, 100%. And then you're going to get ads for... You need to buy someone a Super Bowl ring and don't know what size their finger is. Yeah, right. He wears a size 14 or a 15 shoe. That was what you said. That's pretty big. It's a pretty big shoe. Now I see Chris is now Googling foot extender techniques. Yeah, I know. He's like, I gotta see if I can fill these shoes. I gotta fill them shoes. I don't... Listen, I have big shoes already so I don't have to extend that much but I do have to extend my shoes a little bit so... Listen, I could probably get around in size 14s, okay? Just lace them up really good, you know? Yeah, I think as long as I do that then I'll be fine. Taylor won't even notice. She won't even notice the difference. You and Travis, the same person it looks like. Essentially. You're also what? Not tall or... You're not 6'5". You're tall but you're not that tall. I'm not 6'5". No. I'm not 6'5". So... I do love how timely this is going to be released too. Everyone's going to be so sick of all of the Taylor Swift, Travis, Kelsey... Who knows if they're even still together by the time this podcast comes out. That's very true. Well, we could talk about Patrick Mahomes if we want. I think he'll still be the quarterback of the Kansas City Chiefs by the time this comes out. Never know. I saw that his wife is going to be on the cover of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition, which I was shocked. I thought Sports Illustrated went out of business three weeks ago. But apparently they're still having a Swimsuit Edition. I don't know how that works. I don't know how that's allowed. I thought if you don't exist as a magazine anymore, how do you still have a Swimsuit Edition calendar or a Swimsuit Edition magazine come out? I don't know. I don't get it. Wait. Did they go out of business? They did. Yeah, they lost them. They lost their license to use photographs and stuff like that. So they're essentially out of business. But they're still coming out with a Swimsuit Edition. I mean, I guess that's their own photographer, is that right? Or maybe that's why they're going with Patrick Mahomes' wife and not Patrick Mahomes. That's why Patrick Mahomes isn't in the Swimsuit Edition, but his wife is. I don't think any of us want to see Patrick Mahomes in a bikini. Search the internet. I guarantee you it's going to pop up. You know what? I'm going to leave that one unsearched on my browser feed. That one will stay. No, I'm good. Your search history. Travis is Kelsey's blank size and then Patrick Mahomes' bikini question mark? Sexy question mark. Next search, Patrick Mahomes' bikini real. Patrick Mahomes' bikini AI. You know, this would be really helpful if we had a VPN sponsorship right now. This is brought to you by NordVPN. Don't search without it. Right. Oh, man. Well, anyways, rest in peace to Sports Illustrated. I didn't know about that. Yep. Now we want to talk real old sports news. I mean, do we want to talk about how the Texas Rangers won the World Series? We can go that far back. Good job, Texas Rangers. Congratulations. You deserved it. Good job getting all those balls over the fence. I don't know who won the NBA championship, but congratulations to you, NBA champions from June of last year. We're just getting it all out of the way. You know? Oh, it was the Nuggets. Congratulations, Nuggets. Congratulations, UConn on winning the men's NCAA basketball tournament. This will be about almost a year to when this podcast is recorded that they won. You know, it's a good sports year for the middle of the country. You know, you got Denver, you got Kansas City. You know, it's a good year. Right. It's like a good year to not be on the coast. Vegas won the Stanley Cup, I think. That's right. I think the Golden Knights did win. And then there's UConn, bringing up the middle of the country. Yeah. Fuck you, Atlantic Ocean. Fuck you, California. All the victories, all of us, mountain states, we're going to win them all. Good luck. UConn is still the best team. Okay, college is different, you know? But, I mean, I don't know, college football. Michigan. Right. Michigan just won the college football playhouse. Congratulations to Michigan. I don't know. I think we've said every sport now at this point. I mean, who won the WNBA championship? Boy, all this sports talk about the last 365 days. Really old sports news. Sure has made me thirsty. That shows you how popular the WNBA is, folks. The soundboard appears to be malfunctioning, so. What? No way. I'm so shocked. This is like the first time ever I think it's had an issue. Yeah. Hang on, maybe I can... All right, well, I'll put in the... Maybe I can add it this way. Hang on, hang on, hang on. It's beer. 30. And I'm. Thirsty. I've been working like a dog all week long, so maybe something cold won't hurt me. Because it's beer. 30. And it's time. To party. Yeah, baby. Yeah, baby. Boom. All right. See? I.T. Tutt over here, just fixing things on the fly. I was going to cut out all of our technical difficulties, but we'll leave that in, okay? All right, I'm going to grab a beer, but before I do, I need you guys to check something for me. What do you need? So I'm bringing a beer from Great Notion tonight, newly available in my area. I've heard of that brewery before. And the beer I would like to drink is called Ripe, but there's a chance I've checked it in. So I need one of you all to check. Nope, there's no, there's no Obie. Okay, I will go get it. A lot of chickens on this beer, holy shit. There's probably like an extra Ripe or double Ripe or something that I've checked in, but so like I said, this is Great Notion. This is big news when this hit my local Packy equivalent in Montana, because they're a brewery out of Portland, I believe they are out of Portland, which that, you know, the Oregon one, obviously. Well, listen, there's two different Portlands. One's a hellhole and one's awesome. They both have great beer. The this is, I've had a lot of beer from the brewery before, and they just started distributing to Montana, which I was so excited. I was like, literally a kid in a candy store when they first, I first saw them, I was like, I'm going to take that four pack and that four pack and that four pack, but I had so much velvet merkin to drink. I haven't been able to have it on the podcast until now. So very excited for this. It's been a long time coming. I saved this style or this beer variant from Great Notion to have on the show because it is, I think, one of their more flagship beers, but it's also amazing IPA I've heard. So let's find out. I don't know if I've had much Great Notion. I know we get it out here. I just don't. I can't recall how much of it I've had. Chris, I'm sure you get it down where you live, too. I honestly, this is a brewery that I've not had, I don't believe. I really would like to try because I've heard nothing but amazing things. So I haven't seen them. But again, I haven't I haven't really gone to a lot of like bottle shops down here yet. So or more recently, I should say. So maybe we get more than last time I was in a bottle shop. So Chris is like, listen, I'm just on a beer review podcast. I know, right? It's not like I need to go get, you know, good beer. No, I'm surprised that you can find them in Connecticut. I think I thought it was like a Tavor thing in Connecticut. I didn't realize that you could get them at the shop at the Packie. Yeah, no, I've I've definitely seen them. I mean, you know, hell, I've got one, two, three, four, five, six friends who have checked this in on untapped. So, you know, I know it's out there. Do you do are the only people who don't who are on my friends group and untapped who don't live here. So so this is going to be old news to some of our listeners. But, you know, I think I think sometimes listeners like to hear us review beer that they've had before, because that seems to me like more interesting than reviewing a beer they've never