Hey folks, and welcome to Drinking Alone with Friends, a podcast where three friends drink alone together. My name's Chris. What up, it's Doug. And I'm Obert. Happy President's Day, everybody. Hooray. We've got our Christmas episode, our New Year's episode. It's President's Day already? Isn't that? No, sorry, MLK Day. That's where we're at. Oh, okay. All right. I mean, I think you can still get a really good deal on a car, if I know anything about commercials. Yeah. Chris's commercial knowledge stopped in 2008, I think, when he got rid of cable. I'm pretty sure you can still probably get a good deal on a car. In January? Yeah. In honor of Martin Luther King Day, you get a good deal on a car. You can also buy yourself a good TV because the Super Bowl is coming up. Yeah, there you go. That is a good, best time of the year to buy a TV. LPT right there. Now, keep in mind, in two months, they're all going to come out with new models of these TVs and your TV model is going to be a year old, so do with that information what you will. I mean, are people out there waiting for the new model year, being like, oh, I've got to get the Sony XCRJ-04? So funnily enough, I will expand on this for you. I am actually waiting for the new model of TV. Not that I'm going to go out and buy it immediately, but I don't know if I think Chris is the only one who knows. Maybe Obert knows this. He's been at my house. I have an 85-inch TV. I bought it during the pandemic when it was on super sale at Best Buy. Best Buy had a pricing error, so I bought it immediately. $0.69. It was on sale for the same price as the 65 was on sale, but it was an 85. So I bought it, Sony, and it's starting to have some pixel issues where it's starting to turn white in the bottom right corner. So I have been looking for a new TV. However, the OLED technology has not fully caught up in large-scale TVs like how I want it to be. So I am actually honestly waiting for the next generation of OLED TVs to come out in April to see if they actually update the model to the right OLED screen for that size. So usually I'm not one to monitor television models, but this one I am. So you're going to be at Best Buy at 11.59 p.m., in line, camping out, waiting for them to drop the gate, run in screaming, and grab a TV. No, I'm not going to do that, but I will be making a purchase within probably the next 365 days to upgrade my TV. What I'm going to do with the old 85-inch TV that still works? Give it to me. But surprisingly, out of its warranty is when it started to die. New beer-pong table. There you go. Now, now Tud, are you going to get another 85-inch TV, or are you going to upgrade to the 100-inch TV? So unfortunately, my wife says no to upgrading to the 100-inch TV. But in OLEDs they don't make 85. make 83. So I actually have to downsize. Oh, it's so disheartening. How are you going to see the TV? I don't think you're going to need new glasses. I'm going to have to buy a magnifying glass. Ted's got the telescope out to see his television. It's annoying. I'm not a fan of it. It's kind of weird. Maybe part of the new model that comes out in April, there'll be 87 inches instead. Then I can only hope. I'm hoping. Oh, man. It sounds like almost daily thing in my house where I'm like, my TV, I only have a 70 inch TV. So, you know, it's pretty small. And I'm like, oh, we need a bigger TV. And yeah, no, I get shot down every, every time, every time. And just have to say that your TV you have is currently dying. No, because she said we'll use the old TV. The old TV is a 50 inch TV. And if I'm using a child's TV, I am going to, I'm going to lose my mind. That was dying too. Does she not see the size difference? She says it's too big already. And I'm like, that's what she said. The number one rule of televisions is that they can never be too big. I agree. I agree. And she's, I don't know, stickler, I guess. I might have to get one for this room. I'll just have to put it like right on this wall. If you buy a new TV for your living room, you can put your old TV in that room. That is, that is very true. It's, it's honestly, it's economical. If you think, yeah, that or you put the 50 inch in that room, you put the 70 inches, the kid's TV, and then you get the bigger TV. You're forgetting what the 50 inch has got to go in the shower. Oh, that's right. The 50 inches is the exclusively the bathroom television, the shower TV. Yes. You either sit in the toilet or in the shower. You got something to watch. I think if Chris had a 50 inch television in his bathroom, he may never come out. Be like, where's Chris? So he's either pooping or showering. I got a bidet up here now too. So it's like, you know, I'll be clean. I'll be clean and watch a TV no matter what. It's going to be great. It's a constant state of water on Chris's body. From either end, it doesn't matter. Oh man, that'd be great. How would you do that though? You'd have to put like a plexiglass thing in front of it, right? Like, I mean, you could, you could just mount it on the outside on a wall. That's not like, if you're in the shower square, you could do it on the outside. Like you could do it across the, across the wall from the toilet. Cause I'm assuming that your toilet's next to your shower. At least that's how mine is. It depends. It depends on which bathroom, but I see what you're saying. I'm like, I'm sure there's a funnier answer that you can come up with. Oh, I mean you could mount it to the ceiling. Now we're talking. That's what I was thinking. And then Chris exclusively, he's done with showers. He's a bath boy from now on. He's laying down, getting clean. See, look, we did find a funnier one. See, it's, it is funnier that way. We, I think you guys also know we redesigned our bathroom upstairs, the large bathroom. Well, we have a very open wall now and I have floated the idea of sticking a TV on that wall. That surprisingly also gets shot down. You could see it from the shower. You can see it from the toilet. You can see it from the bathtub. It is the perfect wall. You could see it everywhere. Well, there you go. Now you found out what to do with your, with your dying TV. You found a spot for it. An 85 inch TV in the bathroom. I could see you've just remodeled the bathroom. You put this TV in so big, you can no longer close the door. But Todd's like, no, no, no, this is, this is what I want to do. This is perfect. I see no problems with this. I just, I just want to see the reaction when Todd brings home the 87 inch OLED. And then just when Caitlyn is working. Like an HGTV show. Like the reveal. I sneak it into the sunroom so she can't see it. When she leaves, I have somebody come over and help me hang it on the wall. Put the other one up in the bathroom and just don't say, just wait for the real. I would record it. It has to, I'd put it up on Instagram. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. A hundred percent. I could see what the fuck is this? And then to act shocked, be like, I have no idea what the hell you're talking about. We talked about this. Just try to convince her. I talked to her when she was like sleeping or something. Like you said in your sleep. Yeah, I could do whatever I wanted. In fact, I think it was your idea. You said bathroom TV. Well, all that bathroom TV talk sure has made me thirsty. I can't wait. I can't wait till Dana hears this and she is like in love with the idea and Chris gets a bathroom TV. Right. I think that's the only thing that's going to happen. Yeah. Or alternatively, there's a toilet in the living room. I'm going to grab a beer. It's beer 30 and I'm thirsty. I've been working like a dog all week long. So maybe something cold won't hurt me because it's beer 30 and it's time to party. Yeah, baby. Okay. Well, listeners, if you listened last week, you'll remember well, last episode I did the Velvet Merkin. I have the three year vertical series. We did 2019 last episode. This year we're moving on back in time to 2018. The 2019 was the first year they did the milk stout. So this one is going to be just the traditional oatmeal stout. So we'll see. And as a quick recap, if you maybe missed it, last week I said it was just okay. And I was expecting more. What year is this one? This one. This is the 2018 and this is 7.8% ABV. I think the last one was also in the same kind of ballpark, maybe even a little lower. I don't know. Just to remind the listeners, Obert is reviewing three years in a row over the course of three episodes. We are not providing Obert with what his guess is and we are not announcing who's getting points for three or until next episode. But I am recording who won and by what. So okay, good to know. So yeah, I'm going to be curious to see how this compares to my first beer of the new year. So okay, last time milk stout, this time oatmeal stout. What's the difference? Smells good. I would say a little bit more aroma than I got last week, which is a good sign because I felt last week's was a little flat. So we'll see how it is. Cheers. Cheers. And stuff. I think I like this one a little bit more. Still, but I also think my expectations are a lot lower, right? So that's going to impact my overall thoughts on this beer. I came in this week expecting much thinner body, right? More pringles on my tongue. Is it good? Is it good temperature this time too? Yeah, I think I let it warm up a little bit too much last time. This is more straight from the fridge, which I think for a beer like this that was, you know, less heavy is actually a better call drinking it a little colder. It's still just fine. I don't even remember what I gave last week's, but this is, I think I probably gave last week's like a 375 and I'm going to say this is also 375. If I had to guess, this is no appreciable difference in weight of how good it is. It's like I said, I don't think that the milk stout was added much. I think I'm happy this is not a milk stout, but it's still not anything too special, right? Okay. So out of 9,836 people, what do you think they rated it? Can you tell me what I rated last week's? I cannot. Oh, you don't have that. You don't have that data. No, I did not write down your rating. I only wrote down your guess. Okay. I think my guess was like a 4.00 last week. That's kind of what I'm trying to, what I think. Your guess for what untapped rating was? Yeah. Yes. I could tell you that your guess last week or two weeks was a 4.00. I do have that information. Yeah. And I think this one's going to be a little higher. I think it's going to be a 4.02. 4.02. I think an extra year of age. They got a little bump, little bump, you know? Okay. Well, we'll have to see next week. Yeah. The big reveal, you know, Firestone Walker, I don't know how you guys see about them overall as a brewery. I think that they're just okay. I definitely have had some really good stuff from them. Like some of their more limited edition stuff, but yeah, I mean, they're not one I get overly excited about when I see. I don't go out trying to find their stuff. Also, is it just me or do they not make like, I feel like everything they make is like a big release. I don't think there's like a, oh, I'm going to go have a Firestone Walker pale ale or whatever, you know? I think everything is a bigger release, like a barrel-aged Leo versus Ursus something or other, you know? So I don't know if the accessibility is there. My guess is that the stuff that's regularly, you know, on tap, the regular stuff is more West Coast, but the special release makes it nationwide. So maybe that's why you're just seeing that. That would be my guess as well. That makes a lot of sense. That does make a lot of sense, but still. I will say looking at untapped, I have had their Union Jack IPA, which is apparently their standard IPA and I gave it a three and a half. So, okay. That does sound familiar. I don't know if that was in check-ins. Yeah. I don't know if I, yeah, it sounds familiar. I don't know if I've had that as well. I think they have like a six, eight, six pale ale or IPA or some kind of numbers. 805 blonde ale. Yeah. That's what I said. Exactly right. With both the number and the style of that also has 150,000 check-ins. So that's another one of their big ones. Okay. Apparently a Firestone Walker is doing some stuff that I don't hear about very often. I mean, it makes sense, right? We live on the exact opposite side of the country. Very true. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But they need to try and impress us is what I'm getting at. Listen, I'm with you. You and Shania Twain, they don't impress you much. No, Shania Twain on the other hand. She does impress you. She impresses me much. Yes. She always has. Well, hopefully my guess this week was as close as my guess for the number of the beer name that they had. So with that, I'm feeling like I really locked it in. I wish I could tell you more, but I can't. It's veiled in secrecy. It's kind of a fun game for our listeners. I hope they're having more fun with it than I am because to be honest, after two weeks, I'm kind of sick of this beer. Should we tell the listeners that you actually did in case this one was worse to have a backup beer? I do have a backup beer. I mean, I don't think you need to drink it. Ted, I don't think that's in the spirit of this podcast. For someone who tried to get me to drink eight different types of seltzers one time. There's a difference. You're you and he's him. I mean, that is true. Yeah. I feel like the spirit of the show is you always need to tell the co-hosts that they need to drink more. I think that's what we do here. Then you know what? Screw it. So you drink more. Go drink. Go get your other beer. Ah, it twisted my arm here. All right. I will get my beer because I saw it in the store. I'm like, this is a great one to have on the podcast and I don't want to wait a month. So here we go. Do you know what the zip code for Dawson's Creek is? 8675309? No, 10108. Is that in their song? I've never watched an episode of Dawson's Creek. No, it was wasted on you. The listeners love that. Was that their theme song? Yes. I'm pretty sure that's Stick Stickly's zip code as well. New York City, New York State. Yeah, 10108. Wow, it is. Yeah, I didn't think about that. We've already talked about Stick Stickly. We have. We have. So I'm back. I have a beer. Malin's walking. They're back again. Guess who's back. They're back again. Walking back. They're like that Theresa May. No, whoever the prime minister of the UK was that had the meme where she was like walking in and doing a robot dance. You know the meme I'm talking about? I'll put it in the chat. I was going to say we need a chat drop. Yeah, I have no idea. Have you seen this meme? Yes. Yes, I have