had before. Yeah, they can relate to what you're saying. Yeah. Or disagree with you. So this is a my favorite review. Hazy IPA. It says ripe is loaded with tropical notes of mango and papaya. I say when we spin our wheel of fruits to describe beer, we don't really pull papaya out all that often. The plosives on this microphone, they're killing me with the papaya. I think it's called papaya, papaya. OK, I'll use that one. Maybe it's softer plosives. Also, very cool canard. It is a skeleton pirate. Even though he has zero eyeballs, he does have an eye patch and he's eating what looked to be very, very ripe peaches. They're just dripping all over his shirt. I think that's a papaya. Oh, OK. Excuse me. It's a very ripe papayas. But OK, let's see. It smells amazing. It smells like the name would have you think it smells just like juicy, oozy fruit. Very good. Good fruit deliciousness. Let's see if the mouth taste holds up. I like beer. It makes me a jolly good fellow. I like beer. It helps me unwind and sometimes it makes me feel mellow. Makes me feel mellow. The verdict is very, very good. You know, we describe IPAs as juicy all the time, and I think it's an overused term now. You know, sometimes I'll have like a juicy little thing and be like, this isn't juicy. This is just an IPA. You know, it's just a thing. It's just a thing. This is like treehouse juice machine levels of juice in this beer. That's impressive. I can see why it's so popular. This I should also point out canned on 110. So this is about whatever, five, six weeks old when we're recording this. The one difference between this and a juice machine, I would say, is where juice machine has that same very papaya mango forward punch on the front of the taste, right on your nose, the front of your palate. It finishes in like a yellow starburst sweet syrupyness that this finishes more of a bitter hop bite. Not necessarily a bad thing. No, not at all. It's just I think the difference between where a juice machine probably ends up tasting a little sweeter and a little more floral. This I have a little bit more IBU bite at the end, which just makes you want to go back for another sweet sip. You know, it's like it goes the full, it leaves the palate ready for your next sip. But I'm very impressed. I don't even know what to give this beer. I am going to go there. I'm going four and a half. Wow, very good IPA. I normally reserve the four and a halfs for like the burials, the treehouses, the trilliums. That's impressive. And maybe I'll have to seek out this great notion beer. I think you should. I think you should. And another reason I think it gets such a high rating for me is because it's not like the double, triple, ultra ripe, where maybe it goes too far. This is a 7% ABV. It hits that perfect sweet spot of an amazing juicy IPA without going to be too extreme. Wow, sounds amazing. I'm definitely maybe maybe I'll have to venture out into the world. Yeah, and when when you get your smell and taste back, I know. Right. Yeah. When I'm when I'm back to having all of my senses with me, I know they say when you lose senses, your others are heightened. That is incorrect. That's not how that works. No, I cannot see nor hear any better. No, I can't. I can't hear you, Ted. No. Chris has lost his sense of smell and taste, and he's stubbed his toe six times in the last week. Exactly. I can't. I don't know it, though. I can't feel a thing. And he almost got hit by a car today, even though it was blaring its horn at him. Yeah. Yeah, it's a mess. It's a mess over here. I'm like I'm like a really shitty bat. All right. So this one has, I think, I think, to no surprise, a ton of ratings on untapped. There is thirty two thousand two hundred and sixty five. Wow. So many, many, many. It's a lot of reviews. A lot of reviews. I think the average is going to be well short of what I gave it because it is, I think, more or less their flagship IPA. I think it's very much associated with the brand. And sometimes that will drag the rating down a little bit. I still think it's going to be over 4.10. I think it's going to be in the fourteens. So I'll say four point one seven. It's a respectable guess. And you're not that far off. It's actually higher than that. It is a four point four point two one. So. Wow. Thirty two thousand average. Thirty two to thirty two thousand chickens to have a four point two some odd averages at stout. Nothing to sneeze at. No. Yeah. And I see everything right now. Yeah, I have another great notion in my fridge that I was saving as a backup in case I had wrote check this in before. But and I was going to save for the next episode, but I don't know if it's going to last that long in my fridge. We'll see. We'll see. I mean, it sounds like it sounds like it's not going to. Yeah, I'm going to steal it. Speaking of beer in my fridge for other people, I was able to find the non barrel aged dark star. I bought a six pack and so now I think I can wait no longer on getting a beer box together. I got to get one and I'm hoping we could do like a triple review. I could send one to you guys and I haven't reviewed it yet, but I want to maybe we can send it to you guys. I know that the clock is ticking on Todd's availability here, but maybe I'll put a box together this week. A little Valentine's Day present for my bros, you know, could always be could always be, you know, a welcome back to the world gift reborn. Yeah. Born again. No, I'm excited. I know last time you mentioned you had the barrel aged dark star, which makes no sense how that's not a rusty nail. But you can send that to me to more than happy to take that bullet for you. But I am happy you found the non barrel aged version because I do plan on brewing this beer at some point. I really don't know how it tastes. You got to find out. You don't want you know, that is kind of a big thing. Yeah, like if I get it and I'm like, this is nasty. Like, yeah, do I not brew it? Why would you at that point? You know, you just saved yourself a whole batch of beer from not liking it. The one thing I found out today, too, have you ever heard of raw beer? No, Chris, no, same as like unpasteurized. No, actually, the exact opposite. Very pasteurized. It is pasteurized. It's pasteurized. It's essentially brewing beer where you only do the sparging process and then you bring it up to like seventy five ish degrees Celsius. Seventy seven degrees Celsius or seventy seven degrees Fahrenheit. Sorry. Seventy five, seventy seven degrees. Let's use some freedom units here. Come on. You just don't bring it up to the full 81 where all the DFS or DNS or whatever, the bad stuff that you don't want your beer starts to form because that forms there. And then you boil it to basically kill that off. And then you so at seventy seven degrees, you just cool it down, transfer it to your fermenter, pitch the yeast and go and the seventy seven degrees or getting up to at least seventy five is the pasteurization temperature to kill off most things. You're sure you're not talking about Celsius? I think so, because that's awfully cool. Yeah, I think it's 88. Honestly, that's what I've always heard. Maybe I am speaking Celsius terms or one point twenty one. It sounded weird to go seventy seven Celsius. But no, I guess I guess no, it would be Celsius. Seventy seven Celsius. Just don't go to eighty one Celsius. I feel like seventy seven Celsius, seventy seven Fahrenheit is like is seventy seven Celsius. Fahrenheit is like putting it on your counter on a reasonably warm day. Isn't seventy seven Celsius like really, really hot, though? Like it's basically what you double it and add half. I have no idea. Smart person kilometers. No, one hundred Celsius is two hundred and twelve. It's one hundred and seventy degrees. So, yeah, I guess. Yeah. But that's pasteurizing for like milk and stuff. Why don't they just why don't they just take the beer and do this? Then it's pasteurized. That was a great podcast joke, I have to say. For those of you who didn't see it, Chris passed a water bottle in front of his eyes. Oh, no. But you guys know that's that's sign language for how you how you make the sign language for pasteurized milk is you literally do the the like the sign language symbol for milk and you move it past your eyes and that's pasteurized milk. Really? I know sign language and I didn't even know it. Yeah. Oh, my God. That's so smart. You know what? Deaf people can never see John Cena. Deaf people also not big fans of this podcast. Thank God. We don't we don't publish it. They would not enjoy it. They would not enjoy that last joke. I just said. No, but yeah, I want to try this raw beer thing, too. I think this this seems like a cool idea. Apparently, it's really big still to this day in like Sweden, Germany, like some of the European things, but you can you can do it with Celsius makes more sense now. Yeah, I guess. Yeah, I guess so. But you can do it with with any type of beer. You can make like a hazy IPA out of it and you just don't have to boil it. Yeah. And I would imagine that you have probably just more. What's the word I'm looking for? Less T-Rex ability. It's they have more like dissolved solids in your beer because it's like you don't as you get to the higher temperatures, a lot of those complex chemicals break down. I bet you it's earthier tasting, too, or at least it will taste more strawy. If that like it'll taste more like the grains or horse blankety. There you go. It tastes more horse. It tastes more like the grains are sticking in it. You're not going to lose like if you put oats in it. You're not going to be like, oh, this doesn't taste like oats. It's probably going to taste like oatmeal. So are there commercially available beers that you can find that are like this or is it in Europe? I think so. I don't think I was going to say or just like the FDA now let you sell beers that aren't pasture that aren't up at this temperature. And honestly, I have no idea because I just heard of it today. OK, so I'm hoping maybe I'm catching maybe I'm starting a fad. And what is the name of this again? What is it called? Raw beer or raw ale. So for listeners have had any raw beers, I want them to tell us in the discord. Yeah, for sure. We can find some. Just one more fun fact. This is what the poor folk did back in the day before they could they could buy like cast iron kettles to like boil shit in. This is how they did it because they didn't have the means of heating up something hot enough to boil because they would have burnt their their wooden barrel down with fire if they were trying to boil something in it. So, OK, I got you. Just some lukewarm soup for beer. I'm I'm excited. I'm trying it. I can't wait. Very cool. Well, speaking of not being able to wait, I got a point on four on the board. Very true. Yeah, I got a challenger here. Let's see. End of regulation point. Oh, for getting into overtime can tie it up. Again, a very timely Super Bowl show. They stole my joke. So I was going to review a collaboration between one of our favorite stout breweries and one of our favorite Connecticut breweries with barreled souls and abomination. But I'm going to hold that off till next week because of what you brought to the podcast, OK, how you described it. And I looked at my fridge and I was like, oh, this is this is this is too perfect. Oh, I'm excited now. What I have here is over. What did you say that the ripe was close to from Treehouse juice machine? OK, perfect. What I have here is I have green machine. Oh, which is juice machine and green. I believe had a baby. Cool. Interesting. So the can just for the listeners at home are is green. It's the green. It's the juice machine robot on a background of green. And it says green machine at the top. It's a very simple can. But I figure this is probably the best day of a simple kind of can. There you go. It comes in at eight point eight point four percent ABV. I figured, why not? This is probably the best day to bring another treehouse beer to the podcast. Yeah, I like it. Now, did you get this at the brewery? I did. I did. Once I poured the can, I will or once I pour the beer, I'll tell you when it was canned on. All right. So this baby was canned on one one twenty twenty four on New Year's Day. Nine nine days before the beer I drank. Nine days before. As you can see, it poured just like your standard typical New England IPA. It's basically the same color as Oberts IPA. Yours looks a little bit more dank, whereas mine looks a little bit more yellow, I would say. But again, it's hard to tell with the webcam. I mean, if I turn my office lights on, I don't know if it's that much different. But yeah, this is your stereotypical New England IPA. On the nose, it does smell a little bit more marriage Iwani than your typical IPA, just because that's what green that's the reason green is named green. It smells like weed. That's kind of the whole point of the name. But you also get some of those tropical notes. You know, I don't know if I smell any papayas, but there's definitely some tropical fruits in there. Let's see how it tastes. And if I drink it, well, you know that you're my friend and I'll say I think I'll have myself a beer. So, you know, Ober, based on your description of what your beer tastes like, I have to imagine that this beer tastes eerily similar. You get a lot of man. I wish I wish we could do a side by side, you know, wouldn't that be awesome? Yeah, all of us. So we all as soon as they invent the ability to share a beer over an Internet connection, that we've got to be the early adopters on that. I mean, I'm still waiting for Smell-O-Vision to come around. I mean, can we just do teleportation? That would make everything easier. Wouldn't that be great? That'd be awesome. We could choose a brewery from around the country, teleport to it, record our podcasts from it and then teleport home every week. That would that would be great. There you go. Science, what are you even doing? Live show and have our audience teleport there, too. That's also true. Oh, my God. We'd have to change our name of our podcast because it'd be drinking with friends via teleportation. Yeah. You know what? Forget the whole teleportation thing. Screw it. I'm not interested anymore. It's just the goal of ours to see how much we can get Chris to cough during an episode. Bro Chris again. So, no. So what this what this what this tastes like is it's it is over. Tell me if I'm wrong with yours. Tropical fruity up front. I'm not I don't know what a papaya tastes like. I don't know. So I'm going to say it's papaya because it's like a sweeter papaya, I think. OK, I think that that's I think this tastes kind of like a sweet papaya. But then it does finish with a little bit more hot bite. It does not finish like your normal New England IPA because that's not how green finishes. Green is a little biter than your typical New England IPA. That's what I love about green is it doesn't taste like anything else because of the galaxy hops, because galaxy is bite here. So this is open. I feel like we're drinking the same beer. What's that? I know I said mouth, mouth, mouth pringles. Yeah, mouth pringles. It's got mouth pringles. It's this is if I've ever like I can't believe we're describing the beer the same way, I'm so happy I had this in my fridge. Yeah, what an incredible beer it is. You know, it does have a little bit of dankness on the back end, too. I don't know if yours has that. But I think that's just kind of the green characteristics flowing through the juice machine. Awesome beer. I'm not going to I'm not going to rehash over its entire review. I feel like it's the same beer. I think all I want to add is that I can't get green machine here, but maybe you can get right in Connecticut. So it's up to you to determine if they're the same beer or not. I will I will keep my eyes peeled next time I'm in a liquor