seen this. No. Yeah, it is Theresa May. It's her dancing, but it's like she's like walking in like she's a wrestler and she's entering the ring or something like that. But yep, that's Malin's walking right into this beer. Coming back. This episode is all over the place. It's got a weird energy, but Malin's walking. Before I introduce this beer, I have to say you could learn a thing or two about branding and naming your beers because this is a dessert cart, which is their seasonal series. They make a new beer every fall or winter or whatever. I think this beer comes out year round. I don't know why they call it seasonal series. It's called dessert cart, but it's a different recipe. If this was abomination, this would be like wandering into the s'mores fog or something like that. They would have a name for the beer. True. Malin's walking refuses to name their beers and it bothers me. I don't know why they can't name their beers. They do it with the dessert cart. They do it with I think like their fruit sour series. They're all the same name. I also think they have this- This is going to be really difficult to find on untapped is what you're saying. No, they do a pretty good job of making them accessible. They have the same color palette of this little artistic landscape, minimalist landscape can, that's what I'll call it. But the design changes, these different elements to the landscape, they're making a new label. I think you'll sell more beer if you come up with new names. You don't have to call it the same thing every time. You're killing me. Well, all right, so I think you kind of buried the lead here, but this is dessert cart s'mores, correct? No, no, this is a- I haven't even told you about the beer yet. Allow me to tell you now. This is the dessert cart barrel aged stout with coffee, maple, cinnamon, and graham cracker. Not a good name for a beer. Throwing that out there. It tells you what's in it, but you could do better. Barrel aged with coffee, maple, cinnamon, and graham crackers? Yeah. Okay. So that is the name of the beer. I mean- It is, yeah. But why? It doesn't need to be this way. True. But I mean, sounds like it's going to be an amazing beer. Right. They could have added some flair. Yeah, dessert cart, the name is just not- It's not doing it for me. Have they thought about heavy death metal lyrics? Because that works out for a place down here, and it's not confusing at all. I would rather, at least with this, Mountain's Walking is telling you what it is. It's telling you what's in it. You can kind of figure it out. Unlike Barreled Souls, you're like, I don't have a fucking clue. I'm lost. I forgot what it was, and I just read it to the bartender. I forgot what it was as it was coming out of my mouth. Right. It's a very descriptive name, and don't get me wrong, I do enjoy the dessert cart series some more than others, but you could market it better. The reason I wanted to bring this beer on this episode is because this beer is everything that I wanted out of the Velvet Mirkin that I didn't get. I just poured it. We're going to do a live slosh test. You can see the Velvet Mirkin sloshing all around. It's a thin beer. This boy, I just do a little roll, and you can see the difference. The difference of volume of beer in your glasses is vastly different. Yeah, but that's true. This is a smaller glass, too. But it poured like motor oil, which is always a good sign when you're pouring these stouts. I don't know the ABV on this guy. 10%. Not much more than the Velvet Mirkin, but appreciable. On the nose, very subtle flavors. Don't get a ton, but I got to ask, do I get a second drop? We could do that for you. I appreciate it. Is that what you were expecting? I was honestly sad the first time when I got... Well, you let off, so you get beer 30 beforehand, so... I got beer as good and stuff. No, no, but leading into your review, you get beer 30, so usually I take... Whoever drinks first gets a small clip. But beer as good is my anthem. It's my jam. It really is. Obert just doesn't get thirsty enough unless he hears Jolly Good Girls. I am Pav Slav's dog. The slobber starts... I have to swallow my spit as soon as I hear that song, because it makes me thirsty. You hated that drop at first. And now I can't drink beer without it. Really, I really can't. So let's talk about this dessert cart, because as I alluded to, this adjunct filled dessert in a beer is everything I wanted out of the Velvet Merkin, even though I knew I wasn't going to get it. The first beer I had tonight was Animal Crackers that you try and convince someone is dessert. This beer is a delicious, fudgy, graham crackery filled amazing sweet treat. Okay. Just going through coffee, maple, cinnamon, graham cracker. Okay, the maple was... I get maple, graham cracker, cinnamon, check, check, check. Those all kind of are in the same family anyway, right? But coffee, yeah, it's a little bitter. I think those are all great additions to a beer. Yeah, this is going to give me a hangover, but it'll be worth it. I wouldn't rate this so high, but after the last one, this is getting a four and a half for me. Oh, wow. It's that good. That is a really good rating. Yeah. It's everything I need in a stout and stuff I don't need, but it makes me feel good, just how dessert should be. So I'm all for playing the untapped game with you here, but you have to be aware that this is not... No points. Yeah, this is not qualified for points. Yeah, but just how many check-ins do we have? 36. Okay, so it is a new one. I wasn't sure if they recycled their dessert cards back in, but I think it's pretty good. 36, I don't know, 422, what do we got? Maybe you should have reviewed this one because you got that one exactly correct. Oh, shit. Oh, my God. Oh, there you go. You did get a perfect guess. Perfect score doesn't count. It's like the bad luck Brian meme of our podcast. Yep. Wow. Holy cow. But cheers to that. It makes me feel, honestly, I'm not going to lie. A little bit of insight here. I'm feeling really bad about the Valor Americans because I feel like I am wearing soundproof noise-canceling headphones with a blindfold on at a free throw line, and I have to throw the ball three times, and it doesn't feel good. I will warn you, this was your choice. Oh, I know, but it's not until you throw that second free throw shot and you're like, should I throw a lot harder than the first one? Well, even with free throws, you can hear, did I hit a backboard? Did I hit a rim? Did it just air ball and peg grandma in the front row? Do you have no idea? He did say noise-proof headphones, so he can't hear it or see anything. He's just chucking it. Yeah, and it's like, normally you'd get the feedback, but I got nothing, so we'll see next week. Maybe I'm three exactly correct in a row, so who knows? Perhaps. But I'm feeling really good after that perfect score. I know, that's wonderful. You should- Even though it counts for nothing. You should- a participation ribbon, that's what you deserve on the whiteboard. I agree. I think a participation ribbon for nailing it. I just learned that Chris can't say participation. Yeah, I know, I said it wrong. Yeah, I could maybe a nice little precipitation. I'm going to draw it under the frosty mug. Oh, there you go. Frosty mug. While I'm extolling my great artistic abilities on the board, who's ready to go