store to see if I can find it. If not, I mean, if you have an extra can, you could toss it in the toss it in the box or you could send the green machine to Montana. I only have one option. I only have one left. The fairest thing, the fairest thing, honestly, is for both of you to send me the both of them. Yeah, I think that makes sense because he's unbiased. He hasn't had either one. Exactly. That makes so much sense. But he can't taste anything. So we can't send anything to not yet. I will eventually someday someday. That's what you told us last week, too. And I swear I had my I had my taste buds back and now they're gone again. I don't know what happened. Watch him be like, he'll never be able to taste Papa Yuz ever again in his life. It would be, you know, it's the weirdest thing because like and this is just shows how broken my brain is because like, you know, I was sick and I was like, I want to eat my feelings. And it's like, well, what's the point? Like, what does it matter? So there's been times where I'm like, I would go, I would go and like, like if I was if I wanted a munchy snack or whatever, I'd be like, fuck it. I'm going to go grab some carrots because who the fuck cares? Like, it doesn't matter. Like what? Right. So I actually made better choices because I was like, well, who cares? I mean, that's all. There you go. That's good. I know. But it still sucks because carrots, I know my brain knows carrots aren't as good as pretzels, you know, so like it's like, I don't know. It's dumb. Don't get don't get sick, guys. OK, notice this is trying to revert his brain to like being a toddler and being like, no, trust me, this is just as good. Yeah, right. Mushy peas, mushy peas. I'm going to give this a four and a half. Just like Obert gave his four and a half. Nice. You know, I do think, though, that my rating of my beer is going to be higher than your rating. Just given that it's it's Juice Machine. So that's special. It's green. That's special. It's it's them having a baby, which I can't recall them doing before. Maybe this is their first time they've done this. Maybe it's not. But it is a special release beer. They don't do Green Machine all the time. So it's going to be higher. And Treehouse has Hot Pipe. I know Great Notion probably has Hot Pipe, too. But so I do want to before we go into the review, I do want to ask. You've had Green, which I know is your favorite of the big four. You have you've had Juice Machine and now you've had Green Machine. So what's the hierarchy? What's the what's the ranking system we got going on? I like that question. That is a good question. I would say that Green Green is good. Green is my favorite of the big the big four. It's probably the lowest out of the three. Just because it's your standard. I think everybody's caught up to Green now. People know how to make Green. Everybody does it now. Or at least the breweries who want to do it do it. I would say then probably Juice Machine is probably next. And this is probably slightly smidges it out just because my biggest issue with Juice Machine or Hayes or Julius or is they don't have that bite at the end. I like that bitiness. And this has that. This has the Juice Machine juice with the green bite. And it's it's good. I mean, it sounds good. I've had Green and Juice Machine. It sounds amazing. So I might I don't have another beer here to compare to compare this to. But like Gugga Gugga Green, Super Green, like all those things. I think this might be better. Like I don't remember. I don't remember noticing a difference between Green Gugga Gugga Green, Very Green, Very, Very Green, Super Green. There's not a massive difference to me. This this is a different entity of the Green the Greeniverse. And it might be my favorite. I think I think I'm going to go on a limb and say it is my favorite. Nice. Sounds amazing. I want to go. I want to go there. Teleportation get on this. I'm going to say that the hot pipe with this is going to be real. I think other people are going to be like me. You might say that you are a man of the people. I am. I'm always been a man of the people. Well, you were right that this is not the first release of this beer. It seems like it's been around for at least the last year. This is there's five thousand two hundred and sixty two check ins on this beer. OK, that's I mean, that's a decent amount. It's not as much as yours. I is it wrong to go over 4.0? I'm not going to go over 4.0. There's no way. No, it's not not over 4.0. No way. Maybe not. I mean, 4.4. Is it? It's not. I mean, you moved a decimal point for. Yeah, it's not going to be over a point for. It's going to be right around there, but you can't guess point for three point. No, Jesus Christ. Holy shit. Well, let's lose it a point here. I know, right? Four point three eight. It's a very good guess. Four point three eight. Four is first three eight. I almost said four point three nine, but I think a little bit lower. Yeah, had you said a four point three nine, we would have tied. But you said four point three eight instead. So I win. So I win because it's a four point four three. So it is over a four point four. Yeah, it is. Holy shit. Yeah, very highly rated beer. Holy shit. Yeah, that's I think that might be the highest IPA we've had. At least with 4000 plus check ins, you know. Yeah, I don't know. There might be some burial or other treehouse beers that have crazy high averages. But, yeah, normally when we're in the four point fours, it's the it's the barrel aged stouts. Yeah, yeah. We've I don't think I think the highest beers we've ever had in this podcast are all barely stouts and none of them barely go over four point five. I think we've had like two. I think I had them both at one point in time. And I think Chris drinking the rusty nail is up there. But this is a this is a high IPA. Holy shit. Yeah. Well, I'm happy to lose to you by point oh four. That's our point oh one. I guess there's no way I was four point four three. I'm never going to guess that in a million years for an IPA. Yeah, it's pretty wild. Pretty nuts. So how do we how do we transition here? What do we say? Chris, do you want to do you want to break the news? Sure. And as thirsty as I am, I am not going to be drinking today. If you haven't picked up so far this episode, I am under the weather and I have been for two weeks pretty much. So I have no taste buds and I've been sneezing and coughing a lot. Hint, hint. If you get if you catch my drift, I don't know. Yeah, exactly. Don't tell the government, but Chris may have caught covid twenty twenty four. Yeah, I may have caught the new patient zero covid twenty four. Yeah. So I will hear first. I will I will graciously accept my point this week as a sympathy point for winning. Well, on in good news, if Chris is patient zero for covid twenty four, this would probably be our most downloaded episode of all time. That's also very true. Yeah. Listen, this is the break we me suffering is the break we needed. It really is. Can you suffer a little more than we might need a bigger break? While we're fantasizing, what if it's like a weird superhero thing where like after you come out of this cocoon of being sick, you have super heightened taste and like never get the untapped average wrong again, except for you can't taste papayas. Yeah, yeah. That's your kryptonite. Oh, that would be that would be so that'd be so interesting. That'd be the best. It would be one of the best superpowers I could have as me, but a normal human. That would be most practical to your normal, like everyday life. Exactly. It's like that is up here. And then right under that is like cats obey your every command is right below that. Right. And right below that is children obey my command. Because right now that's that's way down the list. That never happens. That's not something that happens ever. Yeah. But no, that would be that would be interesting. Would you even use untapped anymore? Like, you know, or would you just be like, I know this is a four point two. OK, like, yeah, I would just have you instead of putting it into the app. I would just call you or text you and be like, Chris, what is this beer? Yeah. Oh, so I'm both. I'm not only a taste identifying. I'm a walking encyclopedia of untapped. Maybe this is the Alex, the Alex Mac version. Yeah, there we go. Somehow you have gotten all of the untapped knowledge in your brain. I can I can both be named a beer and I could tell you the untapped average, but I can also taste a beer without knowing its name and tell you the untapped average. That's how that's how it works. That's how it works. You go. It sounds great. That sounds wonderful, actually. Actually, I hope that does happen. Everybody's going to walk over 24 after that. Well, so we I told Chris, I said, hey, Todd and myself, we can do the podcast on our own. We don't if you know, if you're not feeling well, you don't have to come. He said, no, I have a handle that cannot wait another episode. It has to be on today's. He did say I heard it. I heard it. So that must have been a fever, a fever dream. He then texted me a string of unintelligible characters, punctuation right after that. But before we get to handles, I want to do I want to do roll the beer again, because that was a lot of fun. OK, you say that because you want Yeah, I think you won because nobody understood. Nobody understood the burial naming convention. That's very true. At the hey, I was playing to the audience. The audience is stupid. You can leave this in. Well, sometimes you just got to sometimes like I were not going to make a broccoli beer or not throw a broccoli reference anyway. We could leave this in the audience is stupid. OK, that's how you get votes. I think the audience is very intelligent. I think they're great at picking out names for beers. I implicitly trust them. They definitely pick the best name for a beer. I want to have consensual relations with the audience. That's how good looking I think they are. And so funny and, you know, charming. I just love staring into the audience's eyes and give them COVID-24. It's a rare eyeball to eyeball transmitted disease. Yes. Eskimo kisses are the worst way to contact. COVID-24, I don't know how much of this is staying in, how much of this is getting cut, but audience, we are doing the name of beer again, where we come up with a beer style, an adjunct to add to our beer and a brewery name. We're all making some up. We're rolling some dice. We're randomly picking one of those category for each. And then we have to come up with a name each. And we're going to have the audience tell us which one they think is the best. And you're going to participate more this time. Do you hear me, audience? You're going to actually vote. OK, maybe we should make it an Instagram poll, too. I don't know. That's for you, Sal. But so we're going to be right back with our with our combination. So see you on the other side. A few moments later. OK, you even have one, a real IRL D6. Look at that. We should have had you do this all the time. An actual day. Oh, I always I don't know why I always have dice, but I do. All right. Walks around rolling dice all day. That's it to face from Batman. But with dice. Yeah, I'm six face. All right. Here we go. Roll the beer. No, your style, beer style, beer style. Here we go, too. So that's the rice, rice lager. Oh, boy. Not a lot to do with that. Let's see. All right. We're going for adjunct one. What the fuck? This is Bruce. So this is just I'd never pick Chris. Six. There we go. Dogfish head. Right. Yeah. Yeah. A spruce tipped infused rice lager from dogfish. It doesn't sound good. Well, how are you going to make it sound good is the question. All right. We'll be back with our dogfish head spruce tip lager. Two thousand years later. OK, so we're back. We're back with our rice lager with spruce tips from dogfish head. Who who wants to go first with their name for a beer? I'll go first, but I'm going to warn you it's going to really make you all wish that you had gone first because it's that good. OK, I'll listen. You'll listen to me tell you what the name of the beer is. OK, gotcha. OK, so presenting the dogfish head spruce tip lager. It is the 15 second zero PA a fun play on the 60 minute IPA. This is a beer where they add spruce tips 15 seconds before the end of the boil. And it's, you know, four and a half percent ABV. It tastes like nothing, but there are spruce tips in there. You just have to hunt to find them. I have to say, I am kind of jealous of your name. That's very good. Yeah, that's very good. Damn came up with that like it took me like 80 minutes to come up with mine and it's not that good. So, yeah, that was that was really good. All right. Well, maybe next time, guys. I feel like I feel like also I should point out the shout out to the PBR whiskey with the I definitely definitely picked up on that. I was like, OK, some of the hardcore listeners probably was like, oh, you dead. Right, the ancient callback. Yeah, I know. Right. All right. I will go. I'll go next. So the name of my beer was called Don't Buy This Beer. That's pretty good. I like that. It's like the don't tell me what to do. I'm going to buy it anyway. Yeah, I figured a rice lager with spruce tips. That might be a good name. We're just like, yeah, you don't want to buy this. Ted would absolutely buy a beer that says don't buy this beer. Oh, one hundred percent. Yeah, I would be in. Don't tell me what to do. We'd be like, yeah, I want the don't buy this beer. Kind of like if I was ever at the brewery, the beer, their rice lagers called I Have a Tiny Wiener. One hundred percent. I would sit there and say I would like I have a tiny wiener, please. All right. Well, mine's not good. So I decided to go a more a more I lead into I leaned into more of the spruce side of things and the rice lager side of things. And I did my my beer name released around Christmastime, perfect for rice lagers is the Japanese spruce, a festive rice lager. I like it. I did think about going seasonal, too, like a winter like a winter name. Yeah, I couldn't think of anything fun, but because I don't know what they have for season, like the pumpkin is their fall seasonal. I don't know what they do for winter. I would assume they do this now. A winter one is what they do now. They used to do pumpkin, too. And now they do Japanese spruce, a festive rice lager. I'm imagining the beer label is just like a spruce tree in the middle of a rice patty. Yeah, that's really good. Oh, and I like that with a star on top. It's got it. Yeah, it's got the lights. Yeah, I like that. See, look, I don't know. Mine's mine's pretty marketable. So has too many as I learned last time, the audience doesn't like words. So yours says too many words. That's I mean, that's fair. That's fair. But, you know, we'll see. We'll see. We'll have to put it up. Last time, Todd, you said you really enjoyed the creative writing exercise. I think I've gone this time. I've gone full and anti audience. You know what? Don't vote for mine. You were you were done. You did. You basically you started your name with don't. I could tell you could the animosity towards the audience is dripping off of the the name. You were done in like four seconds. I was sitting here. I was like, how is that even possible? I'm looking up dogfish beers. I'm looking up spruce tips and I'm Googling all this stuff. And I'm like, oh, my God, you guys are done in like a minute. And I'm like, maybe I thought I'm not a creative writer. I think that's what I'm boiling down to is like, I'm not creative in that way. So my first thought process was if I brewed this beer myself, what would I tell you guys? Don't drink this beer. I put spruce tips in a rice locker. You guys would be like, yeah, I don't know if I want to try that. I'd be like, you probably shouldn't. That's what I would say. I will say