next? I mean, I'm all for drinking. Chris, if you want to drink, it's up to you. No, go ahead. All right. Now we got to find out how much I know about what participation ribbons look like. I don't know what participation ribbons look like. Here's my attempt. I tried to do it with two stocks instead. I think that's fine. I'll see what Ted thinks. Ted, what does a participation ribbon look like? I think there's usually two tassels at the bottom. Oh, okay. I did that and it looked like a weird two-legged nipple. Well, it's usually like a tassel. It's like a tassel and it has like a V at the bottom, and then another tassel that has a V at the bottom. Okay, so it looks like two Ws at the bottom. No, two upside down Vs. Yeah, there you go. Yeah, yeah. Okay. Could have been better drawn, but that looks good. Smaller Vs, not capital Vs. I'm going to make it like a kinky boots Vs. Just give them a little boots there. Okay, so what have we got? All right, so my beer this week, I saw this in my fridge and I was trying to figure out where I got this beer from. Wracked my brain, tried to figure it out and- Mystery beer. Based on the, well, I know the name of the beer, but based on what's on the bottom of the can, the only thing I can gather is that Jordan sent this to me way back in 2020. Oh my God. Wow. So- It's an ancient, ancient beer. It is an ancient beer. That's the theme, I guess. So this is White Chocolate by The Brewery, which is an ale aged in bourbon barrels with cacao nibs and vanilla beans. Comes in at a hefty 14.8% ABV. It does not say where The Brewery is, right in the front of the can, it does. Nevermind, there's more words. Brewed and canned by The Brewery, Palacentia, California. So I'm assuming this is a Jordan beer. From Placenta, California. There you go. Yes, Placentia. It says in the back, a tasteful treatment of cacao nibs and hand-prepared vanilla beans award the golden waves of this wheat wine style ale a subtle savoriness reminiscent of white chocolate characters of coconut, honey, caramel, and vanilla. Interwined seamlessly in this bourbon barrel aged treat. So let's see what's gonna happen. So I'm afraid the can might explode. I'm not optimistic. I think a white chocolate beer is hard to pull off fresh from the tap. I mean, it's not my favorite chocolate. But it doesn't have any white chocolate in it. It has cacao nibs and vanilla, so. That's fair. Can we all agree white chocolate's the worst chocolate? Uh-huh. Cool. I would say so. What are the other chocolates? Dark milk? Yeah, I mean, like Nutella's like hazelnut chocolate. I would say that's better. I don't know. I will say that the Hershey's Cookies and Cream Bar, though, is actually not bad. That's Cookies and Cream Chocolate, though. It's different. But that's like with the white chocolate base, you know? Yeah, those are not my favorite, if I'm being honest. And I love Oreo. Yeah. Thank you for being honest. I mean, it's what I do. So this beer, obviously, it's a golden ale, poured with a nice little bit of head. The T-Rex test shows that you would be blind, or you would be safe from a T-Rex. Yeah, I mean, I guess. I mean, you're not seen to do that. I see a lot of speckles in there. I do, too. There's a lot of stuff happening to that beer. There's a lot of floaties. I'm telling my inner type of Clio here. It did not explode, so. That's good. That's good. And you guys will be happy to know, I have been making my way through my beer supply. I have almost cleaned out my kegerator. All right. OK. I mean, besides the bottles that I keep on putting in there, because it really is for bottles in a keg. But there's almost no cans in the kegerator. I think there's like four left. So you're saying, except for the beers that you're adding to the kegerator, you've almost emptied all the beers. Yeah, well, so I had a problem where I put a lot of canned beers in the kegerator, and there was nowhere to, because I couldn't put them in my beer fridge. So why not? There was too much beer in the beer fridge. So I have cut down on the canned beers. So we're moving in the right direction. There you go. That's always good. I want to predict what you're going to rate this beer before you even take a sip. Would you mind taking your headphones off so I can tell Chris my prediction? I'm thinking he's giving this a three, two, five. OK. All right. It's locked in. And for all the listeners at home, I did also cover my eyes, so I couldn't try to lip read over, because I got really good at that today before the podcast. Yeah, we had to cut 15 minutes of silence where Ted was covering his eyes. But he's back now. Hey, it was effective, was it not? It was. It was good. It was effective. All right. Let's dive on in. It's not terrible. It does have a little bit of the Pringles going on. So it did stay carbonated over the course of three years, four years. This was brewed. This was canned on 115, 2020. So we are right there. This is a four-year-old beer. Oh, boy. You know, I don't get white chocolate. It's not a flavor I'm getting. I get a lot of the vanilla notes, which is surprising that that did not fade away. And I get a lot of the honey-ness that they were talking about on the back of the can. Is it too sweet? No, it's actually very mild for being a white chocolate golden ale. A little bit of hints of caramel. I'm just going off of what the back of the can says just to see if I can even pick it up. I don't get white chocolate, but I do get the vanilla and the caramel and the honey. Not white chocolate. It's not bad. It's not the best beer I've ever had. It does have a little bit of an alcohol bite to it at 14.8%. So kind of to be expected. Yeah, that's a big beer. To be honest, I would never buy this beer. I didn't. Would you? Would you guys buy this beer? No, probably not. I don't think I would have based on the description. After having it, it's very barley wine-esque. Chris, this is actually a beer that I think you would like a lot. No, I mean, you said barley wine. That's one of my go-to's. I say go-to's. It's one of my good favorite beers that I don't have very often. This is a wheat wine instead of a barley wine. So it's a little bit more mild. It doesn't have as many... Not gluten-free. Correct. I like this better than barley wines. As we all know, I'm not a major fan of barley wines. I do drink them, but this is definitely... Maybe the wheat wine style is more for me. I don't think I would do these flavors in one of these going forward. I would like to get a little bit more chocolate. Maybe adding a little bit of white chocolate instead of cacao nibs may have helped this process a little bit, but I don't know how you do that in a golden ale. But overall, not terrible. Not the best beer. Definitely get that freaking bourbon burn though in the back of your throat and down your esophagus. Yeah, I think Todd Cleo's wrong here. I think I underestimated it. I think you did as well, but let's see. I don't know what you gave it, but I'm going to give it... It's a good beer. It's not a great beer. I'm going to give it a 3.75. Yeah, I thought you were going 3.25. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, it's not that terrible. Which for Todd, it's like a, I guess I'll finish it beer. It's not that terrible. It's good enough. I would probably try it again if I saw it. It looks like it's a... This says 2020 edition on it, so it looks like it's a yearly thing for them. So if I was in California this week, I would try it because it's most likely available. So you would buy it. I would try it at the brewery. I don't know if I'd buy a can of it and bring it home. Yeah. Got you. Also, because if you look at the can, this is probably the reason why I probably avoided it for so long. It's just kind of a... Blue? It's just kind of a blue can. It's very boring. Yeah, it's not one that grabs you when you open the fridge. It looks like if you needed a beer in a movie where you're trying to not infringe anyone's copyrights, you would have seen this on the show. Exactly, but it's not so plain. It doesn't just say beer on it. I've said would be a can that I would buy. It's plain enough that you don't want to pick it up, but it's also fancy enough that it's not the plainest can. Does that make sense? It does. I got you. I'll take a picture of it. I'll put it on the Instagram so you can see it. We have an Instagram? We do. You should try posting on it sometimes. So what's the verdict on the untapped diverse? What's the check-ins? What's the rating? There's 3,227 ratings, and it's a 3.17. So you should just guess that. No, wait, hold on. 2.17. Guess that. Now I'm really confused. 1.17. There you go. I think the brewery has a decent following, but I don't think it's going to be people's cup of tea either. I honestly have no idea how to rate a four-year-old beer. You know what? 3.69. We'll throw a 6.9 in there. Nice. You got it right. Yay. No, you didn't. Am I supposed to tell you? No participation, Ruby, for that. Well, yes. No, you could tell us. OK. OK, I can tell you guys. I have to write it down in the book. In the book, in the ledger. Got to keep it. All right, so it's actually a 3.99. So you were off by quite a bit. I think I'm seeing something different. What are you looking at? White Chocolate 2020. Oh, OK. I have just the White Chocolate. What is that one rated? Oh, let's go down. Leave it wide open for me or overt. Yeah, that one was a 4.07. So I'm 0.3 off. Yeah. That's a lot. That's considerable. It's the breaks for drinking a four-year-old beer. Yeah. Planfolded and deafened, you would never know. You could think you switched it. That's true. Just like over the last two weeks. Like I did. Exactly. 100% correct. I mean, he's gotten three in a row. Right on the mark. Right. Exactly. Listen, you might have two correct answers here. We don't know. Or I know. Three. Three correct answers. Well, one of them doesn't count. It's true. True. I mean, I did get the ribbon. We should look at the ribbon. It's true. The participation ribbon. I said it right. It's a very pretty ribbon for you. But that's all you get. Thank you. Well, I think we've made Chris wait long enough. Yes. You guys have already drank all the beers. We're at a three-beer quota. All right. So every time my family comes down from Connecticut, they bring me beer. So for the next few episodes, I'll probably have some Connecticut throwbacks. I gotta say, you got a good family. It's really not a bad hookup. My mom comes down or my brother comes down with a big, huge thing of beer. Like, what a way to bring a welcome in. I mean, that is true. Yeah. Honestly, it's like, they're like, what do you want for Christmas? And I'm like, beer fridges by the uptie right now. So they bring me Fox Farm and all this other stuff. How often do they come down? Normally for Christmas, the kids' birthdays, and then maybe another time. So I don't know. Just like whenever Chris gets thirsty. Yeah. So it just seems like if you have 12 kids and you have them at each different month. I mean, that's the way to do it, I think. Worth it. So they always bring me Fox Farm because it's my favorite brewery. But they always rotate the second one. So I know they brought Beard before. They've brought Tox before. So this time they brought Outer Light. And I have their Greetings from Groton, Connecticut IPA. It's a 6% IPA. It's got a bunch of Groton, I don't know if you want to call it graffiti or just landmarks, things like that on the can. But yeah, I think there's a local graffiti artist who draws in that style. It's the big block font of each letter with little symbols of Groton. Yeah, it's a pretty neat looking can. And I really enjoy Outer Light. They definitely don't get the buzz for how good, how decent I think they are. I would tend to agree. They don't even get the buzz in the state. No, I know. And I know we talk about it all the time. We're big fanboys for New England beer. You wouldn't think it listening to the podcast. But you know, we're pretty impartial. No, if they were in my county, they would be the best beer in the county. Yeah, I mean, honestly, I mean, honestly, me too. I don't know. I can't think of it. But like, there's so many, you know, that's one thing going from Connecticut with seven counties to North Carolina with 70 trillion counties. It's like, oh, my God, we just have counties for the sake of having counties. It was like six people like going to make a county. Yeah, why not? We love county fairs, so we can't get enough of it. Right. It's a big county fair conspiracy. Anyways, in my county down here, too, it would be the best. But yeah, so we're going to go ahead and jump into this. I haven't had like a new a newer beer from them in years. It's been a long time. So I'm actually pretty excited for this little lineup that I got. So here's the first one. Greetings from Groton, circa North Carolina. Oh, what is the malted liquor? What gets you drunk or quicker? What comes in bottles or in cans can't get enough of it. How we really love it makes me think I'm a man. I mean, she's pretty. She's a pretty looking beer. I don't know if I'll do the light test, but I've got I've got a big, thick inch of head on this thing. That is a nice port. Yeah. You look like you could be in a commercial for this beer. That's how perfect the port is. It was it was a really nice port. I probably have a smidge. Honestly, I don't think this is I think our co-host has been replaced by an alien. Yeah, I can't imagine that you poured this beer. Ah, yes, I will pour it in the human fashion. The human mouth glass. With your participation. That's how we know he still is, Chris, because he can't speak. That's true. That's true. All right. So let's say we're going to do the T-Rex test. Oh, my goodness. Lights up like a light bulb. Wow. Wow. It is. You would almost say it lights up like a lighthouse because it's from Groton. Oh, there you go. There you go. Maybe that's that's the conspiracy. Rudolph, won't you guide my sleigh tonight? It's a reference to last month. No one gets it. It's OK. We were you guys know Rudolph. You guys heard of this guy? Say Christmas and stuff. Do you guys want to fact about little known Rudolph? You guys want to fact about turkeys? Oh, no, not this again. No, it's actually funny. Dana and I were talking because Lucas is still singing jingle bells. He just doesn't get the fact that Christmas is over. And we were like, when do you think he's going to stop singing jingle bells? I'm like, probably mid-April. It's so funny, though. All right. So you have to show him a calendar. I'm not going to lie. Explain to him what a calendar is. Yeah. Yeah, they don't learn that in preschool. But here it is. It's still looking nice. Hanging on to a