I think you could pull it off and it wouldn't be terrible. Yeah, I think that I don't think it would taste like I don't think it tastes like anything. I mean, I think I think you're going to have think of like a nice, light, crisp lager like your rice lager. And then just like a hint, like a hint of that, like, you know, piney effervescence. You know, like I think I think it could work around Christmas time. Hashtag dogfish. Let's get on this. Exactly. Exactly. Well, right, Mr. Sam Cook, cook, cook, right, Sam Cook and tell him to to brew this beer. OK, and also tell him that you have the perfect name for it. And that is whatever wins the vote. Yeah, there we go. There we go. My dearest Samuel. We've already done the market work for them. Yeah. You got to admit, though, if you saw fewer at Total Wine and you saw the 60 minute, the 90 minute, the 120 minute, and then at the end of the line, you saw the 15 second, you'd be like, well, I got to try this one. Oh, yeah, for sure. I would definitely try it just like I would try. Don't buy this beer. And, you know, the actually the least the best name out of the three of us is probably Christmas because it's the most themed and that's probably the least one I would buy. It's too descriptive. Yeah. I don't want that too much. Yeah. You're like, yeah, it gives too much away. It's actually, you know, that's actually a really funny point because thinking about one of the most recent times, Dana was out, she was out and about noon shopping and she's like, oh, there's a total wine here. Like, do you want anything? I was like, well, yeah. So I was like, just pick up a mix six. Like, you know what I like now? One thing I don't really love are Amber Ales, right? Like, I'm just they're not really my thing. Like, you've listened to 240 episodes of this podcast. You know that they're men. Yeah, they're fine. Chris would say, as the kids, as the kids and Chris say, they're mid. Yeah, he's on Twitch. But when she came home, three of the six beers she bought me were Amber Ales because of the name. He was like, she was like, I didn't even look. I was like, I just knew you would enjoy the name. And she was correct. They were they were funny. So they go. That's funny. Are you going to have any on the podcast? Maybe do you have any? No, I have them all left. It was right. It was like right before I got sick. So I have them all. So I'll have to have some. You'll be I'll go through my amber face on the podcast, so I think you should just blast them all in one night. And we just do an Amber review where you could just like compare and contract. I drink all three beers. The best name wins of the three of them. There's some good ones. There's some good ones. A lot to save that for another week. So we're going to head into our handles. But as we get over there, we have to say with that red carpet, it's it's around. It is around. We're not ready to even think about unrolling it yet. Well, we know who the Super Bowl champion is now, and we usually hire the offensive line to start rolling it out. So they're, I mean, we don't hire hire is a is a very strong term. They volunteer, they volunteer, they get to sit in the nosebleeds. It's actually it's actually voluntold. They're told by the NFL once they win. Hey, you guys have to go and roll out. We have an agreement with the NFL. Roger Goodell is our cousin. He just does the right. We still have I think about a month before before Mr. Oscar before you'll hear all the categories, but we like to hype it up. So it's coming. It's coming to two episodes. You'll hear all of our glorious nominations for our amazing podcast, where we award ourselves, you know, awards because we like we like how our podcast sounds. So but OK, so with that, Jordan, it's time to bring us to the frosty mug of wisdom where I this week honk at myself and then fill the mug up with wisdom, I think is how it works. Yes, I don't know. Jordan, take it away. It's your handle. It's your handle. It's your handle. It's your handle. Mug of wisdom. Drink. Mug of wisdom. OK, thank you, Jordan. Hopefully you stick around for Mr. Oscar week because you're always a welcome guest on that show. But OK, like I said, me, it's me, Mr. Oscar this week, not Mr. Oscar this week, I'm the goose this week. I'm the target of the goose. It's not really clear. Man of the people, perhaps. Bird of our oberts. I win. I get the frosty mug. You have to put it back in the freezer. That's your that's your that's your job. I watched the O.G. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory the other day. And it's Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. You lose a day. I haven't seen that in 15 years, 20 years, maybe it's a weird ass movie. It's not my handle, but I'm willing to say also. But the pacing is great. Like I was like, oh, it's such a long movie. It just is like one kid gets knocked off after the other. And you're like flying through this movie. And all of a sudden, Charlie is spoilers. Charlie has a chocolate factory. You're like, wow, I've always wanted this quick. I've always wanted to smoke a joint and when watch the movie as an adult, I did that with Alice in Wonderland, the Johnny Depp version, and that was a lot of fun. So I can only imagine that the original Willy Wonka is a trip. Yeah, I want to do what's the one where you sync up Pink Floyd with? Oh, Wizard of Oz. I've done that. Yeah, that one drags, though. Like the album actually helps it because the album doesn't drag. But the movie drags. We're like, oh, yeah. Anyway, Chris, I know you had that handle you were so excited about this week. So why don't you tell us all about what you've been binging lately? I thought you were to use that. I use Dropout as a handle. So I was going to let you use game change. OK, all right. That's fine. That's very fair. I did binge all the seasons. I, you know, you're not if you're not a merciless guy, I wouldn't let you. If you were Ted, I would be like, no, you can't. But I think you've put in the time. You've done the work. That's fair. Yeah, I have a handle that's totally mine and no one else's. No, I do want to give just prior prior shout out to previous handle of Dropout TV, Obert's handle, because I don't know. I was I was sick and I was I was I was looking for something. I didn't want to get invested, like to invest in anything, lo and behold. So I say at the beginning, I just wanted something funny I could put on to take my mind away from dying, you know, like that's all I wanted. And I remember in the back of my mind, I was like, Obert mentioned the streaming service about funny things. And I was like, that sounds exactly like what I want to watch funny. So so it was Dropout TV. Awesome. Awesome suggestion. But one show in particular that I would like to shout out is Game Changer on Dropout. There's I think five seasons on there right now. And over the course of my covid written journey, I have binged all five. Game Changer is is a show where the game changes every week and the players have the players on the show are improv comedians and they don't know what they're playing at the time, so it's really funny as they like as they introduce the game elements and as they try to figure it out as the game goes along and the host is Sam Reich and he's great, like so such a good host. And they do a lot of really ridiculous stuff. Like the games that they play are games I probably would have never thought of before, like in one one in particular, they end up singing a musical and another. They end up doing just Simon Says. And it's it's it's it's pretty funny. So to piggyback on over its dropout handle from a long time ago, if you if you enjoy improv comedy, if you enjoy very funny characters, whose line is it anyway? Yeah. Yeah. Whose line ask kind of things. I would highly recommend paying for Dropout and and checking out especially Game Changer and plus there's a bunch of other shows on there, too, which is which