little bit of that head. Smells like a New England IPA. I mean, let's see. Admittedly, I think I generally enjoy their stouts more than their IPAs. But like I said, been a long time since I've had an hour late. So let's see. Let's see how they're doing. It is good. It definitely is. It's a little maltier than some of the other IPAs that I've had from that anywhere. And the other thing is it definitely hits you way heavier on the back end than it does the front end. The front end is kind of like an easy sip. And then once it settles on the back of your tongue, it just hits you really hard. It's got a decent amount of bite to it. I don't know what kind of IBUs we're dealing with, but it's got some bite to it. I'm getting some floral notes from it. So definitely more florally than I would say citrusy on this guy. It's still good. It's got a light beginning, but then it gets really heavy towards the end. A little bit of bite at the end. It's good. It's a little different than your typical New England IPA, which is actually kind of refreshing at times, right? We talk about it all the time. How many times are you going to have a New England IPA? You know, how do you describe a New England IPA? So the fact that this is a little bit more floral, a little bit more... It's got some IBUs, but a little bit more on the malty side on the back end. It's actually kind of nice. It's not like my typical go-to, but it's a good beer. It's very good. My first new beer, I say quote unquote new. I don't know how new this beer actually is. New beer from then in a while. Impressed. I'm impressed. I'm... Tastes like home. It's like home. It's like we're there. You know, this takes me back. We're there and we're just playing a giant jumbling tower game. You know, having a grand old time. That's actually the last time the three of us were there together. It was your bachelor party. Honestly, it may have been one of the last times I was there, period. I don't think I went back. I can safely say it's the only time I've been there. Really? All the time. We used to go when we lived not in North Carolina. Like we were... You know, when you lived in the same county as... You guys could always move back. There's nothing that says you can't. And the beer is trying... The beer is welcoming him home. That's true. But this is good. I like it. I'm going to give it a four. It's a solid four. You know, it's not the best of the best of the best of the IPAs, but it's something a little bit different. It's good. And I'm excited to try... I got a whole semi-fridge... Well, most of it's Fox Farm, but I have a decent amount more of these guys too. So yeah, I'm excited. So 4.0 for me. Very nice. Well, there are 49 other check-ins. Oh God, I was worried about that. So does that mean it's new or does Outer Light just generally not have a lot of check-ins? I think it's new. I think it's new. I think Outer Light has a decent... Like if you live in Crotton, you love going to Outer Light. I feel like that's like a fair thing to say. True statement. Yeah. They welcome you. The oldest check-in is September. Okay. Still been around for a little bit though. Right. From last year, you know. Oh, well yeah, it's a year ago. Yeah. I don't know. I have no idea. Because now I'm in this weird spot where are they the diehards, you know? Are they the Outer Light diehards that check this in, that love Outer Light, and are going to give everything a five? Or is this like... Rocking heads? Yeah. Or are they just like, you know, beer drinkers like me? I'm guessing since it's only 49, it's going to be that diehard crew of folks. And I'm going to say it's a 4.04. 0.1 off. And a 4.14. Oh, wow. Wow. You probably thought that you were off in the other direction. But no, it's a 4.14. I almost guessed a 4.11, but I was like... Oh, I see what you said. 0.1. 0.1. A tenth. A tenth of a bottle cap. I know I got within tug. That I do know. I have no idea who won the point this week. And contention. It is kind of fun. It does make it a little bit more interesting. I mean, I could look up your beer. I just haven't. Yeah. Well, you've got to be in suspense with our audience, you know? That's true. That's true. Yeah. I think we have to do that. I think we have to make sure that Tud is the one that grades your beer. So all of it is... Right. That's what we've been doing so far. No, I thought I did it last week. Because I know last week's... Or last lax. I don't know. Historian. Righted. I have a little creative game I'd like to play with you guys. But I'm worried it would... Sidebar one second. This beer, as it warms up, tastes a lot more like white chocolate. Now I get it. Oh, nice. It's good, though. It's a good white chocolate. Not overpowering. So proceed with your activities. I'm glad we got the beer update. So I have a little creative exercise I'd like to do with you guys. But I'm worried it would take too long. It might eat into our handle time. Would you be okay playing a little game instead of doing handles? Yes, 100%. I think our New Year's resolution is no more handles, only games. No, I don't think so. But sure, I'm okay with it this week. Well, normally I would defer to the winner, but we don't have a winner. Or it's me. Or it's Chris. So this is what I want to do. I want to name a beer with you guys. I think this is how I want to do it. We all have to come up with styles of beer, additions like an adjunct to a beer, and then a brewery name. And then we roll a die and we pick one of each of those to create a brand new beer and see who can come up with the best name for it. Okay, okay, okay. I see where you're going at. So we'll edit this part out, but we're going to each come up with two beer styles, adjuncts, and brewery names. And then we're going to roll three D6s to see what the beer we have to name. Okay. All right. I like this. This is going to be interesting. I think it would be fun. 20 minutes later. Okay, we have our results. I don't know if we should read them aloud or we should just roll the dice. Let's just roll the dice and we'll name our beer. Yeah, let's do that, let's do that. Okay. Dice Roller. Okay, let's roll these dice. D6, first roll, five. First column is five, which is? Triple IPA. Triple IPA. Then next is two, which is? Broccoli stems. Okay. And finally, the brewery is five. Oh, burial. So we have to name a burial triple IPA brewed with broccoli stems. Oh my God. And I'll put a poll in the discord and whoever wins will get a participation next to mine. Well, let's do that. Let's do that. Oh my goodness. Okay, everybody take a minute. A minute? I'm going to need like, I need to look up songs. Come up with, come up with your name. We'll put it in the discord here. Who just, who just searched vegetable metal song about broccoli? Who did it? I just, I just Googled popped up. Wait, you Googled it? I Googled, I Googled something and it completed it about broccoli. That's funny. All right. I'm ready. I'm writing a little bit back straight. You come up with like a description? Uh-huh. Oh, but my, my, my, my sentence is so long. All right, let's go. Let's, let's go. Okay. So here's our triple IPA brewed with broccoli stems. I'm not ready yet. Oh, okay. Nevermind. Nevermind. This is not working for me. This is a combination? No, it is not. The only thing I know is I have two, I have two words, but it doesn't fit the burial