are also great, but I watched, I don't know, 50 hours of Game Changer in the last the last week, so that makes a handle ready for. Yeah, if you're going to watch that much TV in that little time, it's really good. It's really good. It's really good. But like, it's not I'm not going to say it's they're not all funny because most of them like there's definitely funny moments, but like it's also like really impressive sometimes like watching the musical one and then like the Shakespearean one. It's just like, oh, my God, like these people are like singing this ad libbed and I'm like, I could never I can't even come up with a beer name in five minutes, like, you know, so, you know, you guys definitely check it out. I've been really enjoying it. I've moved on to the shows now, but very, very good. Never watched a single second of this this this dropout TV. I have the log in. I have all the information haven't done it. You'll have to check it out. Hopefully now that two people have recommended it to you, you know, you got to at least give it one episode's worth, you know. Yeah, I think I think I think it's worth it. If you Chris, if you had one episode to recommend, like, where would you tell somebody to start? Oh, boy. It's very unlike me to not have checked this out already. Disappointed in myself. I don't know. The first make some noise is very good, which I think is the first episode of the whole show. Is it really? Oh, wow. Were they like name an animal and they have to make the animal noise? Yeah. And then I like all the Sam says is I think those are very good. The few the few that they've done, I'm sure I can think of a few other ones if I really sat and like put my mind to it. But I will say I skipped the covid season because it's like all like basically like all of us on a web. Yeah. And I'm like, it's definitely much better. I do that every week. There's one episode in particular on the covid season that you should watch if you haven't, because which one it's a dress up one that Tao is on. OK, I'll I've seen the thumbnail. I'll check it out dying. I was dying like most of the covid ones are fine. You know, oh, there's actually some some decent covid ones. But the tail one is the funniest by by a long shot. I am excited. Season six is coming out. And they said that like this is going to be their most ambitious season yet. And I'm very excited about it. Yeah, I like I can't wait now. I I wish I I wish I hadn't binged at all. But I was just like I would come home from not even come home. I would move from one chair to the couch chair and be like, oh, I'm just going to put a drop out and just watch it when the kids go to bed. So yeah, very funny. I don't have football to watch anymore. So there you go. Got some time. There you go. OK, well, I'm going to take this frosty mug and I'm going to give it to Todd. So I'm going to recommend a health app. Recently, I was looking at potentially buying a whoop strap, if you guys know what that is. Something that kind of there it is. Yeah, there you go. Something that kind of monitors your your your sleep habits, your recovery for workouts, how much exertion you're putting up through the day. Monitors monitors your HRV, stuff like that. But I have an Apple Watch. And I was like, do I really need two fitness trackers? Because I really like my Apple Watch. It works really well with my iPhone. I'm kind of ingrained in the the Apple universe. So I found this app called Athletic and it's spelt slightly different than the word athletic. It's it's spelled with a Y. It's spelled with a Y. So it's A-T-H-Y-L-I-C, athletic. Anyways, it's pronounced athletic. And it basically does all the stuff that your whoop strap can do or a whoop strap does, but with your with your Apple Watch. So if you're if you listeners out there are still trying to keep your New Year's resolutions and still kind of keep that going strong. But you've seen all these whoop straps and you're like, well, should I buy one or should I not? I say just try athletic. It does have a monthly fee. It's two dollars and ninety nine cents a month. Or you can buy the whole year for I think it was like like twelve bucks. Some discount. Yeah. Yeah. So I tried it for the first month. I'm still within the first month. I'm going to be buying the full year membership at the end of this month. It's it's awesome. It does exactly what I was expecting the whoop strap to do. It saved me, I think a whoop straps like 400 bucks. So I'm happy to I'm happy to give my twelve dollars a year to this company to save me three hundred dollars for a whoop strap purchase. And now I don't look like an idiot walking around with something on my left wrist and something on my right wrist. Because that's that was my plan. That's what I was going to do. But now that I have found athletic or athletic or however you want to say it, yeah, there you go. I don't have to do it anymore. Thanks to this app. Would you recommend this app to someone who doesn't have a fitness tracker wristband? No, no. OK. It really only works if you have if you don't have an Apple Watch or no, no. It only works with the Apple Watch. OK, that's it because it monitors your movement and monitors. The Apple Watch has a heart rate monitor. So it can read your heart rate and kind of address if you do all its calculations based on the heart rate that your that your watch is is getting, it needs the Apple Watch in order to do this. So if you don't have an Apple Watch, this is not a handle for you. I'm sorry. But most people who have who have iPhones generally have an Apple Watch now. I think over it might be one of the lone holdouts. But one day over it will eventually buy an Apple Watch and he'll kill download athletic and he'll be happy. Almost certainly. This might get edited out, but I have to ask anyway. Have you used the Apple Health app and like I would assume that the Apple Health app, like if this date is all collected by your Apple Watch to begin with or can be collected, like why is it not in the Apple Health app? Why do you need this special athletic app? Yeah. So this does different calculations at the Apple Health app doesn't do at this point in time. So it does, you know, rate your exertion that you've done at the gym and tells you your optimal amount of time to sleep and what your recovery was during your sleep and how good your sleep was. Apple Health surprisingly doesn't do a lot of that garbage poo poo app. It has a lot of it has all the information. You can do it yourself if you want to learn how to do the calculations and learn how athletic does the calculations. But there's no quick way to find it without doing the math yourself. This is basically just annoying. I wouldn't be surprised if one day this app gets bought out by Apple Health, kind of like Dark Sky got bought out and became Apple Weather, because I think that this this app does a lot of cool things that would enhance Apple Health or the the Apple Fit app, which is another app that I don't pay for. But it doesn't do that either. So I could see this eventually being rolled into that. OK, well, I'm glad I asked because that was illuminating because I was like, I assume that it was in there. But yeah, it's strange to for a couple of bucks a month. You're already wearing the watch. You might as well. Yeah. Right. I mean, if you if you if you have the Apple watch, you love it and you monitor your workouts with it. It's a no brainer to take to take your watch to the next level of things that like your watch should and honestly, the watch should come doing this. The phone should know how to do this. This is common sense stuff. Their biggest competitor is Fitbit and whoop. How do you not do this already, Apple? Like I said, I'm sure Apple will solve this by either doing all this itself one day or buying athletic for probably throw the guys a couple of million dollars and buy the company. OK, well, I'm going to take the frosty mug, finish it