style at all. I'm not, I'm not metal enough. I don't think. All right. That's a shame. You're too soft core. I am. I am ready. Chris, you want to lead us off with our triple broccoli IPA for burial? I'm trying to find the, uh, where, where this came from because I, I did steal part of it off of all of it, almost from a website. So I'm trying to find it, but apparently this is my, Set your sources. There we go. I'm just, well, you know what? I'm going to go with it and I'll find it later, I guess. So, uh, I came up with, uh, uh, this is not a song. It's a sandwich or do you want a taco or a broccoli IPA? That's the only thing I had was the broccoli IPA, triple IPA like all mesh mashed together. That was the only thing. So this is from, this is a lyric from jingle bell metal by psycho stick, which is a, a metal, a metal band, except for the broccoli IPA thing. I added that. So, so I thought it very nice. Yeah. You know, I don't know a lot of metal. I think that I could easily see that at a, at a blackboard chalkboard and, uh, the burial tap room. I thought so too. So I just kind of, I was just going to find it. So, all right. Um, I'll go next. I actually wrote it a little bit of a description. My beer name is, uh, called chop the florets off. Okay. Um, and chop the florets off is an ultra bitter triple IPA brewed with Citra, Amarillo and, uh, Yukon five hops that spends 15 seconds inside of a series of calendars filled with the remaining broccoli stems from the produce we donate to the local homeless metalheads shelter. Roe seeds from this beer are used to educate local kindergartners on the importance of eating your vegetables. Okay. Chop the florets off. Chop the florets off. Yeah. So, um, I went a little bit different. It seems you guys looked for songs for inspiration, but to me, I don't, as somebody who knows a lot of metal music, I don't notice their, their, or their, their beer names from song lyrics or the descriptions. What I noticed is that it seems like they're just like writing random shit and throwing it at a wall. So that's what I did. Um, so mine is called a far reaching walk betwixt a cropland at the edge of space and time. Oh, I like that. Yeah, that's definitely a, that's definitely a burial name. So the, uh, then my description, I also, you know, took a gander at untapped and saw how they write their descriptions. And this is what my description is. Take a walk with captain platypus and his dog Penelope as they tirelessly wander trapped within past, present, and future through a garden filled with good evil in the chaotic, a hefty triple IPA cultivated with Simcoe and galaxy hops dry hopped with mosaic and 15 pounds of broccoli stems. Very nice. That's a good one. Yeah, I like it. So yeah, we'll put needlessly complicated. So that's exactly what Barrett would go with 100%. So, so put, put that in our discord chat so I can, we could make a poll. I got to type this thing. Yeah. Cause I'm not going to remember it. All right. That's the, any good burial name you cannot remember. The second it leaves your lips, it's, uh, it's gone forever. That's very true. But yeah, I thought that was a fun little, uh, fun little game. Yeah, I liked it. Name of beer. I was really hoping for the Brownie IPA to win though. I've been waiting on that. Yeah. Brownie IPA. Let's make it happen. I mean, it's, I, I pitched it multiple times. I don't know. I don't know why, why people, uh, why people don't like it baffling. Yeah. So I think we should do this again. We should name more beers. It's kind of, it's kind of fun to name burial beers a little bit. Cause like, you kind of have to work out an idea. Well, I think Todd, you were the most hesitant coming in and I think you'd honestly knock this one out of the park. This is 100% a burial beer name. Oh yeah. No, no, no. A hundred percent, a hundred percent. I think, I think, yeah, I think, cause I do know that they're, I don't know if they're lyrics or song names or whatever, but like they listen to all this like super heavy stuff that I do not listen to. And I think just going with like what you did was, was perfect. Like I'm not going to, I'm not like, I want to win obviously, but so vote for me, but The first name I had was, um, he death of the universe, but I switched it at the last minute. I kind of like heat death of the universe. Yeah. I wanted to get more broccoli in there just for the sake of the game. But, um, I got cropland in there. I'm not going to lie. The synonym, the synonym calculator got a, got a few little hits of words that like at first the name of the beer was wandering through a vegetable patch. Oh, and you used a, used a little, got a little help from the internet, huh? Well, that, and then I added in space and time and then betwixt, I was like, I have to get that in there. Sure. It was a, this is a good collaborative process. I think we should do this again though. I think we should, um, name more beers. I kind of want to write more, just write more descriptive paragraphs about burial's naming conventions. It was a really good, I had a lot of fun using my brain power with burial. Yeah. Um, this is how Todd starts writing poems. Exactly. Yeah. Might be, might be the new, new Todd poetry. Did you, um, did you want to talk about your, you're brewing a new beer? So I'm not brewing a new beer yet. Um, I have tracked down a licorice stick. So you're thinking about brewing a new beer. I am thinking about brewing a new beer. Um, I, I, I wanted to brew, um, Odin's, not Odin. Uh, I wanted to brew the beer by Fremont. That's the, uh, prerequisite to the Rusty Nail, but I can't, I can't do the barrel aging process. Yeah. So I can't do the barrel aging process because I don't have access to a bourbon barrel. Um, nor do I have space to store said bourbon barrel or have that much beer to put said bourbon barrel. So I'm going to brew the one that's, I'm going to brew the beer that's basically Rusty Nail without the bourbon barrel agent. So my, my struggle has been to track down brewer's licorice. I have found it. Um, my local home brew store was out of it. I asked him to give me a call. If he got some in, he called me and told me he got some in like a day later. So I now have a pretty good access to it. Um, I was warned by him and by the internet to not try to eat it. Um, no, apparently even a small sliver will burn, like literally burn the inside of your mouth. Oh God. This is like, yeah, I was told where wear gloves. Um, what is this stuff? Cut it. I thought it was regular licorice. No, no, you have to store it in a, in a bag in your freezer and then you cut it. Basically, like you have to cut it on top of like something you're willing to throw away. Um, because it, it burns and it sticks around and it's sticky, which is why it has to stay frozen because if it becomes room temperature, it starts to fall apart. So I'm matching like Homer Simpson with like the tongs and the glowing green rod. Like, so this is going to be quite the, uh, the experience. And I was, you know, as the, uh, the Fremont brewer said, it's better to use less than more when using this stuff, because it's extremely powerful. Um, so having said that, what better way to try it than the brew of beer I've never had off a recipe that some guy gave me on the internet. Sounds great. I think so. So, Obert, what I'm going to need from you is I'm going to