off, top it off with some wisdom wisdom. Hopefully I don't get covered from Chris. I don't think it works that way. But it's the new one, though. So cover 24. Again, it's it's direct eye contact. It's transmitted. So watch out. So I have I have two potential handles. One is a great new sauce. And the other one is another tabletop game that I've been recommending. A new sauce. Yeah. You want to hear about that one? Like like Alfredo marinara pesto. Yeah. Insert your sauce here. Yes. But instead of it being on Italian noodles, it's on Mexican food. OK, now. All right. You know what? We very rarely have sauce handles. That's what I'm thinking. And so this is my girlfriend's favorite Mexican place in San Jose. It's called Lovex, La Victoria's. They have this world renowned orange sauce that she loved. I didn't realize it was such a big deal, but I found a clone recipe online and was like, OK, we'll try and make it. And it's basically you take you buy some chill, dried chilies in the store, the vegetable oil. You roast up some tomatoes, some onions and put it all in a blender. Granted, it's kind of a lot of work, especially taking these eating the chilies. But the amazing sauce that comes out of this will take your tacos from like a seven to like an eleven. It's it's it's a spicy sauce, but it's not overpowering heat. It's just like creamy, delicious, amazing sauce that you can see. Like, I think this restaurant was built on this sauce, to be honest. I think that's what makes this such a good thing that I used it so far. Like, again, tacos, nachos. I've even used it as like a chicken marinade and it's really good. The only problem is the shelf life is short. It's like two weeks to a month. So the end of the amount of sauce that you get with one batch is like too much to do in two weeks to a month. Can you freeze it? I don't know. I did. I'll give you an update when I take it out of the freezer and let you know how it turns out if it's still if it's still good. But like a lot of us, a lot of the sauce is vegetable oil. So I'm worried that when I take it out of the freezer, it's going to have separated. You know, like what kind of vegetable oil, like vegetable oil? Yeah, that one, those vegetables, whatever the vegetables they used to make vegetable oil, that that vegetable oil, not the olive vegetable oil. Are all those vegetables? They're fruit. I just learned I just learned that in the past couple of weeks. Imagine asking for fruit salad and getting olives. Well, that'd be like getting a tomato. Yeah. Imagine getting a tomato and olive fruit salad. Anyway, Wavik's orange sauce secret recipe. You can also buy some from the website, but it's like ridiculously expensive. But I will share the secret with our listeners. I will put it in our show notes and you, too, can make some Wavik's orange sauce or bonus head on the frosty mug next time you're in San Jose. Go to a lot of Victoria's and get something with their orange sauce on it. If you don't want to make the sauce yourself. All right. I'm always up for new sauces. So I was kind of excited for you to bring something. So and before we get to the outro, I want to say I think it was a year ago today on the Chinese New Year episode where I recommended the Lao Gang Ma Chinese chili crisp sauce, the topping. I've been adding it to my ramen. It is a total game changer. It elevates your ramen to another dimension. Like the ramen that we used to eat in college. You don't eat ramen anymore. I it's like a regular part of my diet. No, it's it's got too much sodium now. That's fair. That's top ramen like Machu Man. Yeah, I like the Machu Man brand. Chris, do you eat ramen? More recently, it's been added back in. We don't use the flavor packets, though. We like cook it with like chicken and broccoli and stuff like that. So it's just the noodles. So that chili crisp. I'm telling you, Chris, it's like never having salt before and adding salt to your diet. That's how big of a game. Did you did you get this off Amazon? Is that what you said? Or can you get it on Amazon? No, it's in a I bought it at the Chinese grocery store. But you can probably find it at the regular grocery store. All right. OK, OK. Anyway, those are my two my two sauces for tonight. I like it. So with that, we'd like to thank you for listening. We will thank the breweries that provided today's beers. And I will thank Treehouse for the Green Machine IPA. I don't think nobody. I think myself. I was like waiting for this. I realized I was like, this is what I normally go. I'll think I'll think dogfish head for their Japanese spruce, a festive rice logger. Oh, yeah, that's a good one. All right. I got a great notion for right. Please make sure you head over to social media and follow us everywhere at the podcast. Also, make sure you follow the email at the podcast at gmail.com. Head over to Discord, join the live conversation over there. Go look to vote for who has the best beer name. Do that. And then obviously that's that's not me. So don't vote for me. And then make sure you keep an eye open for Mr. Oscar 2024 nominations coming. Obviously, we will reveal them on the podcast first before we put them up there. But that's where you can come to spate. All costs is nothing. You have to download Discord app, click the link in our description and join over there. Head over to Patreon as well. If you'd like to donate to the podcast monetarily, that's the best way to do it for as little as a dollar a month. You could support this podcast and it helps us do cool things like go on our trip to Asheville that we did in twenty twenty two. We didn't do anything in twenty twenty three. You also get you also get more voting on Mr. Oscar, so another good reason to sign up for the Patreon. Not enough patrons, though, to send us to Asheville again in twenty twenty three. As I said, the listeners, we're going to have it out soon, guys. And finally, head over your favorite podcast app. Leave us a five star rating and a review. And if you don't want to do that, just tell your friends, family about us verbally. That's a good way to you're sitting at a bar, hear somebody talking about podcasts. Be like, hey, I know a funny podcast about three guys. Well, maybe two guys you like and one guy that you don't like because he keeps on making fun of you guys about how much, you know, how much they like beer. And if they like beer, too, let them come join us. And with that, my name's Todd. My name's Chris and I'm Obert. And remember, if you're drinking alone, do it with friends. If you're in a bar and you see someone using sign language to ask for recommendations, you don't need to tell them. You know, a deaf community, we're not interested in having them as our listeners. Wow, they take it as strong. No, I download a download. You think that? Yeah, just download the show. Maybe deaf listeners are my favorite listeners. There's probably an app now where it takes the podcast and just turns it into text like the transcript does. That's another thing. We do have the transcripts. So you can be deaf and enjoy the podcast. That's very true. We're ahead of the games. You know what? I don't know of another podcast that actually does transcribe their podcast via chat. We're the only one. We are the only deaf favorable podcast on the planet. Yes. You heard it here first. We love the deaf. We always have. They love us. The record shows I love the deaf. I said so before. You know what we're going to do, especially for our deaf listeners? We're going to read the transcripts out loud on Patreon. So we'll read through the transcripts on Patreon, OK? Well, some of our listeners don't know this, but this is entirely scripted. So we have we type up the whole script for the show and then we read it off normally when we record. No, absolutely. Like that's how every podcast does it. Oh, and one final thing. The Las Vegas Aces won the WNBA championship last year. Let's go. Let's go. Mountain Times.