need you to keep an eye open. And, uh, if you happen to find a bottle to send it to me, um, within the next month would be ideal. I will ask at my local store. Maybe they'll call me back the next day. Is it a regularly brewed beer? I mean, is it, I think it's a seasonal thing. Oh, did I miss it? Should I hold off and brew something else is my question. I mean, are you, it sounds like you're interested in brewing at least a beer with liquor, this brewer's licorice. I don't generally like licorice. So no, but for this one, I was willing to go for the cause here. Oh, I have a feeling this is going to be a hard feeling. If it comes up good, it's not going to be a hard sell to get anybody to drink it. I have a feeling that if it comes out shitty, it's going to be a very difficult process to get rid of this beer. My other option was to brew like a, like a peanut butter cup beer, like a peanut butter cup stout. Oh, I like that idea. But I really want to try this beer. So I have not bought the ingredients yet. I would ask that you ask around and see what you can find. Yeah, I haven't, I went to the store when I bought this dessert cart and did not, there was none there that, um, but I will go to a couple other stores and look for you. But I, I'm honestly interested in this peanut butter cup beer. If you can make a sweet baby Jesus. Yeah. That's, that's a beer that will drain the keg quickly, I think at your house. I think so too. I think that that's, it's a good one. I, you know, the, the difficult part of that one is trying to figure out how to, um, how to brew something with peanut butter. Cause it's oily. Yes. Incorporate well. Correct. I was thinking about that today when, um, one of our beers has something oily in it. I remember, oh, the white chocolate, white chocolate is oily. Yeah. It just doesn't have it in. It's, it's a lot. There's a lot of fat, a lot of like cocoa butter. That's what it is. The cocoa butter has a lot of that. So I'm like, how would you mix cocoa butter into a beer? So I don't know. Who makes the baby Jesus again? Evil twin. No, do, do claw. Do claw. You're right. Yeah. I thought even more Jesus or something is, is, is, is evil twin. Yep. Okay. Yeah. I was like, I was gonna say do big. That was a, I think it's a now defunct brewery out of Middletown, Connecticut. I think the way to do it, I'm going to have to do more research, but I think the way to do it is to use PB2 for the peanut butter. Um, the powdered stuff, the powdered stuff. Cause I just think it will be less, less oily. Right. I mean, for sure. Cacao nibs and maybe some like, like Hershey, like cocoa powder. I think is the way to like use dry ingredients versus like the wet stuff. Um, yeah. The only other thing I could think of is to throw a whole bunch of peanut butter cups in like a, like a baking dish, bake it, and then kind of scoop off the oil once it's hot. Cause I would assume it would separate. This sounds like a whole cake crouton situation again. It worked out pretty well for that one. So it did. It did. You have some experience adding wet ingredients to, uh, making them less wet. Yeah. It's, it's just, it's not the wet, it's the oil. That's what I'm worried about. Right. And I'm just, I think, I think baking it off may work or just, just dry hopping with it. I mean, it's not like it's going to be, it's not, it's not going to get added to the boil, right? So it's just going to kind of sit there. How much oil could it leak? This is what I think we should do. I think we should have a contest where we, you decide the beer you're going to brew and we open up to our listeners to name the beer. We, we, we named the beer today. We solicit the best listener suggestions we can get for names. And, uh, and we, we get a listener name, name your new beer. I like the idea. I think it'd be fun. So I'm going to, my, my goal is to brew this weekend. So I will be able to report back on the next episode, what I brewed. Um, and then we can go from the naming there. I like it. So with that, we'd like to thank you for listening. Oh, I will thank the brewery for their white chocolate aged, ale aged in bourbon barrels with cacao nibs and vanilla beans. I'm also going to thank Jordan, even though I don't know if Jordan sent this to me, but it makes sense that he would have. Maybe it was also that, maybe it was also that other guy who did like the beers around the world or around the country thing. He might've sent it to me. I'm not, I'm not sure, but I'm going to, I'm going to thank Jordan. Well, let's be real. It wouldn't be an episode of drinking alone with friends if we didn't thank Jordan. That is true. I would like to thank Outer Light for their greetings from Groton, Connecticut, IPA. And I would like to thank Firestone Walker for their 2018 velvet merkin, but I would like to thank a little bit more, uh, mountains walking for their dessert cart to barrel aged out with coffee, maple, cinnamon, and graham cracker, the best named beer we could have, we could have hoped for. Please make sure you head over to social media and follow us over at DAWF Podcast. Also make sure you follow the email at dawfpodcast at gmail.com. Head over to Discord, join the live conversation over there. Also, if you want to vote on our beer names, you can head over there and vote, vote there. Or if you want to help name my new beer, also head over there. You can also head over to Patreon for as little as a dollar a month. You can help support the podcast. It helps us do cool things like go to Asheville, pay for posting the podcast, et cetera, et cetera. You also get some bonus episodes of the podcast. You can also, if you don't feel like doing any of that, you can go to your favorite podcast app you're listening to right now and give us a five star rating and a review because that does help. And if you don't want to do that, just tell your friends and family. Otherwise, if you don't want to do that either, just keep on listening. I mean, I guess that's kind of the easiest way to help is just keep on downloading the podcast and listening. It's the easiest, it's the laziest way to do. If you want to be lazy in the new year, it's not a good new year's resolution. Nobody makes a resolution of I'm going to be lazy in the new year. So make a resolution this year and help out your favorite podcast. And with that, you can resolve to do all of those things. Yeah. Just not be lazy. If you don't want to be lazy in the new year, help your favorite podcast or even us. Yeah. If we're not your favorite podcast, help out your least favorite podcast or wherever we fall on that list, one through a million. And with that, my name's Todd. My name's Chris. And I'm Obert. And remember, if you're drinking alone, do it with friends. I think we've talked a lot about beer names today and how mountains walking doesn't do it. A burial also doesn't really do it that well. It seems like mountains walking needs to hire us to come up with their beer names. Ooh, there we go. I think we could. Maybe that's what we should have done. Instead of rolling on a broccoli triple IPA, we should have named the graham cracker, maple, coffee, cinnamon dessert beer. Yeah, that probably would have been better. We must follow them on something. Let's tweet at them. Let us name your beers. Let us name your beers. That's it. Hashtag mountains walking. Let's get on this.